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  1. J

    Low Max

    judejude I've always treated lower differently from uppers. I don't want my leg muscles getting too bulky so yes, I do PLB and then run the next day. I just ordered low max yesterday after reading these awesome post. Now I can do Low Max instead of always running as my cardio. So yes, I...
  2. J

    Slow and Heavy compared to Gym-Style Workouts

    I have long thin arms and finally are getting them to look like little Popeye arms. I have been doing GS uppers putting a day of cardio (run) in every other day. This has been allowing my muscles time to grow. Originally I was doing a weight workout everyday..different areas but was...
  3. J

    Workout with most ball work?

    I love the ball workout in PLB. I credit the ball work in that video to defining my hamstrings...nothing like it. ~Chrissy~
  4. J

    PUB/PLB who loves it???

    Hi Wantfit, I am no expert but I have read that you need to give your muscles 48 hrs to rest. If you do PU and then the next day PL you are not really giving your upper body time to grow the new muscle. In PL you are constantly carrying poundage and lifting those weights. I would suggest a...
  5. J

    Stability Balls on

    Mine is a's been 5 years and I have never had to refill it! ~Chrissy~
  6. J

    Cardio & fat burning--interesting article

    Thanks Maximus, You are the best! It's funny because I just read something very similiar on Ms. Fits site. A girl was depressed because she was spending 2-3hrs a day between cardio and weights and wasn't dropping any weight. Everyone chimed in 1hr is enough. 40 min of weights and 20-30 of...
  7. J

    Is combining GS w/ S&H's okay?

    Hi Everyone, I have been rotating the GS uppers and have been seeing great results in my upper body. I also do P lower and run for cardio. I still want to increase muscle size and definition in my arms so I ordered and just received the S&h's I was thinking of doing one body part per day...
  8. J

    Trouble areas of the body

    I agree. When you can see the muscle def of my abs it's because I have dieted and people start telling me I look too thin. I have two boys and one takes after his Dad (can bounce a quarter off his stomach) and the other is thin like myself but has a little jiggle on his belly. Ab work does...
  9. J

    A good pilates DVD?

    I have Cathe's Core Max and was wondering if there would be much benefit to purchasing a pilates workout too. I wonder why cathe doesn't have one. ~Chrissy~
  10. J

    Has anyone read "Iron Dolls"

    I went to the Ms. Fit website and read the highlights of Iron Dolls. Sounds like Sessions really knows what she is doing. Has anyone purchased this e-book? Is it worth the $ ~Chrissy~
  11. J

    The "No sweets for a month" Challenge

    RE: The This is the challenge I need! I have to laugh because when I opened this post I was sucking on my 2nd fireball. Today we had a cookout and I had Icecream cake for my father in laws bday. My sign name is Jujygrl for Jujy fruit candy! I'm in!:-) ~Chrissy~ P.S. How do you do...
  12. J

    Does running burn off muscle?

    Monica Brant does cardio (running) 5X's per week and she maintains her muscle. I keep hearing diet is more than 50% of the magic formula and I believe it.
  13. J

    I cooked some tastey chicken tonight!!!

    Sarah, I made your chicken recipe tonight and mixed it in w/salad, the feta too. It was delicious. Thanks a bunch:-) ~Chrissy~
  14. J

    Amy B...I am getting great results w/ GS uppers 2x's a week

    RE: Amy B...I am getting great results w/ GS uppers 2x'... Sunday ~Bootcamp Monday ~30 min run/GS CT Tuesday~ 30 min run/ GS BDB Wed ~Pyr Lower Thurs ~GS CT Fri~ 30 min run/GS BDB Sat~ 45 /20 min of core My arms have more definition, I've lost the pad of belly fat and I feel...
  15. J

    i want to know which state has the most catheites!

    Taxachusetts...oh I'm sorry lovely Massachusetts
  16. J

    Any female runners around here?

    I do the same thing as Trish. I love to run outside and can run 4 miles no problem. The way I get through the treadmill is 1. Definately have a t.v. program on and 2. Run a full minute at top speed then let myself recover 1/4 mile then repeat. I usually set it at 6.3 on a 2 incline for the...
  17. J

    Miles a day

    I run every other day 3-4 miles. I run fast and hard to burn a lot of calories. I mix it up from the track treadmill and road. Variation works best for me. :-) ~Chrissy~
  18. J

    Amy B...I am getting great results w/ GS uppers 2x's a week

    Hi Amy, I think it was you who mentioned you were going to try to get in the GS uppers 2x's a week. I have been doing this now for two weeks and am seeing great results. I also am running 4x's per week, doing 1 lower pyramid, 1 Bootcamp and 1 Core. In 6 weeks I will have to mix that up but...
  19. J

    Shark for dinner!!!

    I had it once at Bugaboo Creek. They season it similiar to swordfish. I prefer tuna steaks and swordfish over mako shark. Let us know how you liked it. On a side note I am going grocery shopping tomorrow and I plan on picking up the ingredients for your chicken seasoning. Can't wait to...
  20. J

    I cooked some tastey chicken tonight!!!

    Hi Sarah, Sounds quick, healthy and kind of recipe. I've never added mint to anything. It that a extract or do you just throw a mint leaf in the skillet? ~Chrissy~