Checking in-11/19


Hi everyone!!! Gonna be gone most of Sunday-so, thought I'd get a jump start (again :D)! Worked out a little later tonight (8-10pm) and am in the middle of watching Sat. Night Live, not much going on around here tonight so me and DH stayed home and just vegged-OK he did!!! Hope everyone had a great week!
Sun-POWER CLEANING!!! Lugging the vacuum and carpet cleaner up and down steps is a workout!
Mon-CTX chest and Step Intervals, followed by Step Heaven st. 1
Tues-CTX biceps and Kickbox followed by Cardio Parties Hilo, 1st part-this was kinda fun cuz Franny incorporates a little kickbox
Thurs-CTX triceps and the cardio with it (can't remember right now)
Fri-my day off-woke up at 0730 and was rarin' to go, did Leaner Legs, didn't end of having to go to the city, had a lot of energy so I did Mindy's Slamming Sports Cardio in the afternoon, but poor rearend was in a permanent state of tetany when we went to the movies that night!!! I had forgotten that mindy has a little leg part in her cardio section, but I love it so I did it!
Sat-10-10-10+ All Step and back and shoulders. The plank work IS getting A LITTLE EASIER!!! And I am definitely seeing a difference!
These folks at SNM sure know how to keep us DVDers happy-I can't wait for the PS DVDs...I just :-jumpy for joy!!!!
Hope you all had a great week and have a happy, safe, and tasty :9 turkey day!
:-jumpy julie :-jumpy
I hope no one minds that I check-in with you today. This is my first check-in.

With all the great advice and support last week, I did all the
x-press tapes. First time in 5 years I worked out for a whole week w/o getting bored and giving up. I went to the doctors before I started and my blood pressure was 124/80 (normal). Well I had a follow up vist yesterday and after only one week of using xpress my blood pressure was 116/64. I can't believe these tapes made a difference so quickly. I also, got up this morning to get on the scale(thought I gained because I ate horribly this week, but was suprised to find that I lost 2lbs. Great job on the videos Cathe I wasn't bored once and I actually look forward to doing them. My favorites so far, 10.10.10 and kickbox xpress. I need to work on the moves in the other tapes then all the tapes will be my favorite. Can you tell I had caffeine this morning, I am rabbling.....

Here was my week.

Saturday: Power Circuit
Sunday: Step & Intervals
Monday: All Step
Tuesday: Leaner Legs
Wednesday: Had guests stay over no room to work out
Thursday: 10.10.10
Friday: Date w/husband
Saturday: Kickbox x-press

Happy Turkay Day
Julie: I find the plank work getting a "little" easier also...though still extremely tough! I like the fact that I feel like I'm able to do push-ups in better form now that my core feels stronger.

Nikki: Welcome! I LOVED the Friday workout "date with husband"...I had one of those myself this week but we didn't actually "go out"....hehehe...

My week was kind of light in the workout area...I got my period this week, and it always kind of wipes me out a bit...

Monday: Nada
Tuesday: Power Circuit/Back/Abs
Wednesday: GI Jabb
Thursday: TaeBo 4
Friday: CTX 10-10-10 Cardio/Triceps/Biceps/Abs (I love working both biceps and triceps in the same session because the next day my arms feel really pumped!)
Saturday: Power Max (been a while since I did just "step" so it was refreshing...)
Sunday: Gilad Men's Legs of Steel. Nice little workout, but nothing too strenuous. First time doing it, and may go back and do another workout later.

Well, hope everyone all has a great week and WONDERFUL THANKSGIVINGS!!! Happy eating!

