I had the big sonogram!! It's a...


Okay- here's my happy report! First, let me say that it is amazing to think that this life is being created, because getting pregnant was a long road for us- we tried for 18 months with a stint of ovarian cyst issues, and being put back on the pill...so this is so amazing to me! That it happened, and that it's all going well! DH and I are 18 weeks along with our first, and yesterday was my third sonogram. The first two sonos were unexpected as you may remember (#1 was because I was spotting early on, and #2 was because the doppler couldn't pick up a heartbeat at week 12) Both of those showed that all was fine.

So yesterday was the big official one- she (the tech) methodically found all kinds of important organs- kidneys, a four-chambered heart, a well developing brain, a three-chambered umbilical cord, a big, well-placed placenta, and ten fingers and ten toes! She took pictures of the upper and lower arms and legs- everything is there! And my blood test (AFP) that screened for spina bifida and Down's Syndrome was negative- normal! THAT was great to hear.

And then she got an image of the baby's bottom, and stopped there and asked if we wanted to know (she had asked us ahead of time as well) and we said yes again, and she said it's a girl! We were floored! A tiny, eight inch long, perfect "beautiful" (as she said!) little girl! It was amazing. The little thing is so cute- she was moving around, crossing and uncrossing her ankles, wriggling her shoulders, and then at the end she even waved at us! I think I'm in love...

And by the way yes, this is consistent with that Chinese calendar, which I had mentally "poo-poo'd" because I was so goshdarn sure this was a boy! Just goes to show ya!

As a matter of fact yes, we are down to two names! We are not telling "ANYONE" but I don't see any harm in posting them here! Let me know what you think, or which one you like more.

Malina Elisabeth

Natalie Elisabeth
Congratulations on your growing little girl! I'm thrilled for you as this baby was hard for you to come by.

Take care!
Sandi & Baby Ryan

PS I really like both the names you are thinking of :)
Hi Lisa,

I am so happy for you. Little girls are wonderful. My baby girl is now 6 years old and in the first grade. Enjoy every minute. They really do grow up overnight.

Hugs to you!


Sheila S. Watkins, MLSci.
Founder and National Program Director
Healthy Moms(R)Fitness

That is so wonderful you are having a girl! I love the name Malina. We considered that name for one of our girls then ended up going with my great-grandma's name instead!

I'm with you on not telling anyone the names we are thinking of! Seems like you can't please everyone and I'd rather not have negative fedback. Plus I like surprises!!

Michelle (due April 3rd)
Hi Lisa,
Congrats on your little girl! :D
My little boy, Daniel, is just 5 weeks old and has blessed our lives immensely! We would love a little girl next time (can't believe I just typed that after having only JUST recovered from the whole childbirth experience!!:eek: ). I think the name Malina is beautiful, although I'm sure you and your other half will decide for yourselves once you have seen her for the first time!
Congrats again!
Congrats Lisa!!! If you think that you are in love now, just wait!!!!! You don't even think that it is possible to love someone so much!!
Hi Lisa! I read your message a couple of weeks ago, but have been having problems getting in to post. I'm so happy for you that everything is going so well with your pregnancy. I hope everything continues to go smoothly for you until the very end! I have MY big sonogram tomorrow. I'll let ya know what I find out. For some reason I feel like I am having a girl this time, but the Chinese Gender Chart says it's a boy. I guess we'll know who's right soon enough!


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