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  1. F

    good basic strength workout

    Hi all, I am in need of your opinions. I'm wondering which video/DVD you all would suggest for a good solid foundation for weight training. I'm wanting to start with a solid foundation and then, after I master that, what would you suggest to move on from there? Does that make any sense...
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    Why PLB/PUB??

    Thanks for your replies everyone. I think I'll have to break down and put in an order. I've been hedging for a while on these but I think they'll be a good investment. Roylene:7
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    Why PLB/PUB??

    Ok ladies, I need to know. If I have most of Cathe's weight workouts except for the pyramids, do I really need those??? What can they do for me that the other one's can't? I read that everyone likes those very well and I am considering them, but what kind of difference will they make? What...
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    Anyone else been on high dose steroids and their side effects?

    Hi Phyllis, Yes, I have been on high dose Solumedrol. I hooked myself up to the portable IV pump every day for 6 hours for 5 days. I remember thinking that everyone says how hungry you feel and can't get enough to eat but I never felt that way--untill after my last day of IV meds. Then it...
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    Yoga for Type A???

    Hi everyone, I am thinking about putting a yoga tape on my Christmas list. I have heard a lot of good things about it. However, I know nothing much about yoga and I am also pretty much a Type A person. I am worried that it will be too slow for me as I'm always "on the go". Are there any...
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    help for a "skinny" fat

    RE: Phase 2 Wow, Bobbi, that sounds like a super game plan!! Is there anyway of printing just one "reply" without printing everything in the thread? I'd like to print some of these things but don't necessarily need all of them. Thanks for all the replies and helpful info everyone. Roylene
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    help for a "skinny" fat

    RE: help for a This is exactly right. I would like to slim down the squishy's in my legs, but if I do that I don't want to make any other area look worse because the other areas are already slender enough. That is why I am confused. Do I beef up my cardio to fix the legs? Or would less...
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    help for a "skinny" fat

    Hi Cathe and all, I am a very "skinny" person, 5'5" and 110lb, but what there is of me seems to be pretty squishy (or fat) for lack of a better term. But, only from the waist on down to my knees. Please tell me what the best and fastest way to remedy this problem would be. My ultimate goal is...
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    Hi, You posted a while back about the great results you got with your BTR. Could you share what all you do with yours? Do you use it just with Cathe's tapes or do you have a seperate routine? I'm interested in your routine with it. Thanks. :-)
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    Has anyone tried Curves for Women? Did you like it? Did you get board with it? I checked into it today. The price is right, but I don't know if it will be challanging enough down the road. Thanks for your imput.:7
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    What should I do next?

    Stacy, Did you split it up like that doing PH one week and then MIS the next? Or did you do the legs and abs from both PH and MIS on Monday and shoulders, bis, tris from both on Tues, etc? I'm hoping you'll see this. I posted earlier but it ended up kind of in a non sequential spot on this...
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    where everyone lives ?

    I live in Crete, Nebraska. GO BIG RED!!!!!:7 :7 :7
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    What should I do next?

    Stacy, Ok, I need a little extra explanation. I know, I'm slow;( Anyway, when you split it up with Legs and Abs on Monday, etc. Did you do legs and abs from both PH and MIS? Or, did you do PH one week and then MIS the next week? Also, would ME and PS be equivalent? Thanks. Roylene:)
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    What works for killer legs?

    What is your routine on the BTR? Please tell, I'm anxious to find out.
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    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    Hi, Would I be able to get a copy too? Thanks [email protected]
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    New Video Poll

    Yea!!!! More videos. I like the idea of the push/pull. The intro to Cathe would be great for those days you just aren't feeling 100% and need a lighter day. Even though the push/pull is a weight training video, I still would like to see another S & H series. I love that one and I know...
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    Just found out hubby has MS

    Hi, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I, too, have MS. I have had several MRI's, visual evoked potentials, work, and also a Spinal Tap. The Spinal Tap can tell them several things. I have a couple of lesions/plaques on my cervical spinal cord and there were a few things that were...
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    Anybody here have MS?

    Sorry to get everyone riled up. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to know if anyone had MS here. I know that it can get bad and some end up in a wheelchair and really disabled. I'm doing pretty well so far and am keeping my hopes up as this is such an unpredictible disease. No one knows what...
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    Constant Muscle Improvement - please read

    This sounds most interesting. But for those of us who need a "step-by-step" explanation, could you take us through, say, a whole week? For instance, Sunday work chest press ??# for 10 reps, rest 30 sec, then to bent over rows 10 reps, rest 30 sec.; back to chest press, etc. untill 20 min is...
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    Anybody want to part with CTX upper and leaner legs VHS tapes

    I can't seem to get into the Firm Ya Ya Swap Board. I've tried the login and fill all areas out and they keep saying I need to fill in gender and birthdate which I have filled out. Any suggestions? Roylene;(