What should I do next?


Active Member
I have been alternating PH and MIS for the last 7 weeks. I have seen great results. My entire body looks much more toned and lean. I have more muscles now than I have ever had. I plan on doing these for one more week, but then what? I was thinking about either CTX upper body w/ LL or the PS series for about 4-6 weeks. What do you guys think? I want to continue to see even more results. I don't own any of these tapes, therefore I'm not sure if they are the same types of exercises I am already doing in PH and MIS. Any other suggestions are welcome also.

Hi Stacy,
I do not own the PS series, but I do enjoy the pyramids and I think that they tend to be a little more strength oriented than PH and MIS. I am not an expert by any means. I believe CTX upper body and LL would be considered more endurance type work. I have a question for you. What weights did you work up to in PH and MIS to see such great results? Also, did you rotate PH and MIS with cardio? How many times a week did you do PH and MIS?
Thanks for your time!

When I first started doing PH I could only do the leg sets with my 15 pound bar. Now I am up to 31 pounds. I know that probably doesn't sound like a lot of weight to most of you, but I am fairly small (5'4" and 125lbs) and I went from doing a VERY small amount of exercise. (cardio maybe 2x a week)

I split it up into 5 days a week. Like this:

M-Legs and abs
T-shoulders, bis, tris
W-back and chest
Th-legs and abs

This way I was only working out about 30 mins a day. I still weigh the same but I have gone down a size in clothes. My arms finally have definition and I will actually wear shorts in public. And I really started noticing the changes when I upped my protein intake. I don't do any cardio right now but hopefully I will be able to incorporate that into my routine because I know my heart needs it.
I think you should try the PS series next, or the Pyramids as Angela suggested. They are more strength oriented and will shock your muscles in different ways. I would also continue to do my two cardios a week, especially with the PS series, as it really doesn't get your heartrate too high and cardiovascular fitness is good too!

Congratulations on your determination and your good results.
Hi Stacy! Here's another suggestion. You can do S&H series for 6 wks. & then go to PS series for 6 wks. & then back to PH & MIS tapes for 6 wks. Just a suggestion; take it or leave it;-) Kathy

I like how you split it up. Back and chest also works the bi and tri muscles (as you can feel!)

Another option is to use the whole CTX series. You would probably enjoy the change of pace. It is similar to PH and MIS but just slightly different. A little more strength oriented than PH, less than MIS. There are 5 30-minute cardio segments to choose from, too.

You could add cardio 2x a week but only work each body part once. Some of the cardio works legs well so you would still get that lower body benefit.


M Leaner Legs (this has abs)--less than 60 min
T CTX shoulders, bi, tri--about 40 min
W Power circuit cardio only (this includes weighted standing leg work) and abs-- less than 45 min
Th CTX back and chest -- about 30 min
F CTX cardio of your choice. They're all so good. Add abs or not.
--about 30-40 min

Ok, I need a little extra explanation. I know, I'm slow;( Anyway, when you split it up with Legs and Abs on Monday, etc. Did you do legs and abs from both PH and MIS? Or, did you do PH one week and then MIS the next week? Also, would ME and PS be equivalent? Thanks.

Hey Stacy...

I think you are doing fabulous if you can hold on to that 31 pound bar all the way through PH leg segments!!! You should be very proud! I have very strong legs but always seem to have to drop the weight during those nasty low ends.

I think doing the entire CTX series would do wonders for you. You already are pretty slim and just need the extra "edge". I am telling you, CTX gave me that. I got much leaner in a very short amount of time, plus as a fringe benefit, IMAX got much easier as well. Especially since you do no cardio now, this type of cardio mixed with weight training might be exactly what you need. With CTX, the only thing I would worry about is not enough heavy upper body, but you can add that in on another day if you want. Or skip the body part segments all together and mix up your own with PS. You could do each body part of PS coupled with the cardio in CTX.

Both of these series are awesome and I think you would not regret getting both. You seem pretty strong so I think PS will have limited value for you, and CTX has so much stuff..upper body, lower body, all abs, tons of different cardio, intervals...it truly is the "complete" package...

Good Luck in whatever you choose and a big CONGRATULATIONS on such wonderful progress!!

I have to also say that if you are talking about purchasing just CTX LL and UPPER BODY as opposed to purchasing the PS series I would say get the PS series. If you will go for the whole series, get CTX..
And if you already have them all, well, disregard!!!:)


Did you split it up like that doing PH one week and then MIS the next? Or did you do the legs and abs from both PH and MIS on Monday and shoulders, bis, tris from both on Tues, etc? I'm hoping you'll see this. I posted earlier but it ended up kind of in a non sequential spot on this thread so I thought it may have gotten missed.
Sorry it took me so long to get back here. I don't have computer access in the weekends. I alternate PH and MIS each week. So I do a full week just using the PH tape then the next week I use MIS all week. It seems to work pretty good for me that way. I also keep a workout journal and that helps me remeber how long I have been doing a certain tape, etc.

I ordered the PS series. I should have it Friday and will probably start on it next Monday. Hopefully I will contine to see results!

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