Checkin 11-24-01

RE: Checking in

"Winterlike" in the sixties! I'll take a winter like that!
RE: Debra and Bobbi

Honeybunch, after 15 years in the desert, I have forgotten what a real winter is! This is unseasonably cool for us. My mother-in-law is coming to visit (from Florida) tomorrow. She always tells us how cold it is here in Tucson! It always gets chilly when she comes. Sunny and seventy is the norm. This is why we put up with those long, hot summers! I wore a sweater last night. It's not too often my sweaters get to go out!

Did the storm move east from California? The prediction was days & days of rain here but it actually turned into 1 day of wind & wet. Mountains north of L.A. got a nice dusting of snow finally. And it's time for me to figure out how to program the heater to come on in the a.m. Bit chilly today! Love "winter here" - the endless summers are ugly.

I'm in Orange County (think Disneyland) between L.A. & San Diego counties. Good luck with your classes this week. The mini-meal after your workout is a good idea (Gretchens?). Laughed about blending in the bathroom.
Hi Gretchen

Thanks for the kind words, I'm actually doing fine.

How have you been feeling? I know you have had some serious health problems and I hope things are under control for you now.

Hi Debra

It's a long story, but I'll give you the short version:

I've had a chronic fatigue and pain illness that went undiagnosed for 20 years. A few months ago they finally found out that my silver fillings that I've had for over 30 years have been slowly leaking mercury into my body and that my tissues are saturated with that and other heavy metal poisons.

It will take months to get it all out of my system and exercise is actually good because the more you sweat, the more toxins come out of your body. So, luckily for me, the thing I love to do is also helping me to get well.

Thanks for your concern and don't ever worry about being nosy with me. If I don't want to answer, I'll just say so. :)

Hi Andrea

Thanks, you just gave me a chuckle :)

Nothing worse than kid barf, is there!

Hi Bobbi

I live in Tucson too!

I get so excited when the temperature gets below 70, I start wearing my winter clothes whether it's too warm or not.

I love it too, it just seems to change your whole attitude and really gets me into the holiday spirit.

Hey Wendy!

Thanks for the review on the tape. It's nice to get an opinion from someone that knows how to compare a video to Cathe's tapes. I get so discouraged spending my $$ on "too easy" tapes. I don't mind easy choreography, but I do LOVE an intense workout. Thanks so much. I think I'll hold off on it for now. Sounds like it is a good tape for you now though keeping your impact down. Thanks again.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey Laura!

You never cease to amaze me! Your willpower and your ability to just keep trudging ahead is unbelievable! I am sooo happy that you are able to workout and that it actually is the hi-light of your day. I can't even imagine working out while nauseated, let alone getting off the couch or out of bed. (That feeling goes back to both of my pregnancies which were NOT fun!) Keep up the great work and I wish YOU the greatest holiday season. A big hug to you! { }

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

My REAL name too!! Just wanted to say that I hope you bounce back real quick. Shingles are awful. Both my in-laws, my Aunt, neighbor and my hubby had them and they were all so miserable with them. Glad you can still workout. Great therapy for you! Hang in there and get well soon!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Gretchen!

We tried our hool-a-hoops today in class! What a riot! Several of the gals coud not keep them up but we had the best time having a good laugh. (Also good for the ABS, right?) We will continue to work with them hoping all the students catch on. Just something fun and a lil' diferent! Great week for you.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Debra!

Laura, where do you live in Tucson? I am on the Northwest side! I'd love to get together sometime! Isn't this weather heavenly? Christmas lights are going up all over the neighborhood and I smell fires every night. I love it when it gets like this!
Hey Bobbi

I also live on the Northwest side!

Near Cortaro and I-10

I would love to get together also, e-mail me and we'll figure something out.

Yes, I love these months before Christmas. I am a Christmas freak :)

My e-mail is [email protected] (Lower case "L's)

RE: Hey HB!

It's on West Ave. just past the Tallmadge Circle on the right hand side if your going away from the circle.
RE: Hey Bobbi

Laura, I live at Cortaro and I-10 in Countryside! My kids go to De Grazia and Tortilita. It's a small world isn't it?
RE: Hey Bobbi

This is unbelievable!

I live on the next block! My daughter goes to DeGrazia!


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