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    I just got my tracking number!!!

    HI I got mine last night TOO!! I get mine on Friday- I cannot wait. Which one will do you first?
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    Does your family workout too?

    I would love it if my DH worked out but he just says no!! The only one I can beg to is my youngest,who is 8, she thinks Cathe looks fun but cant handle it. She did try KPC until the drills. I asked her to compare it to her competitive gymnastic workouts (12 hrs/week), she stated that there is...
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    OK.... i just have to ask this....

    Very well said!! I too dont feel deserving of the free gift, due to the fact that I ordered in Sept 06. I am glad there is a better vibe! :D :D
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    Dianne I am directing it at anyone because I see others have gotten their preoders fulfilled. I didnt order til Sept of this year. I am afraid I may not get mine next week. I am anxious about getting the videos and slightly scared!! It buys me time to build up my endurance, just look at the...
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    Hi I was wondering when did you preorder??
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    Hurray, Cathe! Got my confirmation . . .

    wondering Just very very curious when did you order?? I ordered in Sept of THIS year, I may get mine hmmmmmm in the next two weeks SNIFF SNIFF!! Good Luck to you:D :D
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    Dog problems again

    Hi Laura I had this same problem with my dog, who was a German Sheperd. He had hip problems thats genetic in that breed. He would yelp so loud until he finally stood up. It got so bad we had to pick him up, which was not an easy task. He is now in a much better place, and very much pain free...
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    New puppy also- Toasty the Mosty

    Hi there, I just purchased a puppy from a Corgi breeder, he's 4 months old. I also have a 5 yr old Corgi(male). My problem and question for Charlotte, how in the world do you get two dogs to get along?? Or will there be constant sibling rivialry(HA!)? Please help?? Thanks Angie :7 :7 :7
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    Nip/Tuck...tonights episode...

    Sarah, I must admit I don't care for the opening show. HOWEVER I don't watch it for the story line, I simply LOVE the eye candy Christian and Sean!!! I watch just see them either parade around without a shirt makes my whole week. Oops think ole DH is coming GOTTA RUN;-)
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    Hi there Lori! I definately see everyones views. However, in my everday life, I definately find it rather it rather odd that while my daughter can attend gymnastics for 3 hours x 3 days,and I work out the same amount the exact days that I am over doing it? Is it beacause I am older? I, too...
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    My husband didn't kill me! (Great husband stories post!)

    That's too cute :) My DH and I met when my daughter was three, weird! He bought the step also with a Cathe tape with it. I about lost it. I felt like I was 10 years old again opening up my Cabbage Patch doll. However, he gets bored to tears listening to me talk about the website, my workouts...
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    Who is A Night Owl?

    I am a night owl simply because I work nights. Funny thing is when I don't work I sleep all night and I am up by 5am. Talk about feeling like a yo yo!!!
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    Cathe a gymnast??

    Sue thanks soo much, I am glad I have something to tell her :D
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    Cathe a gymnast??

    Hi there I read somewhere Cathe was a gymnast? DO you know if she ever competed or what level she reached? The reason I am asking my daughter is a gymnast and made the mistake of telling her that Cathe was a gymnast. Well, people with kids know all too well-the QUESTIONS!! She won't drop the...
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    Arthroscopic surgery questions

    Hi there I had arthro surgery when I was 12, and I am now 29. I had it done on one knee to reomove a Baker's cyst that was the size of a softball. Anyhow, the ortho doc mad me wear a brace from my hip to my calf when I was up and walking. I wore that for 4 weeks, and I didn't do the exercises...
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    Running shoes for flat feet

    I have flat feet as well, along with BUNIONS!!! I bought the Nike shox which were 100 dollars and I LOVE THEM!!! I would recomend them as well.:7
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    Moms with daughters....kind of personal...and long!

    I had the talk with my daughter when she was in 5th grade since that's when I started. My daughter is very shy and wanted nothing to do with it. Well, when she was in 6th grade, she kept complaining that her stomach was very upset. One day at school she thought she had to have a BM instead she...
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    Timesaver DVD

    Hi there I just purchased the timesaver DVD, and was wanting any opionions on it. I find myself not having enough time through the week. Please tell it was the money???? I like the termintor series, does it compare in intensity? Thanks :7 :7 :7
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    Daughter walks

    I am soooo glad that others too have experienced this horror!!! We took the little rascal yesterday and no "accidents" but he did stop several times I thought I was gonna carry him home, what a sausage:P My daughter loves the walks and she seems to like the exercise?
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    Daughter walks

    I work night shift and thought it would be a great idea to walk after work to completly exhaust me! I talked my oldest daughter (13) and her dog to tag along. Welllll the dog started to do a number two, no suprise! Well, the dog ate some GRASS earlier and it was hanging on the fur and we are...