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  1. N

    tank top rotation

    Hi--Could somebody let me know where to find the ORIGINAL tank top rotation? thanks so much! Nancy
  2. N

    workout room temperature

    You know, I've wondered the same thing! You should see what I look like by the time I'm about midway through a Cathe workout-- ridiculously sweatty --by the end I look like I've absolutely just stepped out of the shower-- I think some of us just sweat more than others--I know I do. nancy
  3. N

    Cathe -- do you have artificial nails?

    I have had acrylic nails for over 10 years--almost as long as I've been working out with Cathe. It's never been a problem and I can't imagine not having my acrylic nails. I love them! nancy
  4. N

    Hardcores are the best at her best

    AMEN to that!!!!! nancy
  5. N

    Squat rack?

    Lorrayne--I can't help you with you're question because I have no idea what a squat rack is--could you let me know, I feel so dumb asking but I'm so curious. thanks, Nancy
  6. N

    cement floor

    Hi Veronica--thanks so much for all your information and help!! I went ahead and ordered a 10x10 dense FOAM mat. I'm so excited!! I had never heard of and I'm from is out of Minneapolis. thanks again to you and all of the others who posted...
  7. N

    cement floor

    Veronica--I got lots of good info off the greatmats web site--just a few questions---What type of mat are you using? There's the Dense Foam Mats that are 2x2ft. 5/8" thick and come in a wide variety of colors and there's the Dense Foam Mats that are 4x6' 3/4" thick and come only in black and...
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    cement floor

    thanks Veronica--I'm going to check out that web site right away!! nancy
  9. N

    cement floor

    I posted this same message on the "video questions and comments", but I think it's better suited for the "open discussion" Anyway, we are moving to our lake place for the summer months and we have a screened-in porch area where I will be doing my Cathe step workouts. The problem is that the...
  10. N

    cement floor

    Hi! I am going to be moving to our lake place for the summer months and we have a screened -in porch area where I will have to do my Cathe step work-outs because that's the only spot that there is room. The problem is that it's a cement floor. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I...
  11. N

    More re: Rotations Document

    I would like a copy also--thanks nancy [email protected]
  12. N

    More re: Rotations Document

    would like a copy also--thanks much! [email protected]
  13. N

    And Cathe flashed before my eyes!!

    RE: This is So Funny... It is funny....or else it just makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one with these kind of immediate thoughts!!!! It IS my first thought whenever I maybe feel my back going out (something I have to be careful about) or whatever it might would be so...
  14. N

    And Cathe flashed before my eyes!!

    RE: This is So Funny... It is funny....or else it just makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one with these kind of immediate thoughts!!!! It IS my first thought whenever I maybe feel my back going out (something I have to be careful about) or whatever it might would be so...
  15. N

    And Cathe flashed before my eyes!!

    RE: This is So Funny... It is funny....or else it just makes me feel better knowing that I'm not the only one with these kind of immediate thoughts!!!! It IS my first thought whenever I maybe feel my back going out (something I have to be careful about) or whatever it might would be so...
  16. N


    I need a new pair of crosstrainers. I wear a ladies size 10 or 101/2NARROW. I know that New Balance has narrows--but does anyone know of any other brands that come in narrows??? thanks, nancy