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  1. L

    Checkin 11-24-01

    Hi Bobbi I live in Tucson too! I get so excited when the temperature gets below 70, I start wearing my winter clothes whether it's too warm or not. I love it too, it just seems to change your whole attitude and really gets me into the holiday spirit. Laura
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    Checkin 11-24-01

    Hi Andrea Thanks, you just gave me a chuckle :-) Nothing worse than kid barf, is there! Laura
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    Checkin 11-24-01

    Hi Debra It's a long story, but I'll give you the short version: I've had a chronic fatigue and pain illness that went undiagnosed for 20 years. A few months ago they finally found out that my silver fillings that I've had for over 30 years have been slowly leaking mercury into my body and...
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    Checkin 11-24-01

    Hi Gretchen Thanks for the kind words, I'm actually doing fine. How have you been feeling? I know you have had some serious health problems and I hope things are under control for you now. Laura
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    Checkin 11-24-01

    Hi Everybody, I am so impressed with everyone's workouts. I haven't posted in a while, but I have been working out. I am going through serious detox right now for mercury poisoning and am fighting severe nausea, vomiting and fatigue, but working out is the highlight of my day and I will keep...
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    Full-Length Workout Clothes?

    Hi Annette, I have to add my 2 cents here because I tend to get overheated during workouts. But I do like the full length leggings (and I live in Arizona). The trick for me is to have a fan blowing on me when it's hot. I like the long pants because I sometimes have knee trouble and I find it...
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    Need Help.....

    Hi Tracy, I have had alot of health problems and have found many ways to keep fit despite them. If you would like to e-mail me, I would be glad to offer any help I can. Or if you just want someone to talk to. My e-mail is [email protected] (lower case "L's") Please let me know if I can be...
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    Hi Debbie! So good to hear from you! How is grandma-hood going? :-) I'm going to try to start posting my workouts next week. I know you're busy, but please e-mail me when you get a chance and let me know how things are going. Laura
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    HI CAROLA! Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, it is ASTONISHING the lengths they have gone to to hide the truth. I couldn't believe all of the information I found that I had never heard before. Of course, it is ALWAYS about money, isn't it! I am going through a heavy duty detox program...
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    Hi everyone, I haven't been here in a while, but I have some important health information. For those of you who know me, you know I have had a chronic illness for over 20 years. Well, I have great news. I have been diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning, specifically mercury and arsenic. The...
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    A couple new Pix!

    Love the shoes! She is so adorable. Kennedy is very lucky to have such a wonderful grandma :-) Laura
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    Advanced exercising and fibromyalgia

    Wow, I couldn't believe it when I checked the Cathe boards and saw people talking about me. Yes, Jenzy, please e-mail me, I would love to compare notes. I have been an advanced exerciser for several years and I've had fibromyalgia for about 20 years. Cyndie, I had a GREAT time meeting you...
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    Just want to say thanks...

    WOW, I am speechless... for the first time in my life :-) A personal note from Cathe, how COOL is that! Thanks Cathe! If it weren't for you and Christi Taylor videos, I would still be piecing together bits of other tapes just to get a decent workout. Cathe, you have made exercising so fun...
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    Just want to say thanks...

    Hi everyone, I haven't been here much lately and, on the advice of my wise and beautiful friend Debbie H, want to let everyone know why. My health has not been good the past several months and I have been struggling just to keep going, but the good news is, because of my dedication to...
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    Checking in-11/19

    check-in and welcome Nikki Hi everyone, I agree with you Nikki, 10 10 10 and Kickbox are GREAT and I've never been a kickbox fan, but Cathe makes it so much fun. I missed last week, so I'm checking in for 2 weeks. week of 11/5: Monday--second half of Circuit Max Happy Hour abs...
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    Belated birthday wishes, Deb H!

    Happy Birthday! And many more to come :-) I hope it was a good one and that your family is doing well, especially your daughter. Laura
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    CHECK IN 11/5

    2 week check-in Hi everyone, I didn't get to check in last week, so I'm posting 2 weeks of workouts. monday--CTX Power Circuit and abs only PS CST shoulders tuesday--CTX kickbox wednesday--CTX Step & Intervals Leaner Legs abs only thursday--MIS abs only friday--3rd section of Step Heaven...
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    Doesn't it make you MAD...

    Hi Kristina As a woman who gets "complimented" on her thin figure quite often, I have to tell you, I am in the worst health I have been in in several years. I feel terrible most of the time and I would trade in every compliment for one day of feeling healthy. Your friend is indeed the one to...
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    Checking In - My first Time

    Hi Debbie I am having alot of pain from the PT, but it's only been a week. I'm hoping it gets better :-) They told me it was possible it would make me worse, but I figured it was worth a try. I go again tomorrow and Thursday. I'll let you know how this week goes. I'm still doing my Cathe and...
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    Checking In - My first Time

    check-in and welcome Dawn! Hi everyone! And Dawn, everyone has their own areas of strengths. Sometimes those of us who push too hard end up paying for it later. It's good to let your body recuperate when you're sick, don't ever feel that is a weakness. You had a great week and are a welcome...