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    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    These sound great! Would you please send them to me at [email protected] Thank you!
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    DVD player

    RE: Programming across DVDs Wow! That sounds great... I doubt the CV40 Panasonic can do it though if the more recent version (CV50) does not. But I'll check it out anyway. You never know!
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    DVD player

    RE: Does it program across the DVDs? Hi Erin! Actually, I'm not sure what you mean by "program" across DVDs. I'm assuming you mean can I automatically go from Cardio Kicks DVD then do something from my Pure Strength DVD. I(for example) go to Disc 1, then do the menu options to do whatever...
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    DVD player

    Hello! I got a DVD player about a month ago so I could buy Cathe's X-Train series on DVD so I could mix and match. I especially like this because I can use it to just do the strength portions at the end of each tape, but with the DVD, I don't have to switch VHS tapes constantly. This DVD was...
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    VHS & DVD Presale Prices

    Hello! I think there is an error on the DVD page of your announcement. In the last section where it says Power Hour, MIS, and Body Max (for 49.99)... underneath for the description you have put: Interval Max (I think this should say Power Hour) Circuit Max (I think this is wrong... should be...
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    New tapes this summer?

    Hi! Just a suggestion. I do not have room for a barbell either. I keep my weights in the living room with my couch, TV, etc. I invested in a "curl bar" instead of a barbell. It isn't as long as a barbell and you can do the same things with it that Cathe uses the barbell for.
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    Need Yoga tape suggestions!

    Hello! Baron Baptiste has three new yoga tapes out (LIVE). 2 of them are 30 minutes and one is 60-minutes. They are really good. Not extremely difficult, but not wimpy either. Bryan Kest's set is excellent too. I also like the Ali McGraw yoga. Total Yoga is also a good one with Tracy Rich...
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    2nd DVD feeback request...

    I like Option No. 2! Thank you!
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    DVD Feedback Wanted

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-01 AT 07:05PM (Est)[p]Looks great to me! I don't have a DVD player, but maybe it is time I get one. Your DVD combinations make a lot of sense. I don't really know what a DVD player does, but I think it allows more flexibility in workouts... so, I'm all for it! Thanks!
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    Step Platform that is smaller

    Hi! Thank you. I took your advice and just ordered two more sets of risers. I saw that Cathe uses 4 risers for her step-ups which I think equals 12 inches. Plus she is much taller than me. I am 4' 11". So, I'll just add one riser for now (so I'll use 3 to start) and I'll work my way up to...
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    Step Platform that is smaller

    RE: Small Step I'll definitely go take a look at it... thanks!
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    Step Platform that is smaller

    RE: Small Step Hi Erin! Thanks for letting me know. I think I will just buy some extra risers though. Thanks again.
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    Step Platform that is smaller

    Hi Cathe! In your PS Legs tape, you use a step that has risers under it (for step-ups), but it is a square step platform (not rectangular like the step you need to use for stepping). Do you know where I could get one of those? It's either that or I have to buy four new risers to add under my...
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    Older Videos

    Hello Cathe! I was very happy thinking that I had every single video that you put out. However, I was in ebay recently and typed in your name. Up popped a couple of videos that I had never seen. One was the "Home Stepping Video" and the other was called "Fit and Firm". The box looked...