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  1. L


    How old are you scoliosis sufferers? I'm into my 40s now and I'm noticing a lot more pain, a lot more of the time. Tell me you're my age, and that I can get past this!!! :) FWIW, I do have defined abs (hi original poster!) but I also have hip and lower back pain.
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    Your sage advice (please!!)

    I'm not Cathe but IMO you should stick with this for a while. We are bombarded by so much nutrition info these days, it's hard to know what's fact or fiction and not get into a second-guessing game. EVERYONE seems to have advice or some secret weapon (BTW, if all those secret weapons worked...
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    My Shoulders Aren't Getting Stronger

    Not Cathe but I am a trainer who has personally struggled with this issue! If you really want to boost your shoulder strength and lift heavy, you might have to ignore (at least for a while) the rep counts on videos. Choose a heavier weight but go slower, and do fewer reps. Even take a little...
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    Hip Flexor Help Needed

    Since no one else has jumped in yet, allow me to barge on through. I'm sorry if it is inappropriate for me to post an answer. However, you should go see your doctor about this. Soon! Limping and foot dragging are signs that you should not ignore. As an aside, I've had chronic hip flexor...
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    Another Low Max???

    I'd LOVE another Low Max. It's so much fun and it doesn't kill my knees and hips.
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    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

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    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

    :P And just to be a pest: PLEASE, if you had lymph nodes removed, do check with your doc and physical therapist before you start strength training. :)
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    Work Outs for Breast Cancer Patients

    Congratulations on taking the steps to get your life and your health back! I'm obviously not Cathe but as a trainer I've worked with BC survivors, and it's really important that health care providers be involved in the post-op and recovery process. Because every person's case is a little...
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    Myoplex Light Users

    Doh! Shoulda waited a second till I posted the above message, LOL. Anyway, I always use a stick blender -- the kind you put right in the cup -- when I make my shakes now. It adds a lot more volume to the drink.
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    Myoplex Light Users

    I think it probably depends on the flavor. I've had varied luck using Myoplex Lite. My experience: if you want a thicker shake, try using less water than recommended, and then if it is too thick you always can add more. I now use Myoplex Deluxe but I only use half a packet (about a half-cup)...
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    SNM- Shipping confirmation for APO add.

    Thanks for answering this! I have an APO too, and I REALLY appreciate the fact you will ship to our address. Some companies don't provide any services to us and won't even sell to us if our credit cards have an APO address, and I always make sure to give shoutouts to those who do. :)
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    Heavy weight training in a fat loss rotation?

    Obviously, I'm not Cathe but it can be done. On another board I frequent ( -- the main page reads like an infomercial but there is a link to the board there) a woman gained a few pounds of muscle and cut her bodyfat to 14 percent or maybe even lower by now. It takes a lot...
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    Hardcore DVD Update - Feb 3rd

    I didn't start to let myself get excited about getting these videos until right this minute! woohooo!!!!!! Thanks for your hard work and open communication!
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    When looking at nutrition labels......

    I look at the whole thing -- first, the ingredient list because I don't buy things that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats or high fructose corn syrup. Then, in descending order I look at the fat grams, fiber, sodium, and protein (depending on what kind of food it is). Also, I...
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    The Pericone Promise?

    I bought one of of Perricone's books a while ago and ... ugh ... who can eat THAT MUCH salmon???? I tried his plan for a couple days and had to give it up. Bleck. I like salmon OK, but geesh -- what happened to moderation and variety? IMO, some of his ideas have merit. But I've gotten results...
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    T3 and Thyroid

    >Does anyone else who is >hypothyroid sometimes get a kind of achey feeling all over? >(Hypo=sluggish thyroid, right?) >-Nancy Yes, I do! Ugh, that's all I can. I get so tired of it. But I don't take an extra synthroid because over time, synthroid isn't good for your bones. I usually...
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    IBS anyone?

    Thanks for taking the time to post this! It's very helpful. It's strange but as kkshedevil noted, this must be a very individual thing because I have to avoid some of the things on the the "OK in moderation" list and am just fine with a few on the "avoid" list. White wine has started to just...
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    IBS anyone?

    This is interesting. I was diagnosed at age 15 or 16 with IBS, but everyone was like, so what? The doc told me to eat more fiber (mine manifests as constipation) and avoid stress. I'm the only person I know for whom Metamucil does nothing. This was 25 years ago, and I've basically just lived...
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    using a personal trainer

    Well, at least he's on the same page as Cathe! Some trainers aren't quite with it yet. I'm a certified trainer (ACE and NASM) and I've used trainers in the past. If you find the right person, I think investing in sessions with him/her is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. A good...
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    If this was your "LAST" meal "EVER"!, what would it be?

    RE: If this was your Funny topic! I just had this same conversation with my DH and daughters. My last meal choice: Lobster claws, from Maine of course. Lots and lots of them, dipped in real butter with a hint of lemon juice. Steamers. Lots and lots of them, again dipped in butter that...