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  1. W

    FIT TV wants your input

    1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am) I work out around 7 am-10 am it varies from one day to the next. 2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? Monday- Friday 3) If you get FIT TV...
  2. W

    I can't work my glutes/hams with BTR. Suggestions?

    RE: Willow~B and TR Set-Up... Thank you Debbie! I'm going to adjust it and see what happens. I think my pins are in the same places as yours except for the long floor one. I'm pretty sure I have a lot more holes then 2 exposed. Maybe that will be the key! Thank you so much for going to...
  3. W

    Cathe! music I am pining for.

    CTX has the best music of ANY exercise videos I have. I adore it, it's so pretty and motivates me. Everytime I start one of the CTX workouts and hear the music it gets me going! I wasn't going to buy any of these workouts, because I'm not a beginner, but I'm very tempted now!
  4. W

    Flush the Fat?

    Just wanted to clear up some confusion here about the Atkins diet. You actually do eat vegetables. Even in the first phase, called induction. Fruit is not allowed in the first couple weeks because of the sugar. But veggies are essential and required. For more information you can read one of the...
  5. W

    I can't work my glutes/hams with BTR. Suggestions?

    Debbie, Thank you! Francine, Yup, I think it is the alignment of the machine. I've been juggling everything around so much it's getting a little ridiculous! I push off from the heels, push off from the ball, I've done the feet here, the feet there, the knees closer, the knees far away...
  6. W

    I can't work my glutes/hams with BTR. Suggestions?

    > Let me know if I can answer >anything else or MAYBE try to explain where the pins are set >in mine. Good Luck! >Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH I would love to know where your pins are. I have a 33 inseam in my jeans and my feet are size 10's! I wonder if that makes a difference...
  7. W

    I can't work my glutes/hams with BTR. Suggestions?

    Thanks Katherine. I have monkeyed with position as much as I possibly can. I understand the basics of standing legwork, so I've tried everything under the sun. I've also prexhausted until the cows came home! I've been trying to simulate the position I'm in when I do those one legged floor...
  8. W

    MIS vs. Pyramids?? Which is most effective?

    I've had best results using one method of strength training (like the Pyramids) for about 3 months and then switching to something else. I think our bodies adapt after that and need the change to continue to progress. But I do think the Pyramids give the best results. So I would suggest you do a...
  9. W

    Is the crew happy?

    RE: How about changing the subject? I am so relieved that there was no whooping in this series. And I didn't notice them being more subdued or less happy but I did notice no whooping! I am one of those people who can't do the bicep section of PUB because of that constant noise. So I am very...
  10. W

    I can't work my glutes/hams with BTR. Suggestions?

    I have had my BTR for a month now. I just can't seem to get it to hit my glute/ham area no matter how I mess with placement of my feet or alter seat placement. I feel it a lot in my quads, inner thighs and calves but as far as the glute/ham area-basically nothing. I bought more 25 lb bands...
  11. W

    High Reps/Low Weight

    Boy if HERS is trying to get me to lift heavy they shouldnt be showing me that picture of those women in that article above! When I was lifting heavy my quads looked like that and none of my clothes fit! Also, are they saying in that article that Marian Jones doesn't do any cardio? I know for a...
  12. W

    I want to know!!!

    After the Intensity series came out I believe Cathe and crew did post what they did as far as their eating habits and exercise habits. They told us what they did differently in training for the Intensity series. That info can probably still be found somewhere I would guess. Yep, it's still...
  13. W

    Is there a KPC premix with no high impact cardio?

    Wow! I was on the Ya Ya board and found a link to this CAthe site that had all the premixes listed. I wish I had known that.
  14. W

    Is there a KPC premix with no high impact cardio?

    Oh!That sounds like a workout I might do, but I didn't take the time to look at those. Thanks Sandra!
  15. W

    Is there a KPC premix with no high impact cardio?

    Well, after spending last night watching premixes I think the best option is the "kicking and punching" one. That just has windmill section in it. I also used the workout blender and left out the High intensity drills and that left out quite a bit of the impact but still a lot of kickboxing...
  16. W

    Is there a KPC premix with no high impact cardio?

    I just don't like that type of cardio in my kickboxing workouts. And if I have to modify so much it kind of detracts from the quality of the workout for me. I'm odd that way! I really like the kicking and punching and combo's in KPC and that's really all I want to do. Besides, I was hoping...
  17. W

    Is there a KPC premix with no high impact cardio?

    I don't like the KPC workout as it is with all the high impact cardio segments in it. So I'm trying to figure out if any of the premixes are what I'm looking for. I don't like the step extensions where she windmills her arms and I don't like the run/high jog sections either. Thanks for you...
  18. W

    Are all Catheites peanuts????

    Just had to add that I rarely if ever post here. I read often and excercise to Cathe nearly everyday. I often feel that the majority of exercisers here are amazon peanuts! So this thread caught my eye and I'm so glad I read it. I am 5'11 and weigh 185 and wear a size 12. I am very happy...
  19. W

    Any other Cathe workouts like Powerhour?

    Hmmm maybe I'll have to try CTX. I no longer use weights on my lower body and do very little standing legwork at all anymore. I prefer floorwork. But when I do lunges I love the Powerhour lunges. So the idea of CTX Upperbody really appeals to me. Thanks alot for your thoughts!
  20. W

    Any other Cathe workouts like Powerhour?

    I love that workout and have found that style of training gives me great results. Lower weight/higher rep that is. I'm thinking about buying the Slim Series but would prefer another Cathe workout if possible. I like to keep my strength training separate from my cardio.