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  1. F

    HELP! Any nail techs?

    Hi Teresa, I'm not a nail tech but I've had acrylics many times. I find that the more skilled the technician is, the less brittle and nasty your real nails will be when you decide to remove the acrylic overlays. It's more expensive but well worth it, in my opinion. I had an INCREDIBLE...
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    Diet.. a bit confused

    katia7 - To me, the best diet is the one you're actually going to do! Knowing all kinds of facts/myths about what's good for you and what's not good for you is great, but if you're not going to follow them, why waste your time?!? For me, I try to choose natural, minimally processed foods...
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    Fitness Career

    Hi Mattea, You have read my mind also. I have been contemplating a career change for a while now but I'm a bit afraid to take that flying leap off the cliff. I am very frustrated in my current job. That being said, I have looked into jobs in the fitness industry quite extensively. I'm not...
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    NYC Ballet Workout?

    Thanks Cathy! I've never actually taken ballet but I was on a dance team in high school so I am familiar with many of the terms and movements. From what I understand, there isn't much "teaching" on the DVD. I wonder if I would be better off purchasing Stretch Max and Core Max from the new...
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    NYC Ballet Workout?

    Does anyone have the NYC Ballet DVDs? I've read some reviews on them and I thought they looked interesting. I would like a "gentler" workout to do at night after I've completed my daily Cathe DVD. I'm not into yoga or pilates so I thought this might be fun. I'm not looking for a...
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    Hey! My birthday is Sunday, 3/27! Lots of March birthdays around here! Jocelyn :)
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    Anyone from NC, Va, or WVa?....

    Hi - I live in Morgantown, WV but I'm from Kentucky. As far as cost of living goes, WV is much more expensive than KY (and most likely your other southern choices). The area is just OK, in my opinion - a college town with little more to offer. Pittsburgh is a little over an hour north of here...
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    Fat loss rotation DVD Substitution Suggestions

    OK - after careful analysis of the Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts, I have some ideas on substitutions. There are a few that I still have no idea on but let me know what you think: >CTX Upper Body: ??? >Leaner Legs: ??? >Cardio & Weights: Body Fusion >Pyramid Lower Body: PS Legs...
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    Fat loss rotation DVD Substitution Suggestions

    I want to do Cathe's July 2003 Fat Loss & Definition rotation but I don't have all the DVDs I need. Here are the DVDs I do have: High Step Circuit Basic Step + Body Fusion Rhythmic Step+ (Rhythmic Step, IMAX, MIC) Power Hour+ (Power Hour, MIS, Body Max) Slow & Heavy High Step...
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    Need DVD Substitution Suggestions

    Diane, Thanks for your help. I'm not really sure what to do... As for learning Rhythmic Step, that's no problem. I took advanced Step class in a gym for 6 years so the choreography is no problem at all. The endurance, however, I'll need to work on. :) I will definitely give it some...
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    Need DVD Substitution Suggestions

    Ok, I accidentally posted the wrong Rotation and it won't let me edit the original message. The Timesaver is in the 4th 3 week cycle. I can't find the thread again but I did copy & paste it into MS Word so here it is: First Three Weeks: Mon: New DVD #1/Basic Step Tues: New DVD #1/Upper...
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    Need DVD Substitution Suggestions

    Hi - I have been a lurker here for a while so I thought I'd post! I bought several Cathe DVDs a while back but I didn't get a chance to use them because I lived in an upstairs apartment and my neighbors weren't fond of my step workouts... I've moved now and I'm ready to use these videos I've...