Shark for dinner!!!

My husband brought shark home from the grocery yesterday...WTF!!LOL!!! I think we are grilling it. Any advice? I have no idea how to cook shark...or even what it tastes like!
I had it once at Bugaboo Creek. They season it similiar to swordfish. I prefer tuna steaks and swordfish over mako shark. Let us know how you liked it.

On a side note I am going grocery shopping tomorrow and I plan on picking up the ingredients for your chicken seasoning. Can't wait to try.:9

Oh, oh, oh!! I love shark!!

I marinate it in a honey/crushed red pepper/sesame oil marinade and grill it. So stinking good, and you will love it too! Not fishy like salmon, yet I think you can do anything to it that you would do to salmon.

There was a thread here a while back with "fishy recipes" in the title. They had the best ideas. I will look for it.
If you can get your hands on some shark, I highly recommend it! I really liked it and I HATE HATE HATE seafood! It is a "texture" issue for me. I like salmon (Sockeye...that is) and tuna steak is pretty good, and mahi mahi. If it's slimey and smelly...yuck! No lobster, crab legs, oysters, shrimp.

The shark was very much like steak. We put some spray butter on it, sprinkled on some garlic, pepper and a dash of lime.
I like any kind of fish like shark, tuna steaks, swordfish, etc. grilled. Try brushing with a little bit of olive oil and a touch of soy sauce. Grill, then serve with wasabi mayo. I think French's makes a light wasabi mayo that is excellent.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news....but I wouldn't recommend eating shark because it's often highly contaminated with mercury.

Most large fish like shark, tuna, swordfish have higher levels of mercury because they are both higher on the food chain and large animals therefore they consume large amounts of smaller mercury contaminated fish.

Mercury is particularly harmful to women of childbearing age because it can cause serious birth defects.

You can read more about it here:

Also, many shark species are endangered because they have been so heavily overfished. Although many people don't particularly care for sharks because of their (false) reputation as "maneaters" - they're actually very important to the ecology of the ocean and to the earth overall because they're at the top of the food chain.

I won't get on my marine conservation "soapbox" here (but feel free to visit my website!

But for those of us who love seafood, it's increasingly important to eat the right kinds - both for our own health and so that our kids will be able to enjoy seafood too. Here's a link to a seafood guide for consumers:


Edited to add this link as well for more info:

P.S. Sarah - I'm faithfully sticking with the challenge, and am up to about 10 pushups per set. My BF has challenged me with a $1000 bet to be able to do 50 per set. He's insane - and I never agreed to the "bet" but I'm definitely up for the challenge!
Thank you Joni, I'll have to check those sites. I love seafood, but realize there are both health and ecological concerns. It's hard to find clear, understandable information about what to avoid. Just recently salmon has been in the news, because farm bred fish was supposed to have higher mercury levels then wild, but not a week after I read that report somewhere, I heard that it depended on what part of the world the farm raised fish was from. I hope these websites will help.
Take a look at them - and if you're still confused, let me know.

I'm going to be working on the "sustainable fishing" section of my website all weekend, so by next Tuesday I should be well-versed in what to eat and what not to eat!

It is very confusing, and the problem with mercury level reporting is that, although it's been a problem for years, it's only recently begun to be analyzed and monitored. I'm sure the seafood industry battles with the FDA in terms of what to report to the public, and we all wind up more confused that informed!


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