Hi Everyone!!
First......looks like I missed a few b-days out there, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! to Debbie H, Honeybunch, and Daphne. You ladies are just tremendous......keep up all of the great work. Hope I didnt miss anyone else's b-day! :)
Great start to the checkin Julie! Power cleaning is definitely a tough workout!
I was in Montreal this week so I did what I could. There was a fitness center there but we pulled long hours working....and playing!! lol!! so basically it comes down to the fact that I kept up with my cardio but did no weight work. Saw the sights: Olympic Stadium was just an awesome structure. I ate well on the company needless to say but one place in particular, the Trattoria restaurant, was incredible. The BEST italian I have ever experienced. Future travellers to Montreal---take note. Here it goes:
Mon. -- 35 mins on stationary bike
Tues. -- Canadiens hockey game---pro hockey players are among the worlds greatest athletes in my mind. No standing around on the ice and if you arent strong, you will get driven thru the boards!! lol!
Wed. -- 35 mins. on climber
Thurs. -- worked then flew back home arriving at house about 3a.m. friday morning.
Fri. -- feel like I have been stepped on by an elephant! Went to work for 4 hours then came home and died!! lol!
Sat. -- nada most of day.....assembled baby's crib in the evening.
Sun. -- today I am driving to the fitness center at work and am doing cardio and weights. Most likely 35-40 mins. on climber pretty intensely then total body weight workout. Gotta get back to my routine.
Have a super week ladies!! And dont forget to live a little on turkey day! You all deserve it with all of the hard work you put in.
Be safe, happy, and healthy.
Nose: running; eyes: watering...

I need some "sneezing- coughing-achy- stuffy head-fever-so you can rest" medicine, and I've been needing it since about Monday evening! Actually, I've been taking some cold medicine and vitamins and tea and fruit and soup all week, but I'm just not kicking this annoying cold. Think its all the three-year-olds I work with??!!! So, here's my week (pretty good, considering...)
MONDAY: Stephanie Steele Kickboxing (It's been two years since I've done this one. Pretty easy cardio-wise, but great for form! Man, is she a boring instructor!!!) + 2nd 1/2 Yoga Sculpt
TUESDAY: CTX back and abs, CTX bis (I do the PS BBA warmup when I'm not doing CTX cardio)
WEDNESDAY: Leaner Legs, CTX shoulders, CTX chest
THURSDAY: Stepworks (all), CTX tris, stretches from both tapes
FRIDAY: rest
SATURDAY: 1 hr. hike (ende with great view of Phoenix!)
Haven't done anything yet today, and might not do anything. After I work out, my cold feels better, but I may just give my body a little extra rest.
welcome nikki!

Great week Nikki!!! I'm loving the CTX series too :D They are such great plateau busters (and gut busters, butt busters, etc.) What a great motivator to see results so quickly! Keep up the good work!
:-jumpy julie :-jumpy
big day getting close?

Refresh my memory Trevor...when is the big day? It's getting close isn't it? Great week by the way!
have a good turkey day :)
check-in and welcome Nikki

Hi everyone,

I agree with you Nikki, 10 10 10 and Kickbox are GREAT and I've never been a kickbox fan, but Cathe makes it so much fun.

I missed last week, so I'm checking in for 2 weeks.

week of 11/5:
Monday--second half of Circuit Max Happy Hour abs
Tuesday--Cardio Kicks shoulders and abs from CTX All STep
Wednesday--first section of Step Heaven Pure Strength Back and Abs
Friday--first section of hi/lo Heaven Happy Hour abs

week of 11/12:
Monday--first half of Circuit Max Leaner Legs abs only
Wednesday--CTX Kickbox
Thursday--Day 4 of 5 day abs Pure Strength chest and GWW legs
Friday- CTX 10 10 10 Body Max abs

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

Happy Sunday!

Hi Everyone! As usual, you all have great weeks.

Julie-thanks for starting us off here. I'm with you on the "movie-rear". Evertime we go to see a movie, which is every weekend, I can hardly stand after sitting for two hours. The legs & the rear are screamin!:-mad I'm also building SOME strength (slowly) on those planks, but whew, are they hard. Lovin' my DVD's like you.

Nikki~WELCOME!! So glad to have you join us for check-ins! You'll find it fun and very interesting to see how eveyone works out week to week. Plus, I feel we really get a close bonding knowing we are all in this together. Glad that the Cathe tapes have renewed your working out and you will definitley not get bored.

