Anyone from NC, Va, or WVa?....


Hi all :) :) :)
My husband and I sold our home and we are living with family while we figure out where exactly we are going to relocate. We have no kids, and we are basing our move around my husbands music career. We are looking for a good (affordable) rural area to live, but near cities where he could play, and a place he can find other musicians. We narrowed it down to NC, VA and WVA. Basing the area's on the nearest city, these are the contenders:

The WVa area we are thinking about would be Morgantown (not too far drive to Pittsburg) -

The Va area would be Charlottesville and Orange County.

In NC, Winston/Salem, or the triangle area, or Asheville and "maybe" Charlotte (the surrounding area is more built up there than we'd like).

I was hoping to find some inside info on the area's from fellow Catheites.....If you guys know the music scene in those areas, that would be more than great!! The music is singer/songwriter type music, with a rock base. Hard to explain really.
Anything you guys could tell me would be helpful. We want to move before the new year, I'm hoping to buy our new home by fall.
Thanks so much: my email is: [email protected]
Faythe :) :)
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.
I'd need to know more about you. I live in Chapel Hill, NC, and I think I'd order the three areas for your needs:

1. Asheville, 2. Charlotte, 3. Winston-Salem.

I'm very confident about this if Charlottesville VA is desirable. You will find W-S stuffy, conservative, dull, etc. Charlotte is better.

You can PM me if you like.
Great to hear from you!
I'm from NY (and have the accent to prove it - so I am worried about being accepted in the south).
What do you need to know?
How long have you lived in Chapel Hill? How do you like it?
You said Asheville, Charlotte being ok. We love the mountains, and hiking, and farmers markets (I'm a fresh produce nut!!), and there has to be a health food/ organic store under an hour away. (I know it'd be in the city).
How's the live music scene in your neck of the woods?

PS what do you mean about Charlottesville? So far everything I've read about it sounds far. But what do you think about it?
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.
Greetings Faythe!

I lived in Greensboro for years, and its not a bad place to be. There is a decent music scene, esp. around the UNCG area and a few spots in Winston-Salem.

If you're looking for a rural, small town feel very close to a big city you might consider looking at Jamestown. It sits between Greensboro and High Point (take High Point Rd. past the mall-- about 6 miles south). It's really a pretty little town that's in the middle of everything. There's a new bypass you can hop on that will get you into Winston-Salem within 15 minutes or so. Or, if you'd prefer further out, you might look at Davidson county, particularly the Wahlburg (sp.) area.

Raleigh. . . while my husband was at UNC, he lived in Pittsboro. It's quaint, but wasn't my cup of tea. However, Chapel-Hill is gorgeous!

I have a cousin who lives in Charlotte, but I haven't had to opportunity to see much of it, except around the UNC-CH campus.

Hope this helps,
I live about an hour south of Charlottesville. I absolutely LOVE Virginia and never would think of living anywhere else, even though I was born and raised in West Virginia. Honestly, in the rural areas of Virginia, northerners are normally referred to as such, i.e. "Yankees," etc. That being said, however, there are LOTS of retirees choosing the rural counties of central Virginia to retire. Cheap land and cheaper taxes are a big plus. I don't know much about the music industry around here, but I know that the Charlottesville area is much more "liberal" and "artsy" than some of the other areas of Virginia. I don't know of anyone who isn't taken away by the Shenandoah Mountains!
Irhollid and Sarahinva - Thanks sooo much for your input.
Irhollid, where about's in Wva were you from origially? just courious. We are really trying to find the best place for my husband to find other musicians to socialise with and best place to be in driving distance to places he can play out. Tn is not out of the question, but we want to be closer to NY to visit family via car ride, not plane.

I know the most about C'ville, just started looking into NC and MOrgantown (although I hate snow, so Morgantown's on the last resort list....we just about ruled out Pa for that reason..snow). Yet I love mountains!! Can't have mountains without snow.
Any more input from anyone would be great!
There's one think doing research via internet,and books and visiting, but speaking with locals is a whole other thing.
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.
I'm originally from the NC coast, spent quite a few years in Greensboro/High Point area and am now in KY (long story!) My husband and I are looking to move back to NC/VA in the next year or so. We love the mountains, too!

