Pictures of Lynsey



I posted about my daughter, Lynsey being born 6 weeks ago, and now I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures! She will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and has already changed so much. Labor was much shorter and easier than my first (7 hours compared to 20 hours!) I had gone to bed around 10:30 on Monday night. I remember tossing and turning and just not feeling well, but it was around 2:00 a.m. on Tuesday when I realized I was having contractions. I started timing them and they were 10 minutes apart. I called my mom around 3:00 a.m. and told her to start heading to our house so she could stay with our son while we were at the hospital. She lives about a 2 hour drive away and had her bags packed for a month waiting for "the call" from me. All of a sudden my contractions went from being 10 minutes apart to 5 minutes apart. Although they still weren't very painful, I didn't want to wait any longer, so I drove myself to the hospital since my mom was still an hour away. When I got there, the nurse and I were both surprised to learn I was already dilated to 6 cm! My water hadn't broken yet, and they decided to wait until my husband got there to break it, since the Dr. thought things would go very quickly from there. I had decided not to get an epidural this time, but did ask for something to take the edge off when the contractions started getting more painful. I only pushed for 10 minutes, comparted with an hour and a half the first time, but it was SO much more painful without the epidural. I would have to say I would almost rather go back to pushing longer with the epidural than a shorter time without one. I felt completely out of control and no one was counting with me or telling me when to push, and I couldn't tell when a contraction was beginning or ending. I was screaming so loud that my poor husband was probably wondering how a demon got into his shy and quiet wife! But it is true that you quickly forget about the pain when you hold your baby. My 2 year old son has adjusted very well to the new baby and is a wonderful big brother. He hasn't shown any jealousy at all, and even acts protective when there are other kids around! Too cute!
This is Amy's husband and I am having trouble getting the pictures to show up. Amy and I will try to get them working soon.
Thanks for sharing your labor story. I love to read them. I agree that labor is much more painful without an epidural. I had my first two naturally and the third with drugs to take the edge off (ha!). I remember having contractions so fast during transition that I could not catch my breath. So, for our fourth child, I opted for an epidural. I just chickened out when I felt those pains coming on. I tell you, it was heaven. I was so relaxed. If I have a choice, I will never go through labor without one again. The only thing I didn't like, was that I didn't feel the urge to push at all, but because I'd had three prior labors, I knew how hard I would have to push, so it didn't take very long to get him out.

I look forward to seeing the pics of little Lynsey. I'll keep checking back.

Take care!

due 9-8-03
Oops! As soon as I posted, there were the pictures. What a cutie! And your little boy is really cute too. Enjoy this time. As you surely must know, it goes so fast!

OHHHHHH what sweet pictures. Thanks for sharing them!! (and your birth story too - I love to read birth stories).

Stories and photos of newborns make me want to have another baby!!!!

Congratulations...she is gorgeous!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
How cute! I hope that my labor is over with that quickly this time, last time it was 32 hours, not fun! Plus I did it without pain killers, except the taking the "edge off" ones, whatever they are. Yeah, I think I am opting for an epidural this time. I remember screeming too!:eek:
Congratulaions, she is adorable, and it sounds like your son is being an angel. Have a great time with those beautiful children!

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