I can't work my glutes/hams with BTR. Suggestions?


I have had my BTR for a month now. I just can't seem to get it to hit my glute/ham area no matter how I mess with placement of my feet or alter seat placement. I feel it a lot in my quads, inner thighs and calves but as far as the glute/ham area-basically nothing. I bought more 25 lb bands thinking perhaps resistance was the issue. While that has helped with having to do less reps, I still can't seem to get the backs of my legs.

Is there some trick to using it that I'm not getting? I bought it to work the backs of my legs so this is very frustrating to me.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I don't have a Bun and Thigh Rocker, but I suggest you place your feet as far forward as you can, and make an effort to push though your heels (kind of like the " front of your heels" ). You could feel this more, perhaps, if you did a set of quarter deadlifts, or some floor glute work first (those " donkey kick" lifts with ankle weights) to preexhaust the glutes and hams.
Thanks Katherine. I have monkeyed with position as much as I possibly can. I understand the basics of standing legwork, so I've tried everything under the sun. I've also prexhausted until the cows came home! I've been trying to simulate the position I'm in when I do those one legged floor butt lifts Cathe does. Those really target the area I'm trying to get to, but I can't seem to find the right position.

I bought the thing because I heard so much here about how wonderful it was at hitting the glute/ham area. That's why I can't figure out why it's been so hard to get it right.

I guess all I can figure is I'm too strong for it, which is really a disapointment. Cause then I have a piece of exercise equipment sitting in my house that I can't use.

Thank you so much Katherine for you support. I wish I could hear from some of those folks who actually bought one.
Hi willow,
I have a BTR and I have the same problem as you.

The one thing I never could really figure out for myself was the length of the base bar. I was never sure if I had it too short or too long.

Also, I noticed that my knees felt it (in all the exercises) when using the BTR - definately not what I wanted to feel. And I don't think it was a matter of strength for me because I had purchased an extra set of 25# bands and had it loaded with 2 x 25 + 1 x 10 on each side.

The one thought I did have was that my feet were too big and so I really couldn't get great foot placement without having my toes hanging over the top which made it worse for my knees. (I wear size 9 or 9 1/2 depending on the shoe.)

My BTR is in the garage...:( I'd love to sell it but the thought of dealing with the shipping is more than I can handle.
I don't know what to tell you. Mine hits the bun and hamstring area just fine. I also have big feet and I keep them right in the middle of the platform. I have it set so me knees are exactly 90 degrees in the bent position.

Maybe it depends on how you're built and the length of your legs. You could always use it for quad work, and then get off and use the tall step to hit the glutes.
I have one and I feel it in my glutes/hams. I have a feeling it is in the placement of the pins that you set your machine up. This is just a guess because we bought one for my daughter and she said when she gets on ours, it is more challenging. We decided that it must have to do with how she set the positioning of the parts of the machine. Does this make sense? I told her that I'll have to write down which holes the pins are in on mine and then come to her house and set up her machine the exact same way. She & I are the same height and have short legs. I am not sure shoe size would affect it though. I am a 7 and she is an 8 or 8 1/2. I push thru my heels to get the glutes/hams. Let me know if I can answer anything else or MAYBE try to explain where the pins are set in mine. Good Luck!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Came back to say that if I want to feel it in my hams/glutes more, I put either half of my foot on the footplate & push thru heels or JUST my heels with my toes above the plate. Hope this makes sense?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
> Let me know if I can answer
>anything else or MAYBE try to explain where the pins are set
>in mine. Good Luck!
>Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH

I would love to know where your pins are. I have a 33 inseam in my jeans and my feet are size 10's! I wonder if that makes a difference somehow. I really want to make this thing work for me and I'm just so sure it's how I have it set up to fit my particular body. I always push with my heels and that doesnt seem to matter either. The only way I feel anything in the back of the leg is to do one legged squats on it at maximum poundage. And even at that it's not as much as I feel when I do the butt lifts on the floor or tablework for my hams.

Thank you so much for any help you can give. I appreciate it so much!

I'm headed to teach a class right now but I'll respond back with the pin locations as soon as I can. I have short legs and wear a size 7 in shoes so not sure our sets ups would be the same??? Too bad they don't have a set plan for certain heights. I'll be back in touch.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
DebbieH nailed it,the sizing up of the BTR is soo crucial so that you are in proper alignment to do all the exercises and be able to work and feel the muscle group you are working!( It takes some slight finigling of foot positioning)-stack the knees right over the ankles-not the toes-all the weight in your heels-wiggle your toes as you do a few to get use to not putting any weight distributed in that area (even keep your toes slightly up to really feel it more)always keep small of back pressed back and chest lifted(no leaning)only legs working!
I had a friend who was ready to sell the BTR cause she wasn't feeling it either-her set up was all wrong and she now feels all the working muscles!
Keep us posted and Good luck(that can be very frustrating-if you can get near a mirror check your profile or take a profile pic and see if you are at your 90 90 angles)
I'm 5'6" with my length in my legs (don't know my inseam) and my Ryka shoe size is 9 1/2. If you figure out your pin settings, I'd love to know so I can see if I can figure out mine...I'd have sold it already if I could figure out how to ship it...
Thank you!

Yup, I think it is the alignment of the machine. I've been juggling everything around so much it's getting a little ridiculous! I push off from the heels, push off from the ball, I've done the feet here, the feet there, the knees closer, the knees far away. I've used a 90 degree and more! I've done the seat pulled out, the seat pulled in! I feel like that circus music should be playing everytime I monkey with it.

Stargazer, If I come up with a solution I'll let you know. I don't want to give up yet because I really like the idea of doing my standing leg work on it. I am so bored with leg tapes and their endless lunges/squats/presses I could scream!

Thanks everybody!
Willow~B and TR Set-Up...

Okay, let's see if I can figure out how to explain this. Keep in mind I am just under 5'4" tall with short legs. Be sure that your knees do not extend past your toes when in position. (Not bent to MORE then a 45* angle.)

Behind the footplate: I have the pin in the middle hole.

The long piece that is on the floor from front of machine to back of machine: Next to the knob that loosens or tightens, I have 2 holes exposed.

Behind the headrest pad: I have 1 hole exposed.

The bar behind the back pad at the bottom of the pad (where you rest your back while rocking): I have my pin in the bottom hole.

The short bar (the one that is only about 8" long) inbetween where you place your bands, is pointed at about a 45* angle towards the rear of machine & then the pin is inserted. (I think this is the only way this bar can go???)

Okay, I know this has to be hard to visualize. I was going to give you the exact numbers of the parts by looking at my manual but they are very hard to distinguish one part from the other. Willow, let me know if you have any other questions and I'll try to help. I really like my machine and when I was doing it faithfully a couple of years ago, I got great results in my rear/back of thigh area. (And, let me tell you, those are VERY stubborn areas for me.) I am dealing with an injury right now but when it is healed I am hopping back on it! :7 Good Luck. I know it has to be frustrating to buy a machine and feel like it is worthless. Keep me posted.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Willow~B and TR Set-Up...

Thank you Debbie!
I'm going to adjust it and see what happens. I think my pins are in the same places as yours except for the long floor one. I'm pretty sure I have a lot more holes then 2 exposed. Maybe that will be the key!

Thank you so much for going to all this trouble, I appreciate it so much. I'll let you know if it helps.

Hi Willow ,
How are you making out with your set up? I hope all is aligned properly for you so you'll be rockin(and feeling it) in no time!

Once your positioning is proper try to use "genie arms" in front of you to take any load off of your upperbody-(this will reassure you that all your weight is in your heels)(you may also want to extend your arms out in front)
Let us know how you make out!

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