I hope your search goes well,
That's funny. Ky is on our list too. IT's def. behind NC/Va. (first and second). Do you know where you guys are going to move yet? (ie a specific area in NC or Va?)
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.
We're hoping Blacksburg, but it depends on where I'm going to be able to get a job when I graduate-- we might end up in Montana before it's over with!

I have to say, I love living in KY. I lived in Lexington for almost a year and now am living with my husband in the country. Lexington is a wonderful city; about the same size as Greensboro, but it has a decidedly small-town feel to it. The people are unbelievably friendly; however, there's not much of a music scene (at least, that I've run into) unless you're into bluegrass:) I have some friends who play locally.

Take care,
Hi - I live in Morgantown, WV but I'm from Kentucky. As far as cost of living goes, WV is much more expensive than KY (and most likely your other southern choices). The area is just OK, in my opinion - a college town with little more to offer. Pittsburgh is a little over an hour north of here so that's a plus... but it's a pain if you have drive to the airport often (which I do).

I vastly prefer Kentucky (particularly Lexington) but I've been to Charlotte and it's a really nice area as well.

You can email me at [email protected] if you have more questions about Morgantown. I haven't lived here long but I can give you an unbiased opinion.

I am in Asheville, NC. There is great live music scene here. Check out for info on the live music scene. It is a great public radio station that plays a great mix of music. The music scene is really diverified around here; great area for singer-songwriters.

There are several Health Food Stores and Co-ops around. There is a nice farmer's market also.

Asheville is known for it's mix of people. Check out it may be Supposedly Rolling Stone Magazine claimed there were more "freaks" in Asheville per capita than any other area in the US and this site will give you some ideas of the activities that draw people here.

The climate is nice. We have 4 seasons; winters not too cold and summers not too hot; mountains and close to several state and national parks.

The cons would be that the cost of living is high here and rent and housing are outrageous. This area has attracted a lot of retirees; artists and musicians in the last decade and that had really driven the cost of property up. The job market here is limited; and payscales usually are lower that other areas.

All in all, it is a great place.
Sorry Faythe, I forgot to check back in this topic.

You posted:
<<Great to hear from you!
I'm from NY (and have the accent to prove it - so I am worried about being accepted in the south).
What do you need to know?
How long have you lived in Chapel Hill? How do you like it?
You said Asheville, Charlotte being ok. We love the mountains, and hiking, and farmers markets (I'm a fresh produce nut!!), and there has to be a health food/ organic store under an hour away. (I know it'd be in the city).
How's the live music scene in your neck of the woods?

PS what do you mean about Charlottesville? So far everything I've read about it sounds far. But what do you think about it? >>

If you have a NY accent many more provincial Southerners will treat you with stereotypes, just like what happens to Southerners with accents when they go to Boston or NY! You will be assumed until proven otherwise to be pushy, loud, Italian, related to the mob, etc.
Of course it won't happen often, but it may happen.
I have lived in Chapel Hill 40 years. I like it pretty well, I'm tired of it, but it's pretty nice. I think you will like Asheville better. Someone said it is expensive, but not by your standards, just by Southern ones. There is lots of coop farmer's market stuff in Asheville, nice buildings, shops, arts, and live music is good. I don't follow live music much, but I've heard good things about Asheville.

Charlottesville is almost identical to Chapel Hill, except its in the mountains and it's Virginia. It's frighteningly similar.

Now that I've read the whole thread, I think Asheville is where you wanna be.
DH and I are so opposite of a typical NYer, but we were raised here. We are like a square peg trying to fit in a round whole here. It's frustrating, and expensive. Too much for a starving artists. We are so different from our families, and neighbors and most of our friends. We are more naturalists, minimalists (to a point), I for one hate small manicured lawns, feel there are much more important things in life besides shopping in a mall and having using chemicals to have a perfectly manicured lawn and drive SUV's. NOT that every NYer is like that, just the one's we know and live near. I know there's no heaven on earth, but we are more like country folks than city/suburbanites. People only need to meet us a short time to know that about us.

My friend moved to Charlotte (job relocated from NY), but her parents moved to SC. They were shunned, and had to relocate to another part of SC, and bought 20 acres so they don't have to worry about neighbors. They keep to themselves.

Wow, can't wait to tell DH about Charlottesville being like chapel Hill. Didn't know that.
Thanks so much for the info.
The online home of singer/songwriter/guitarist
Glenn Hansen.

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