Anyone else been on high dose steroids and their side effects?


My name is Phyllis, I only post once in a while but frequently lurk. I have Crohn's disease and have recently had a bad flare. After being in the hospital for one week for a small bowel obstruction, the doctor sent me home on high dose steroids. Just curious if anyone has been on them before. I have and I remeber blowing up like a blowfish even though it hurts to eat. They also make me have trouble sleeping. I tried to workout yesterday but it is very hard when you feel down. thanks in advance.

Hi Phyllis~I am sorry no one has been able to help you here yet. I will be no help either as I am not familiar with steroids & their effects but wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and hope you are feeling much better. It's awful when you can't sleep well. I know this is easier said then done, but maybe shoot for 15 minutes of some type of exercise 5-6 times per week and after 15 minutes, if you want to stop, then STOP! Sometimes, the hardest thing is just starting. Did you get Cathe's new BB Series? If so, there is a ton of fun stuff and great music on this series to help perk you up! If you got the Timesaver DVD, the Workout Blender is just loaded with any amount of time you want to work out. Again, I am sorry I can't help with the steroid question but maybe someone else will pop in here soon. Keep us posted on how you are doing. HUGS 2 U!!!!

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Hi Phyllis,
Yes, I have been on high dose Solumedrol. I hooked myself up to the portable IV pump every day for 6 hours for 5 days. I remember thinking that everyone says how hungry you feel and can't get enough to eat but I never felt that way--untill after my last day of IV meds. Then it set in and boy, could I eat. It was amazing. I also had 3 days of oral steroid taper after the the IV round. I never really "blew up" like I thought I would. I did get slightly puffy-not even really noticable though. You can have trouble getting to sleep as it can make you wired. I never really had too tough of a time though. The one thing besides the eating that I really did notice, is that I broke out with acne on my face and upper back and chest. I thought it was an allergic reaction at first but one of our Nurse Practitioners said it was real common and that it was another fun side affect.

All in all, it wasn't near as bad as I had thought. Hope this helps and that you feel better.

I haven't been on steroids, but a one of my nurse friends have been recently, and she felt like her appetite increased but I haven't seen any evidence of a weight gain. She does exercise freqently, running and weight lifting at the gym. I hope all goes well for you, and that your spirits have lifted some. My thoughts and prayers go with you! Crohn's is a very difficult disease to live with. Hang in there, and know we all support you!
Hi everyone,
I justed wanted to thank everyone for posting. My problem besides the not sleeping is that I can not eat solid food. Everytime I eat soft foods like scrambled eggs or rice I am in agony. I told my gastrenterologist that this is very unlike me on steroids, when I am on steroids I can usually eat like a horse. I am back on liquids but I am depressed that I have been on steroids two weeks and no improvement. Usually two days and I feel like I could eat a horse and sometimes did. As for exercise I have been feeling down, but maybe I will try, I did get Cathe's new series. Thanks again, I just feel horrible and not even in the holiday spirit.
Hi Phyllis,
Although I've never been on a dose high enough to require IV, I did have to take a lot of Prednisone after a bought with Anaphylactic Shock, and I had many of the same symptoms you're describing. The most noticeable for me was a profound depression, which I'm sensing may be affecting you as well. Combined with the bloating, eating weirdness, and other symptoms, it was a pretty bad experience. I know you've been on steroids before and probably already know all this, but sometimes it's nice to hear it again. I'm hoping that knowing that the moodiness and funk that you're feeling is normal may help a little. If you feel up to exercising, do, but if you don't, that's okay too. Maybe a nice brisk walk, or even just a stroll outside would help lift your spirits. And hey, we're thinkin' about ya.

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