Terri~Power Circuit, PowerMax and 10-10-10 combined with bis & tris doesn't sound like a light week to me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

Trevor~Thanks for the birthday wish. It's fun getting late wishes too! I'll definitley mark down the Trattoria in my notebook in case we ever get up to Montreal. Good Luck getting back into your weight work this week. Don't do too much too soon if you plan to be mobile later. Give Michelle our best wishes.

Wendy~Sending Healthy Cyber-Vibes your way. Hope you can kick your cold real soon. Sounds like you had a great week considering your cold. Keep up the good work.

Laura~Wow, you must be having a good couple of weeks?? Your w/o's sound great. Hope you are feeling better. I'll try to get an E-mail off to you this week.

Monday~A.M.CardioKicks, afternoon-Taught a Hi/Lo class with toning & ABS

Tuesday~A.M.Taught a Hi/Lo class with toning & ABS, P.M.-CTX-TRICEPS, SHOULDERS & BACK

Wednesday~(MY BIRTHDAY WORKOUT!!) Meaner LEGS, Power Circuit (forgot how much leg work was in this tape. :-tired), CTX-BICEPS, CHEST

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes with toning and ABS, P.M.-CTX-TRICEPS,SHOULDERS & BACK

Friday~CTX-BICEPS, CHEST, 10-10-10 and ABS from All Step

Saturday~Meaner LEGS including ABS, CTX-Kickbox, plank work-Whew-the sweat was dripping off me!

Sunday~ May be a day of REST unless I decide to start my CTX-BodyParts today seeing as I will not be working out Thanksgiving day. I have truly loved doing the body parts 2x each per week. My day is not complete unless it's DONE! My hubby's family (about 17-20 of us) are meeting at a church camp lodge and spending the night Wednesday night and then we are all getting up Thanksgiving morn to prepare the dinner together! (We have the lodge all to ourselves!)I think it will be a great time together.

I am sooo thankful for this place to come and for all the friends I've made here over the past year. Thanks for all your encouragement and for sharing your lives with me. It's been so much fun. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL!!!! Don't gobble, gobble too much! :9 :9 :9 Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Checking in for the 1st time in months. :)

I was trying to remember the last time I checked in, and it's been forever! The fall is a super busy time for me every year with homeschooling, but we had the added business of a wedding, moving my grandma to a new house ( That we 1st has to prepare for her :) ), and lots of other fun ( and some not so fun, but we won't dwell on that! :) ) stuff, so my computer time has been pretty limited. I'm going to try to start checking in regularly again, especially since I'm in my usual fall, "But I don't WANT to lift weights" ( Insert whine :) ) slump again this year. I don't know what it is about the fall, but I seem to struggle with "eating my fitness veggies" around this time every year.

I've been down to about 3 - 4 workouts a week, USUALLY one of them involves weights. My goal is to get back to 5 - 6 days a week working out, and at least 2 days hitting the whole body, either in parts or 2 total body workouts.

This week was O.K. I had 3 workouts. One was straight weights ( Body Pump ). One was cardio intervals ending with weights ( CIA 2K02 ), and 1 was straight cardio ( CIA 9807 ).

Have a great Thanksgiving week, everyone!!

Welcome Back! :)

So good to see you back checking in, Erin. We've missed all your informative posts here! Sounds like you've had quite a year. Hope things start to settle a bit for you. Good Luck with your workouts! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Thanks, Debbie!

I've missed everyone here!! Would you believe there have been days when ( GASP! ) I don't get to my computer at all? Sometimes even consecutive days! :) The horror! :) I keep saying things are going to settle down "soon." What's that old curse? May you live in interesting times? :) It's good to be back!

Not a great time for me either

Welcome Nikki and welcome back Erin, as you can see...we suffer the same winter time blues:p LOL
Belated Birthday wishes all around:). I haven't had a lot of time to spend over here and I missed so many posts. Hope you ladies had all your B-day wishes come true!

