Need Yoga tape suggestions!

Sorry, I keep hitting that stinken enter button--UGH.

Okay, I have NEVER done yoga. Would really appreciate your suggestions. Ashtanga? Am/Pm with that Lee dude? Baron Baptise? Should I just learn the basics or would I catch on? I am pretty coordinated, have a dance background, but maybe that doesn't matter with yoga. HELP, Educated Crowd!! Thanks and Happy Easter everyone! DebD
Hi Debbie,
Would you prefer tapes that are more active or relaxing and focus more on longer stretches? It's really hard to guess what you would prefer. I would think you would be able to catch on to Power Yoga right away if you prefer to be more active. I personally prefer a more relaxed Yoga. Some people prefer Power Yoga.

I would be happy to suggest some tapes if you prefer a more relaxing Yoga.
Dawn W
a few I like

I have Bryan Kest's 1st 3 volume set and love them if you're into power yoga, intense and Bryan isn't too hard on the eyes :D Living Arts yoga for weight loss is pretty good, I got it because it has a DVD option, love that. My favorite and I would love to hear if there's one out there that compares, is Ali Macgraw's yoga, mind, body...relaxing yoga with Erich's calming voice and beautiful scenery and calming music.
there's my suggestions!
RE: I love yoga!!!

Hey Deb D!! I love yoga and try to do it everyday! My suggestions are: Ali MacGraw's Yoga Mind & Body, Crunch Joy of Yoga, Yoga with Ateeka, Yoga Zone's Yoga for Weightloss, and YZ's Total Body Conditioning. The 1st 3 are my top 3 choices and the ones I use the most. I have others, like Bryan Kest, but he just struck me as creepy. Even if he is quite handsome! I have a Rodney Yee tape also, but I didn't like his style either. Ali's is the best in my opinion. With the other two as a tie for second. I interchange them depending on the time that I have. Crunch's is about 30min long, while Ateeka's is 1hr. Both are great also. Ok, there's my 2 cents. Hope it helps ya'!

Kathy Smith has an excellent 3-video series co-taught with Rod Stryker, for beginners, intermediates, and the New Yoga Challenge for more advanced yoga practitioners. I have the Challenge tape and have done it sporadically, but it's really good. (Just don't have the time to do all the workouts I'd like to do!) Actually, Smith is the participant and Stryker is the instructor - Kathy Smith knows when to defer to a master!

My first yoga tape was Crunch Joy of Yoga, which I loved and did for about 3 weeks. THen I got Kundalini with Karen Carleson (sp?) which is more mystical and relaxing...but the poses are nonetheless challenging (it's way long, tho, 75 min) Those are my gentle yoga tapes.
For strenght building, I love YogaZone Power Yoga with Lisa Bennett. It is very challenging, and I still, months later, do it once a week min.
I really like Brian Kest as well for "hot yoga" (I thought it was really funny someone found him creepy,but I can see the potential)
I don't care for Rodney Yee. I find the transitions between moves "choppy" and his voice grates on me. I just never seem to care for the combinations he puts together, either, although some love him.
This is my thought-
If you like Crunch, you'll like Kathe Smith, Karen Voigt, the beginner YogaZone series, and Ali.
If you like powerful moves, you'll probably like inter/adv YogaZone, Baptise, Kest, and maybe Yee.
See if your video store has one for rent. If not, try the beginner first. If you're not challenged, move on to an intermediate.
I think you will love this as an addition to your routines. I really look forward to my yoga.
Yeah! Another Person to Help Spend Money

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-16-01 AT 11:11AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Debbie Daily -

Thanks for your nice post in the Open Discussion forum. Here's an ode to entice Cathe to "Go West Young Woman-Go West!"

My life's Quest
Is to bring Cathe West
For a road trip soon
Oh, wouldn't we all swoon

To have Her here
To make our workouts such sheer
Joy and pain,
Oh NO!, she said crazy 8's AGAIN

Oh Cathe please have pity
On your fans in this vicinity
Not only because we love you
And would stop the earthquakes, clear the freeways of traffic and keep the lights on for you
But also because, we have at hand
Many tickets for Eric to Disneyland!

(don't worry, I do not make my living as a writer.)

