Hardcore DVD Update - Feb 3rd

SNM Videos

We have received 10 of the 11 DVDs from the replicators.We have taken random samples and all 10 DVDs have tested just fine. The only DVD we're waiting for is Hardcore Extreme and this DVD is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
More than likely this means we will begin shipping tomorrow and we will work through the weekend to get as many DVDs out as possible. Please keep in mind that we are giving you updates as we are being told and there can always be an unforseen change. Regardless, we are very close to shipping and we will keep you informed as things progress

We currently have numerous employees getting all the prep work completed for DVD shipment so that all we have to do is pack and seal when they arrive. This is a big pre-order so it will take several days to finish. As a friendly reminder, customer service will be very backed up so please only email if necessary and allow extra time for a response. Also,please don't call our 800# about presale DVDs. This is only an order center that we contract out to take our orders and they have absolutely no information about the presale DVDs. If you have a problem or a question about a presale order please email us at [email protected]

Thank you again

Thanks to all of you who are working so hard to get these DVDs out as quick as possible.

I am very excited about receiving these DVDs!!!

Cathe, I want to THANK-YOU from the Bottom of my Heart for all your work-outs. I do not even need to see these to know they will make a huge difference in my fitness life. Peggy ;)
Cathe and crew - thank you from every ounce of muscle and fat on my bod! I know I am going to love this set as much as I did the Intensity Series (which is my all time favorite)! Thank you so much for making such kick butt, wonderful workouts! Thanks for all of your hard work in planning, filming, customer service, shipping, etc.! You guys are simply the best and world-class!!!! Love ya!
Thankyou for keeping us informed. I am very excited that these workouts are almost ready to be shipped out.
I didn't start to let myself get excited about getting these videos until right this minute! woohooo!!!!!!

Thanks for your hard work and open communication!
Thanks for all your hard work and your communication regarding these much anticipated DVDs! I can hardly believe I will have them soon!
:7 :7 :7
Thank you so very much for all your continued hard work! I know you all have an incredibly busy weekend ahead and hope that everything goes as smoothly as possible! {{{BIG HUGS}}}
Thank you for getting everything out in such a timely manner. We asked for a more challenging program and you provided it. Then we asked for it as soon as possible and you provided it. Thank you so very much.

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