Doesn't it make you MAD...


I just visited a girlfriend I haven't seen in a year. Now, this woman is GORGEOUS all over (she looks a lot like Denise Richards...the woman from the latest Bond movie who was also in Star Ship Troopers with dark hair)
Anyway, she has no need to be crappy towards others because she is built like a barbie doll (plastic fantastics the size of honeydew melons in spring) Guys have literally trampled me to get to her on occasion, I swear.
She kept lecturing me about how I just needed to commit to my diet and think positive and blah blah blah (I need to lose 15 pounds bad)and how she is so strict with her diet and that is how she stays thin....
I CAUGHT HER POPPING DIET PILLS..the perscription kind that is an amphetamine...and she admitted she has been taking them for over a year! (Some doctors in Calif are very unscrupulous and perscribe well over the two month maximum) I mean I know she has a problem, obviously, but when I think of all the lectures about her astounding will power and my lack thereof I really want to puke. :-mad
Dang, Kristina! I'm wondering what your friend had to say for herself. That is harsh. So, if your friend has "a problem," does she have any plans on stopping the popping?

I used to take the over-the-counter variety (wannabe Metabolife), but stopped because I decided that fresh breath, a clearer complexion, and a sweeter disposition are better alteratives to getting thin quick. Yeah, I gained weight, as I expected, but now that I'm working out consistently and eating better, I know that when the weight finally comes off, it will stay off for good.

I wish you luck, Kristina, with your health and your friends! :)
There are so many problems attached to that kind of addiction, you should feel sad for you friend. She might look gorgeous on the outside, but on the inside, she's probably a mess. And the health ramfications are huge. She should get help!
You're both right

I agree that it is sad and I am worried about her, but she is the type of person that you can't say anything to or she cuts you out of her life. She'll come to terms with it eventually, she is very strong willed. She has always been beautiful and in shape and never needed the pills ( i think the doctor who perscribed them needs to brought before the medical board but it isn't my battle.)
I myself have taken some of the over-the-counter stuff and my mom is now on meridia and has lost lots of weight..we all need help now and then and there is nothing wrong with it. My whole frustration was having the unsolicited lectures that really made me feel bad and finding out it was all so hypocritical. THe lesson I learned is to not let other's perceptions of me control how I perceive myself. :)
Hi Kristina

As a woman who gets "complimented" on her thin figure quite often, I have to tell you, I am in the worst health I have been in in several years. I feel terrible most of the time and I would trade in every compliment for one day of feeling healthy. Your friend is indeed the one to feel sorry for. 15 pounds is nothing when you have your health and she doesn't have that no matter how good she looks. Compliment yourself for being healthy and doing the best you can. Personally, I always liked to pull Barbie's head off because of that skinny little neck, so there's no great benefit there :). I'm kidding, of course, but, believe me, being thin is NOT the answer to being happy with yourself. Maybe your friend really needs someone like you right now to show her a positive role model. Give yourself some credit and don't listen to those extra pounds! You are the one who is doing things the right way even if you slip with your eating sometimes.

RE: Hi Kristina

Hi Kristina,

You know that reminds me that I was reading about a year ago that Sara Furgeson, the ducess of york who is the spokeswoman for weight watchers (a very health program that does NOT use drugs) that she actually lost a large portion of her weight before she even began the weight watchers program, AND SHE USED PHEN PHEN (before it was banned), well that just about burst my bubble!!

Seriously though, if this woman is a close friend of yours, you should really talk to her about whehter she realized the health ramifications of what she is doing. When I was in high school and college, I was anorexic and I was using over the counter diet pills, along with not eating. I felt absolutely horrible all the time. I may be a few lbs overweight now, but at least I'm working towards my goal in a healthy way. Again, if she is really a friend, talk to her. But yeah, you are right, she does have some nerve lecturing you about how to have the perfect body- what a hypocrite!!!!
Kristina, I can relate!

Last year my soon to be sister in law was going through a bad divorce and because of the stress she lost a lot of weight. She started to exercise, and looked really good.
Then she met some guy immediately, and I mean, like one week after the divorce was final and she started to change.

She started to exercise after every meal. If she ate an english muffin, she would go for a walk. She totally dropped strength training and does cardio only.

Needless to say she doesn't eat and pushes food on her plate and obsesses over everything that goes into her mouth. Now she looks like hell. She lost waaaay too much weight

She doesn't think she has a problem. What makes it worse is she's soooo self righteous! She actually thinks she's in great shape. My fiancee and I helped her move and she couldn't pick up a box! She actually got a hernia from an elliptical machine.

She's always trying to tell people how to eat! Kinda strange when you don't eat at all, huh?

Needless to say I understand what you mean. Sometimes I think the problem is that people like this have really have internal issues. They're so wrapped up with how they appear on the outside and what people think, that it cripples them internally.
So here's what happened....

Thank you all for your words of wisdom....the funny thing is years ago my friend had gained about 20 lbs she couldn't loose and was the biggest she had been in her life (only a size 10, big deal, right?) So anyway, she used to tell me that she lay in bed every night and cried and she eventually gave herself an ulcer over it. I suggested that she talk to a doctor about it because it was ruling her life. At that time, I was really heavy (about 200 lbs, size 16). She got really mad at me, asked whay didn't I get on fat pills?... and didn't speak to me for about 6 months. But it turns out she in the long run did take my advice and went to a doctor, but instead of the counseling I was suggesting, she got on the prescription pills....
Well, after this recent episode I tried to talk to her, and I told her it just seemed to me that if she felt the need to hide and lie about the pills I was concerned for her well being. I also told her that it seemed 2 years was way to long to be on this type of pill. It was a bad scene, she got really mean and nasty with me...once again suggesting I was just jealous because I am "fat" again (I am struggling again, up to a size 10/12)... I finally told her that she was going to have to live her life but I just see a really miserable person who is never happy with anything despite God's gift of a gorgeous face and figure and a very fine brain. She hasn't spoken to me since. She has always been a difficult person to be friends with, but she has no-one left in her life. Her parents were both dead by the time she was 15 with no other relatives who care. She and her sister no longer speak.. I put up with alot from her, and god knows I am not perfect either, but this was kindof it for me.
I appreciate being able to anonymously vent here, and please know I am not criticizing anyone who chooses to use any type of weight loss aid, and I am totally sympathetic to all the issues that come along with poor self esteem--I am not overflowing in that department either. :)

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