Need DVD Substitution Suggestions


Hi - I have been a lurker here for a while so I thought I'd post! I bought several Cathe DVDs a while back but I didn't get a chance to use them because I lived in an upstairs apartment and my neighbors weren't fond of my step workouts... I've moved now and I'm ready to use these videos I've paid so much for!

Anyway, I haven't worked out in a while so I guess I would consider myself a beginner. I found a rotation Cathe wrote for beginners in a different forum and I'm excited to try it. I'm not sure if this is in the correct forum, but I need some help modifying a couple of her suggestions to fit the DVDs I currently own.

Here's the link to the rotation:

The DVDs she recommends that I do not currently own are: Timesaver, Ab Hits, and Cardio Hits.

Here are the DVDs I have:
High Step Circuit
Basic Step + Body Fusion
Slow & Heavy
High Step Training
Power Hour +
Pure Strength Series
Rhythmic Step +

Here are the VHS tapes I have:
Muscle Endurance (came with High Step)
Step Fit
Step Works
Step Jam

I would love to avoid buying extra DVDs right now if at all possible so I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in advance!
Where in the rotation of the link you posted is Timesaver?

The Cardio Hits DVD is comprised of Power Max, Step Fit, and Step Works. You have two out of three and I would think you could sub Step Fit or Step Works for Power Max.

For Ab Hits, you could FF your VHS of ME and do the abs from that, or the abs from Basic Step and Body Fusion, High Step Circuit, any of the ab work from the Power Hour+ DVD, or from Pure Strength.

Ok, I accidentally posted the wrong Rotation and it won't let me edit the original message. The Timesaver is in the 4th 3 week cycle. I can't find the thread again but I did copy & paste it into MS Word so here it is:

First Three Weeks:

Mon: New DVD #1/Basic Step
Tues: New DVD #1/Upper body Sculpt
Wed: New DVD #1/ Basic step
Thurs: New DVD #1/Lower Body Sculpt
Fri: New DVD #1/Basic Step
Sat: 40 minute walk/run plus New DVD #1/Ab workout
Sun: Rest

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: New DVD #1/Body Fusion
Tues: 30 minute walk/run
Wed: New DVD #1/upper and lower body sculpt plus ab work
Thurs: 30 minute walk/run (mostly run if you can)
Fri: New DVD #1/Body Fusion
Sat: A 30 to 60 minute stretch workout of your choice
Sun: Rest

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: New DVD #2/High Step Circuit
Tues: One workout from Cardio Hits
Wed: 30 minute run plus 10 minutes of Ab Hits plus 10 minute stretch
Thurs: New DVD #2/High Step Circuit
Fri: One workout from Cardio Hits
Sat: 30 minute run plus 10 minutes of Ab Hits plus 10 minute stretch

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: Timesaver workout #1
Tues: Timesaver workout #2
Wed: Timesaver workout #3
Thurs: Timesaver workout #4
Fri: Timesaver workout #5
Sat: 30 minute run plus a 30 minute stretch workout
Sun: off

Next Three Weeks:

Mon: ME
Tues: One of Cardio Hits
Wed: ME
Thurs: One of Cardio Hits
Fri: 45 minute run plus DVD #1/upper body sculpt
Sat: One of Cardio Hits plus DVD #1/lower Body sculpt
Sun: Rest
Okay, I traded away my TimeSaver when I got the other 3 DVDs of the Body Blast Series. So I'll tell you what I remember of it and you'll just have to get creative!

The workouts all clocked in at about 40-50 minutes. The first four of them were about 20-25 minutes of cardio, followed by weight work. TimeSaver 1 worked chest and triceps. TimeSaver 2 worked back and abs. TimeSaver 3 worked biceps and abs. TimeSaver 4 worked shoulders. TimeSaver 5 had no cardio and was lower body and abs.

You have many options for cardio. Perhaps you would want to take the time to learn Rythmic Step, or do either the Hi/lo or step portion of MIC. Or do the first couple of sections from Step Fit or Step Works.

Follow it with appropriate weight work from High Step Training or one of the workouts from the Power Hour + DVD. I think the weight work from Pure Strength and Slow and Heavy would be a bit to intensive.

My Cathe collection includes the 3 base workouts of BodyBlast, Intensity Series, Hardcore, High Step Training, and Cardio Hits. Since I don't have most of the workouts you do (gee, if we combine our resources, we might have a complete set!), I'm not in the greatest position to answer.

Perhaps others will chime in.

Until then, I hope I set you off in the right direction. Have fun!


ETA-HSTA to my list of workouts
Diane, Thanks for your help. I'm not really sure what to do...

As for learning Rhythmic Step, that's no problem. I took advanced Step class in a gym for 6 years so the choreography is no problem at all. The endurance, however, I'll need to work on. :)

I will definitely give it some thought. Any other insight anyone?

Thanks again

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