Hardcores are the best at her best


Cathe, I own every single one of your DVDs and while I do bike ride on rare occassions, you are my only source for weight training and aerobic activitiy. I love all of your workouts and use them all. That said, I am blown away by the Hardcore Series. It is incredible. Day after day, workout after workout, I am continually impressed by every facet of this series:
-The instruction you give ("keep your knee, hip, and shoulder in alignment")
-The information you give ("this works the peak of the bicep")
-Your cuing ("right foot on the step, then go over")
-The new interesting twists within this series (Low Max, the Kick Max leg drills, the band work, etc.)
-The wonderful Gym Style workouts (they're like an amazing fusion of Pure Strength and Slow and Heavy)

And then there is your endless energy, your incredible physique, your charm, your honesty ("I feel it too!"), and your attention to detail and form.

I just wanted to thank you and tell you how much I appreciate (as we all do) your hardwork and thoughtfulness. Thanks for keeping us, your fans and fitness cohorts, in mind each and every time you undertake a new round of filming.

You rock.
Well said Jillybean!

I am loving these workouts too! They are fun, refreshing and keeping me challenged every day. I'm actually excited to get out of bed at 5 am to work out. Thanks for another yet winning round Cathe.
Liz :)
I agree with all of that too. She has the sort of workouts that when you get up in the morning and really don't feel like working out you put in a Cathe DVD and before you know it, it's difficult but she keeps you interested and she keeps you motivated. Before you know it your finished. Then you get to reap all of the benefits after the workout. Cathe's great!!! She's really a unique trainer, she has all the right qualities in all the right amounts.
Picture hands clapping! Cathe workouts really are the BEST out there. Keep them coming!
I agree. I have all the Cathe workouts that are on DVD and love them all. Cathe workouts are the foundation of my fitness program, adding some treadmill or running outside and some excercises on the Bowflex. I am getting so much out of the Hardcore series, my body feels like it is changing with every workout. Thanks a million Cathe!!!!!

Thanks so very much everyone! To know that you have been so impacted by all of these workout elements makes it worth every every drip of sweat it took to make them ;-)

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