2nd DVD feeback request...

If MIC and Interval Max were one DVD and MIS and Bodymax were another, I'd pick option one. But I like Option 2 as is.
Let me tell you again how much I am enjoying the CTX series on DVD. I can only hope the rest of the fitness world follows your lead and starts putting all of their videos on DVD.
option 2 sounds good!

I like option 2 because I can see myself rotating parts of Power Hour, MIS & Body Max and I'd love to do that from a single DVD.

But I really don't care which option you choose, I'm thrilled that Cathe supports the DVD format - it really opens up a whole new world in exercising. I can pick and choose depending upon the time I have each morning. Very convenient and I love the variety.

Keep up the good work!

Dawn P.
Option #2

Option #2 sounds great. I would prefer not to have one workout on a DVD and I don't mind the mixing of old and new releases. Thanks for listening to our input! Can't wait for the a release of the classics.


I love the format for #2!! It will be so much fun to pick and choose which cardios & which strength we want to combine. If you think you are busy now, Cathe, wait til everyone starts asking you to put rotations together for these DVD's!! :7 Yehaaaaw!!!! Thanks for being the classy company you are and for all your hard work.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
#2 gets my vote

After reading all of the requests from yesterday and today, I'll have to agree that keeping cardio and stength grouped on their own DVD does have merit. I especially like Power Hour and MIS on one...just for programming a combined workout from the two. I have a feeling they will compliment each other nicely.

Thanks for asking and listening:)!

I'm gonna have to go with option #2 also! I like the idea of primarily having cardio alone or strength alone on each DVD.

Thank you, thank you Cathe and SNM for being so professional and asking for input from your dedicated fans :D !!

I am one excited girl !!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy !!!

I am all for option #2 but I think option #1 is best, Body Max
or MIC should be paired with Interval Max, because some people might not want to buy old workouts just to get the new ones as in option #2.
Option 2

I like the all cardio DVD option and all Weight training DVD option the best. I can't wait to see them!

Mandy Lee
RE: Option 2

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-01 AT 09:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Of course, you knew you wouldn't get a consensus :-rollen ...but it's close! I vote for Option 2. I also can't wait for your older videos to go on DVD!! Bring 'em on :7 !!!!

Oh, yeah...did I say THANKS!!!
I guess I am in the minority, but I would prefer option 1. I'd like to be able to get all the new tapes on DVD, but don't want to have to repurchase old workouts to get them.

My feeback is: Option 2 - that wasn't an easy decision, because both options look good, but I, like others, like to have the cardio and the strength workouts grouped together. You can always slide one out and the other one in - or, in my case, have my husband do it since I still don't know how to work the DVD.

You are the bestest, Miss Cathe! Thanks!

I prefer #1

Especially if you were to put IMAX and BodyMax together like Blinda suggests.

But If you go the other route it will give me an excuse to get that multi-DVD player I've been eyeing!
Option #2

both sound great but I prefer option 2. Thanks for listening to our feedback. You really do a great job! Happy Easter!

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