Suggestions in addition to the great ones you've received already (I'm a beginner and not anywhere near the same league as some of these other yogis). I've added favorites that are not strictly or exclusively yoga (but always leave me feeling relaxed and calm) so disregard if they're not what you had in mind:

Yoga Zone Conditioning and Stress Release (beginners) - a little bit of everything (stretching, strength, meditation)
in just under an hour

PM Yoga for Beginners - it's amazing how much this can unwind
me in only 20 minutes, flexibility and strength, I like the
extra attention to the lower back.

Karen Voight's Pure & Simple Stretch - 35 minutes, lots of
attention to neck, shoulders and upper back.

Scott Cole's Millenium Stretch - a blend of tai chi, yoga,
yoga-inspired moves and a "just the right amount of time"
meditation. More focused on stretching and flexibility than
strength, but I have never done this tape without having a
smile on my face at the end of it.

One of the reasons I like these so much is that all of the instructors give lots of form pointers and feedback on where you should be feeling the stretches or the muscle fatigue.

I've also been able to get ideas from Video Fitness forum yoga check-ins - although my amateur's observation is that most of the people who check there are pretty advanced. FWIW.

Happy posing.

Try Karen Voight's Yoga Sculpt, Kathy Smith's New Yoga Challenge, and Living Arts Yoga for Weight Loss with Suzanne Deason.

Baron Baptiste has three new yoga tapes out (LIVE). 2 of them are 30 minutes and one is 60-minutes. They are really good. Not extremely difficult, but not wimpy either. Bryan Kest's set is excellent too. I also like the Ali McGraw yoga. Total Yoga is also a good one with Tracy Rich. Baron's older yoga tapes are good as well (The next challenge, Ultimate Yoga). Rodney Yee is also an excellent choice. All his videos are good. Well, these are my preferences to yoga. I know it seems like a lot, but there are many yoga tapes that I have done once, then sold on e-bay because they were not for me. I really didn't like Kathy Smith's yoga tapes (just not for me), but others seem to like her. Namaste!
RE: Yeah! Another Person to Help Spend Money


Oh my God, YOU are histerical! Just what I needed to read after an Easter visit with my in-laws-- I could hug you for the cheer your poem provided me. Thanks for this Yoga info. All the girls here are so great. Gave me warm fuzzies to come home to such considerate posts. Gosh, is it just me or does it seem like NOBODY knows about Cathe out here? Really weird. I feel as if I am getting away with a "guilty pleasure". Thanks again and PLEASE keep writing! DD
Hey All!

Thank you girls for giving me your input. It means alot to me. Okay, so I'm thinking: "I run 20mi. a week and do Cathe weights 4x's a week w/one Imax...I can run some hills and do a yoga tape( Rodney Yee's Yoga conditioning for Athletes..belongs to my mother-in-law). NOT!!!! I am so SORE! My core muscles, my lower back, shins and glutes( from the hill runs). I am one limping pitiful looking latina. Okay, okay, so yoga is not a wimpy endeavor. Rodney Yee is okay, don't like a man that has better hair than me though. Really enjoyed holding and breathing through certain moves! KEWL feeling. Peaceful. Kind of spiritual. Hmmm? Yoga? Yea, okay I could add this to the mix pretty easily.Especially after a run...ooooh yea. Thanks everyone. I think I gonna go yoga. I'll continue to hunt down other tapes and give them a try. DD
Hi, Debbie.

The best Ashtanga tapes (the authentic practice from which "power yoga" is derived) can be found at
They are led by David Swenson. I recommend "short forms" and the "Primary Series," as well as his excellent book. They are the closest thing to an Ashtanga yoga class out there!!

Hi Shannon,

Thanks for the suggestion! Tell me a little about Ashtanga. Is it athletic or soothing? Easy to catch on to? I appreciate your input. Deb
Hey, Deb!

Ashtanga yoga is both athletic and soothing. It can be practiced by people who are at all different fitness levels, because all poses can be modified. It generates a great deal of heat, however, and can be EXTREMELY strenuous. The poses are linked through the use of vinyasa, which creates a continuous flowing motion, and there is a focus on the breath. The best introduction is through an Ashtanga class, but D. Swenson's tapes and book are WONDERFUL; consider him the "Cathe of Ashtanga!" :) Good luck and namaste!

Beginning: These 3

Ali McGraw, Kathy Smith New Yoga, and Yogasculpt with Karen Voight--a little more advanced, but great.

Then; as others have mentioned Kathy Smith's Yoga Challenge--one of my favorites.
RE: Beginning: These 3

Hey Murph!

Thanks, I'll be doing my tape shopping this week. All your suggestions sound great and easy to find, which speaks to me! DebD

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