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  1. J

    Pictures of Lynsey

    Okay, here are the pictures....
  2. J

    Pictures of Lynsey

    This is Amy's husband and I am having trouble getting the pictures to show up. Amy and I will try to get them working soon.
  3. J

    Pictures of Lynsey

    http:/ http:/ http:/ I posted about my daughter, Lynsey being born 6 weeks ago, and now I'm finally getting...
  4. J

    I also had my daughter!!!

    Congratulations Shanda! So glad to hear your precious daughter has arrived and is doing well. It is amazing how fast you forget the pain of labor after you see your baby. God bless you and little Kendall! Amy
  5. J

    Our baby has arrived!!!

    Congratulations on your wonderful news! I loved reading your labor story. I want to post mine as well, but I'm still waiting for my husband to help me post pictures of Lynsey too, since I'm computer illiterate! Enjoy your new little girl...Lynsey is already 6 weeks DOES go really...
  6. J

    Our daughter is here!

    :-) Lynsey Joy was born on Tuesday June 17th (right on time!) at 8:24 a.m. She weighed 8 lb. 2 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. I will try to post some pictures when I have more time. I always love reading other's labor stories, so I will share mine when I get a chance! Hope all the...
  7. J

    Any other third trimester moms-to-be?

    Well, here I am at 39 weeks and 5 days, and still no baby:-( I'm starting to get really frustrated. With my first, I was actually expecting to go past my due date, so I was caught off gaurd when he came 9 days early. This time I was expecting to go early, and it looks like I'm going to be...
  8. J

    Any other third trimester moms-to-be?

    Hi Lisa and Shanda! I am 38 weeks and ready for this baby to be born. I have been really lucky in that I've had very few of the physical discomforts common in pregnancy (swollen extremeties etc..). I just have a really, really hard time with the weight gain thing, so it's more of an...
  9. J

    fitness frustrations - looking for company!

    Hi! I am also pregnant with my second and have a 2 year old (almost!) running around, so I definitely know where you're coming from. I am just starting week 26 and am feeling fine now, but during weeks 6-12, I was so sick and exhausted, it took more energy than I had just to get out of bed let...
  10. J

    We're having a girl!!!

    Thanks, guys! Lisa: I have gained about 25 lbs so far, with 15 weeks still to go! This weight gain is consistant with my last pregnancy, where I gained about 45 total. I am exercising more intensely and watching my calories more closely this time, but I guess my body's just going to do...
  11. J

    We're having a girl!!!

    We had our ultrasound on Friday. Everything looks great, all the parts are where they are supposed to be! I had a feeling this was a girl, but I was doubting myself after looking at the Chinese Gender Chart. It is easier for me now that I've actually seen her to concentrate on having a...
  12. J

    I had the big sonogram!! It's a...

    Hi Lisa! I read your message a couple of weeks ago, but have been having problems getting in to post. I'm so happy for you that everything is going so well with your pregnancy. I hope everything continues to go smoothly for you until the very end! I have MY big sonogram tomorrow. I'll let...
  13. J

    Everyone's Due Date

    I'm due June 17th.
  14. J

    moms-to-be check in!

    Hello. I haven't been posting much lately either. I'm Amy and I'm 21 weeks along with baby #2, due on June 17th. My other son is almost 2 and is keeping me very busy. I have been very faithful with my workouts (after the all-day sickness went away at 12 weeks), but I have still gained about...
  15. J

    Mom's to Be Check-In

    I wish I was as close to being done as you all are! I am only at week 16 and have 6 months to go. June seems like a lifetime away. The good news is my all-day sickness FINALLY went away (for the most part). I wasn't able to exercise at all during the first trimester due to the extreme nausea...
  16. J

    Do you plan to get an epidural?

    I had an epidural when my son was born almost 2 years ago and it was a very positive experience! I was dilated to 6 when I got to the hospital, (had been having very painful and close together contractions for about 18 hours at that point), and got my epidural shortly after arriving. Words...
  17. J

    My morning sickness is killing me!!

    I forgot to mention it my first post, but I have been using the Sea Bands, and they don't seem to help. It is so frustrating to go through all these different things and not find anything that helps! My Dr. called back today and apparently she didn't understand what I said when I asked her if...
  18. J

    My morning sickness is killing me!!

    RE: Morning sickness just about kills me too! I have a question. For those of you who stopped taking your pre-natal vitamin, did you start taking a regular one like One A Day? My Dr. told me it was okay to stop taking mine, but I worry about it because right now my diet is far from balanced...
  19. J

    My morning sickness is killing me!!

    Thanks you for all the helpful suggestions. I have only been taking 1 B6 vitamin per day. Maybe I will try 2 and see if that helps. I found the Preggie Pops website over the weekend and ordered some...hopefully they will be here soon. I heard how helpful ginger is to some people, so I've...
  20. J

    My morning sickness is killing me!!

    A couple of weeks ago I was worried that something was wrong because I felt so good. Well, I should have enjoyed it, because the last 2 weeks have been a nightmare! I'm not vomiting, but I have severe nausea and fatigue 24/7. I have tried all the suggestions I can find on easing morning...