Checking in-11/19

RE: It didn't go through!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-00 AT 02:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Debbie, I am so sorry but I didn't recieve the reciepe. Could I trouble you one more time to try and send it to me? I'm sorry! Stupid email x(!
Me too!

I did MIS on Saturday for the first time in a long time and had completely forgotten the order of the exercises. For the chest exercises, I thought it wasn't too bad until Cathe started back with those push-ups and I remembered that I was only half-way finished with chest!! I had to do the second set on my knees and my chest is still sore today!
Yes, Ma'am, Sergeant Daphne, Ma'am! :)

No slumps allowed! I've got it! I can't wait for our workout together!!!! :)
Don't worry about the weight gain!

As long as you're eating right and being active, 25 lbs is just exactly what your body needs to have gained at this point. It knows what it needs. As long as half of that weight isn't snickers and ice cream, you're just fine! :) It will come off again. You'll see. Hang in there! You're about to enter into the home stretch!!!

Mon - a.m. CTX biceps and triceps
Tues - 20 minute walk at lunch
Wed - nada
Thurs - a.m. - excellent workout day! CTX Step N Intervals, CTX Chest, Back, & Shoulders, Abs from CTX Power Circuit
Fri - unplanned rest day, stomach acting up
Sat - NSTA - needed something I could do with the toddler boy and the dog underfoot
Sun - 20 minute walk w/ the toddler boy in his stroller - planned on walking longer but the toddler boy decided he was too big to ride in the stroller any longer.

I am happy with the nunmber of days I exercised this week. Now, I just need to work on getting the intensity level up.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Holy Cow!!

So many posts to read...what a check-in!! :-wow !!

Welcome to Nikki and Lynn and welcome back to those who've been away...great to have everyone here.

You guys are making me jealous hearing about all your great Thanksgiving plans. I'm a little sad :'( because once again (just like last year) I have to work on Thanksgiving and will be no where near any family...except for my DH, of course...and thank God for him...he always keeps me smiling :)!!

Anyway, enough with the pity party. Everyone seems to have had some pretty great fitness weeks (or at least put in quite an effort ;-)).

Here's my week (the third week of my current rotation):

Sunday - Body Max
Monday - MIC
Tuesday - Circuit Max
Wednesday - 45 minutes elliptical machine in AM; Leaner Legs in PM
Thursday - Cardio Kicks in AM; upper body + abs from MIS in PM
Friday - Interval Max
Saturday - Cardio Kicks; planks and abs from CTX Power Circuit

Hope everyone has a happy and healthy week,
Lisa :)
Hi ChristinaK,
Would you mind telling me what NSTA is? And why is it possible to do with a toddler boy underfoot? I have trouble doing step videos with my young son because he wants to jump up on the step too and I'm afraid that I'll end up stepping on him. Of course, if I would get myself out of bed to work out at 4:45 (like I should), I wouldn't have that problem. Anyway, any video that is easy to do with kids around is a video that I probably need for my library. Who is the instructor? I would SO appreciate any information.

Your post reminded me of when I use to take walks with my son in the stroller. Up until he was around 15 months, I could walk up to 4 miles with him. (He loved it!!!) Then once he got in the 2's and 3's, there was no sitting still in a silly stroller!! That was the end of my walks. So, I guess I'm just trying to say, I understand how that goes.

Take care
RE: Trevor

Hey Daph!!
Yeah I know what you mean about how quickly they grow up. My son starts high school next year. Seems like yesterday when I was showing him a soccer ball for the first time!! I try to focus on the positive...........the fact that he is becoming a fine young man.......but it is tough on me knowing he is slowly entering another world where I am no longer his best friend. Know what I mean?? It's tough.
Putting the crib together was weird too. And things have changed ALOT as far as baby equipment goes. Man what a learning experience!! :) Baby is due Jan 3 but my bet is that he will be early.
My workouts are tough?? Man, you are my inspiration for sure Daphne. I'd love to workout with ya one time just to see if I can keep up with you! :)
Have a super turkey day!
Trevor :-jumpy
RE: big day getting close?

Hey Julie!!
Jan. 3 is the due date but I am betting he will arrive early. And Daddy's getting VERY nervous, as well as excited!
Eat a drumstick for me ok? ;-)
Trevor :-jumpy
RE: check-in and welcome Nikki

Great job Laura. I'm so proud of you and hope you are feeling better!! When are we gonna chat girl?
Trevor :)
Well, I've been a Cathe fan now for 6 months and have decided to start doing the check-in. I love reading everyone else's check-in. Wow!!! Some of you women amaze me with the consistency and intensity of your workouts!! I'm hoping if I have to check-in that maybe I will be more consistent. Here goes. . . .

Monday 35 minute walk
Tuesday 30 minute walk plus MIC (Hi/lo only)
Wednesday 35 minute walk plus Kickbox Express cardio only
Thursday 15 minute walk
Friday 30 minute walk

Most of my walks are 2 separate 15 minute walks that I add together. I do these on my breaks at work. Some days that is all I do, so I have lots of room for improvement!! Wish me luck.
RE: Soon we will be

amazon queens!! And I must admit that those pushups during the chest section of BodyMax are toughies for me as well! Oh one day, one day, one day, we will all post and say "WE DID IT!!" Are there any pushups in the PS Series? Just trying to prepare myself mentally! He he!

PS Chest

The push-ups in CST are in the beginning of the workout and not bad at all. You are going to love the PS series - fantastic, thorough workouts!
You're right - those push-ups in BodyMax are killers also!

Click on my e-mail icon. I can't understand why you don't receive it??? Is your E-mail address correct when you click on your "E-Mail" icon? Feel free to e-mail me. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Lisa!

NSTA is Not So Tough Aerobics from the Firm. It's a good tape to do when the toddler boy is underfoot for several reasons:

1. The choreography is very simple so I don't have to concentrate on what my feet are doing and can watch out for the toddler boy and the dog.

2. Since the Firm step aerobics uses the step vertically, I can step while my son is climbing on the opposite end of the step.

3. If I have to stop the tape to tend to the toddler boy or move him out of the way, it is easy to pick up where I left off because of the simple choreography and short segments.

4. Length - the tape is only about 42 minutes long. I find if I try to do a tape much longer than this with the boy underfoot, he gets really impatient and really wants Mommy right now.

Hope this helps!
RE: big day getting close?

Nice to get a little tax help in 2000 if you're right about the early arrival! Forgive me, I still think like a tax accountant.
Recipe PLEASE!!!!

Debbie -

Your sweet potato casserole recipe sounds like the perfect answer to satisfy a very finicky Christmas crowd. Would you e-mail it to me as well, or post it?

HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY and congrats on the 12 toe push ups! I'm working up to it.

I remember your kind posts several months ago, empathyzing (sp???) about lost loved ones - is it just me or are these recipes a way to keep them close?

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving.


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