Hip Flexor Help Needed


Hi Cathe :) ! I hope you can help me as I have become extremely frustrated and don't know what to do.

I am having a lot of problems with my left hip flexor. I get up and exercise first thing in the morning - this causes me no problem (thankfully!).

However, I cannot take a simple walk without burning pain. In the afternoons I often walk to the bank and while it is only a 6 block round-trip, it causes me severe pain. First I get an ache in my hip flexor, then it becomes a burning sensation, and by the end of my short walk, it is not only hurting but causing me to limp and drag my left foot.

I add on about 5 minutes of extra leg stretches every day (5 days/week) and when time permits, I do a stretch from your new stretch tape (Total Body Stretch). I do hip flexor stretches, hamstring stretches (because they're always sore), quad stretches.

I just don't know what else to do - but it's frustrating to not be able to take a simple walk. Any help you - or any of the knowledgable ladies here - can give me, would be greatly appreciated!
Since no one else has jumped in yet, allow me to barge on through. I'm sorry if it is inappropriate for me to post an answer. However, you should go see your doctor about this. Soon! Limping and foot dragging are signs that you should not ignore.

As an aside, I've had chronic hip flexor problems for years and it is no fun, so I can commiserate (my pain sort of radiates down my leg into my foot too, although I have never gotten to the limping/dragging stage). There are lots of things that can go wrong in that area (including bursitis) and sometimes you can get referred pain from other parts of the body. So you could have pain in your hip, but it might actually be your back (or knee, or whatever).

Anyway, I have mostly eased (not cured, but eased) my hip problems by drastically cutting back on tall box work (that means little to no Firm/WHFN videos -- but it does mean more time for Cathe! :) ) and doing all of my step at 6 inches or less, even though my heart and lungs can easily manage 8 inches. I also try to limit the amount of time I spend sitting for long stretches, as that can also shorten the hip flexor muscles. Be sure to check your posture when you sit so that you aren't favoring one side over the other, which is another problem I had.

But seriously: Get this checked out by a doc! :)
I'll barge on thru as well.

I second the vote to get it checked out. On a personal note, I had a pain in my inner thigh/hip flexor area and it seemed to get worse with prolonged exercise of certain things (running, 8" step, etc). I was scared so I went to the Doc, and as the previous poster suggested, it was actually my hip causing the problem. I had somehow gotten my hips out of whack and they weren't aligned properly. A simple adjustment, and I was good as new. I still get the pain every now and then, but the degree of pain is a lot less and I can recognize the signs of when I need to change something QUICK!

Thank you both for your responses :) ! Luckily, the dragging thing has only happened once - it's not an experience I'd like to repeat ;-) . However, I could do without the limping and pain, too :p.

I know my hip gets out of whack but I guess I'd never considered that to be part of the problem. I will make sure to ask my chiro when I see him next week. And as for sitting - I hate to say it, but I always lean to that side. I suppose it's time for some corrective posture! Plus a lot more pacing, as I sit for long periods of time at work.

The other suggestions - fewer leg presses, lower step - I did already think to implement. Hopefully with these additional suggestions and discussing it with my chiro, it will soon be a thing of the past.
I've had a similar problem for well over a year now but it's slowly getting better. It turns out that I was creating too much of an "inward" motion with my hip(towards the center of my body). I would cross my legs(with the painful leg on top), and gather my legs up and lean them inward as well. Once I stopped doing this, much of my pain went away.

Also, like the above poster, I was doing a lot of high step stuff that may have been making the problem worse.
Gosh, I hate to admit how many times I've caught myself sitting like that today :7 . But I think I've sat this way for years - it might take a while to relearn old habits :) .

I am so thankful Cathe is not obsessed with leg presses. I spent a good 10 years doing them every day I exercised and will admit I am so glad those days are over!
I'd like to join in with urging you to see a doctor. I could've written your post myself. I had injured my hip flexor and several groin and inner thigh muscles. The verdict was from not warming up enough, and not cooling down either and sitting for prolonged periods of time without the cooldown.

It took a year or so to get completely better. I can't do a lot of step work but the only thing that causes a twinge of maybe-pain are deadlifts. I have to be very very careful on form, which is a good thing!

But I am healed and everything I learned from my doctor and my physical therapist is priceless. My posture is actually better now than before that injury. Good luck!
Thanks, Firmdancer :) ! After my post, I got a new office chair which is set so that I must sit more correctly throughout the day. It has already helped quite a bit. I know it's going to take some time to get it completely healed, but I'm trying to just be patient and not push it. I do still plan on asking my chiro about it - but I don't see him for another week. In the meantime, I'll just keep doing my best to do what I can to alleviate the problem.
I had horrible hip flexor pain this past month. My chiro suggested sleeping on my back with pillows under my knees. My bottom pillow is my tempurpedic and I put a regular pillow on top of that. It has worked wonders! That and having my hips adjusted...I've been pain-free for a few weeks now.

Sue <><
You have alot of good advice above.

I would recommend adding crosstraining to your workouts.

I had the hip flexor pain and foot dragging but I reduced the frequency of my step workouts and noticed improvement. In addition, I have added yoga and pilates workouts which are very nice for stretching and core work. I have recently recovered from sciatica issues (gardening inspired and over use injury). I have also had plantar fascitis and achilles heel issues.

I am now injury free and can do any workouts but prefer to cross train with cycling classes, kickboxing, yoga, pilates, step, sculpting and combinations.
Sue - That sounds like a good idea! I have taken to sleeping on my back more, but I never stay that way for long.

Sheila - Good suggestion, thank you! I already do crosstrain but could always branch out some more.

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