I am going to cheat a little and paste what I wrote over in VF's strength check if you are a VFer and have read it already...sorry for the repeat;-).
Like Erin, I really have a hard time staying on track with my fitness goals this time of year...can't explain it but it always happens.

Warning...very whiny post to follow;-)

I missed posting last week here are two weeks worth.

(2 weeks ago)Monday: Step and Intervals cardio only

Tuesday: MIS, felt pretty weak from not being real consistent with any routine over the last had to figure out I figured that led to my not so great workout...couldn't wait till it was over..darn triceps suffered.

Wednesday: Step Heat...only 32 minutes of it..hubby walked in from being away on work trip.

Thursday: Planned on MIS, but just wasn't into it. Grabbed PS back and bis figuring that PS can cure me of any slump. Last time I did PS B/BI was July 26! Managed to do KB class that night...but that class is fading fast.

Friday: Rest day...already seeing the slump coming. I just seem to see that "delaying workout till it's too late" thing happening.

Saturday: Pushed myself into getting my act together and did PS Legs. YEOWWW...last time was July too. Had to adjust weights significantly for my will be along climb back up in weight:p.

Sunday: I was awakened by the pain in my tushy;-..I was curling up in bed and my glutes just screamed at me! Gotta love that PS Legs:)I managed Yoga for Athletes in the PM.

OK...last week..

Monday: Rest..with a big my log. Very unmotivated.

Tuesday: PS CST, had to adjust weight for this too. Really struggling to get back on track and fighting a slump. Fortunately, I got new cycling videos and had a good time with Precision cycling that night. First time I could do anything with my legs post PSL from last Saturday.

Wednesday: Trying to workout and find something to motivate me, so I put in CTX DVD and did 20 minutes of abs...tried to do planks but my CST were killing me from PS the other day! LOL...cooled down with stretch from KB

Thursday: slump:-tired

Friday: slumpier:-tired:-tired

Saturday: Slumpville:-tired:-tired:-tired! Put it off too long and then got a call to move up a date with my buddy Wendy...spent the day watching her try on Wedding dresses!:O)...that is one pretty girl. Anyway...that wore me out!

Sunday!: Whew..made it. I did the normal putting it off thing. I just can't find my drive, almost thought about giving in and just taking December off, but I don't think that would be good either. I have to thank my husband for my workout today. He was going to have me rake leaves with him and I was complaining about how I had to do my regular workout...he gave me an ultimatum;O)..either get a tape in that ^%$# VCR LOL...or rake leaves...and yes, he was being funny. So I said I was going to pass on raking. He came back in the house a few minutes later and was shaking a finger at me "if you don't turn that computer're outside!" hehehe...yes dear..honest. Then the next thing I know, he is tapping on the me the "cut the computer off" signal! Bless his little heart:O)...he made me do it. Just finished PS Legs again...but darn just didn't feel like the old me:p.

As you can see...there are just too many of these....:p LOL...gotta fix that;-). sport banner.jpg
No guilt holidays

Here, here! Let's all cheer for the holiday feast!!! I, for one, don't believe in trying to be "good" on one of the biggest traditional eating days of the year. Put your diets in a little bag that you'll stash behind the door to pull out on Friday. Just plan ahead, and work out a little more. You will not gain 100 lbs if you pig out on turkey day. I'm going to a buffet at a restaurant, and then over to a relative's house to eat more DESSERTS!!!!!! :9:9:9:9:9:9 The Y I belong to is open from 6am-12noon on Thanksgiving, and I'll go there before I fall off the "eating right" wagon at 11:00.

My week:
Saturday: No workout....I was too busy eating on my big, ugly birthday. Went to the Olive Garden and came home to eat more left over Halloween candy.
Sunday: Circuit Max...which is becoming one of my favorite tapes, right up there with BodyMax. I do the weight circuit with a 50 lb. barbell and treat it as a second leg workout for the week. Also did CTX chest, back and abs.
Monday: Cardio Kicks. I find that I like a choreographed kickbox tape.
Tues. : just CTX Shoulders, triceps and abs
Wed. Mini-trampoline in the am
Thurs: Biceps in the am, and a big leg workout at the Y.
Friday: 50 minute run/walk. Doing more running than walking these days.

