NYC Ballet Workout?


Does anyone have the NYC Ballet DVDs? I've read some reviews on them and I thought they looked interesting.

I would like a "gentler" workout to do at night after I've completed my daily Cathe DVD. I'm not into yoga or pilates so I thought this might be fun.

I'm not looking for a hardcore workout - just a supplementary DVD. If you have this, what is your opinion?

Thanks in advance!
Jocelyn :)
I have both of them. They are gentle workouts but can help develop your extension, turnout and balance. They have very light cardio segments. The ab work stinks but I usually do other abs. I do this workout in combination with another workout or alone on a rest day. Ballet classes are the best but when you are stuck at home or on the road this helps keep you supple.
Thanks Cathy! I've never actually taken ballet but I was on a dance team in high school so I am familiar with many of the terms and movements. From what I understand, there isn't much "teaching" on the DVD.

I wonder if I would be better off purchasing Stretch Max and Core Max from the new series. I'm not really sure what's on them but they might give me what I'm looking for. Do you have those DVDs as well? Would you recommend them over the NYC tapes even though they're different workouts?

Thanks again for the response!
Jocelyn :)

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