Anyone got any good crockpot recipes? Santa got me one early this year. :D :9:9:9:9:9 I need a good stew recipe, and some thick soups. I don't like wimpy soups.

Great week! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the Xpress workouts and are having such great results already!!
RE: I always get so tired this time of year

With colder weather and less daylight, I feel like a slug!! Still, I make myself workout and usually it makes me feel better, but not everytime. Go figure!! Ok onto my week!!

MON: BodyMax (this starts off me week with this rotation cause I love this tape so much!)

TUES: StepMax (Fun, fun fun!!)

WEDS: CircutMax and taught Urban Rebounding and BodyPump. (I felt great by the time I got home from my classes and I slept like a baby!)

THURS: PowerMax (This is becoming a favorite of mine!!)

FRI: MIS I was able to finally do both sets of crazy 8's without putting the barbell down!!!YEAH!!

SAT: Step section of MIC. First time doing it and I throughly enjoyed it the whole time!

SUN: Here in about 45min. I'm going to do IMAX. It's been a long day, so wish me luck!!

I'm happy to report that I weighed myself yesterday and I lost a pound. Ok, it's not much, but I haven't been watching what I eat all too closely, so I know that it's this rotation that I'm on!! I'm happy about it!! Also, yesterday my DH finally agreed to let me purchase the PS Series!! WAHOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm thrilled, so after I workout, I'm going to make up a Dec. rotation for the Series. If anybody already has a good one up the sleeve, please let me know!! Also, How long should I stay on it? I usually do one month rotations. Will one month be enough for these tapes? Or should I allow 2 months? Ok, I'm going to go get ready to workout!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!


I just emailed you asking about your daughter and your Thanksgiving plans - I should have come here first! Your Thanksgiving sounds so nice - the whole family cooking the meal together will be great!
I saw on one of the other threads that your daughter is doing better - so glad to hear that!!
As usual, you had a GREAT workout week!!
RE: My first check=in too !

HI everyone!

The last few months I have been reading the forum frequently and these check-ins and was really impressed with the encouragement and support. So I thought what-the-heck, I don't think they will mind if I check in too. I don't know if you have a number limit or not - just let me know.

I am pretty much on a rotation Cathe suggested for me awhile back so it is not too complicated. I have stuck to it and am finding good results too :)!

Here is this last week - Week three of a four week rotation:

Mon - Cardio Kicks with Abs from a CTX tape. I also cleaned all the carpets in the house so I got extra shoulder/abs/legs. I felt it that night too.

Tues - MIS - I am going to up the weight next time. Should you always feel sore the next day? I sure felt I was working hard throughout it though.

Wed - Interval Max with plank/ab work from the CTX tape. I love this tape. I was worried after doing the CTX rotation I would lose some cardio endurance, but I didn't :).

Thursday - Circuit Max with extra abs.

Friday - Step works plus some ab work. Can you tell I like ab work.

Saturday - MIS - Increased weight and could feel it last night!

This coming week will be similar to this but maybe a little extra to compensate for turkey day.

Everyone have a great holiday with family and freinds!

Lynn W
Hang in There Nanc!

We all have our days & sometimes, weeks, we're just not ourselves. You work hard all year long. Maybe Cathe wore you out too much on your road trip! LOL!! Just curious~how do the PS tapes feel after going back to them after doing the CTX series? Are they easier, harder, different??? I guess it might be hard for you to say if you are feeling like "Slumpsville". Give yourself some time and you'll be back to 100% soon! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Lynn!

No, there is no limit to the amount of people for check-ins. We are so glad to have you join us.:D Your week sounds great! That's great you could increase your weight for MIS. I'm like you, sometimes I will do a workout & think I won't be able to move the next day and then, NOTHING! Hmmm?? If you were able to increase your weight and it felt good, I'd say, GO FOR IT! Again, glad to have you and Happy Thanksgiving to you. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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