Mom's to Be Check-In


Hi All,

I just wondered how all of us expectant Mum's are doing?

I am currently a little less than 3 weeks away from my due date now, and have just started to get nervous about the prospect of labour. It's just occuring to me that I am going to have to do the equivalent of squeezing a watermelon through one of my nostrils, and the thought is a little daunting, LOL!!

Unfortunately, I ended up in hospital a few weeks ago with a bout of gastro-enteritis which left me severely dehydrated and on a drip! Not a pleasant experience. However, I am fully recovered now and the thankfully baby was/is fine (lived off my body-fat supplies, which are plentiful!).

The last time I saw my Midwife, she told me that the baby is lying with his spine against mine which could mean painful back-labour if he doesn't turn! Apparently, this is not uncommon at this stage, and it's not unusual for babies to turn just before labour starts or during labour. Here's hoping!!

Apart from this, I am feeling really well and DH and I can't wait to see/meet our little baby!

I hope you are all well, and would love to hear how you are all doing!

Kaz x

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Hi Kaz,
I am about 5 weeks away from my delivery date and am also getting a little nervous about what is to come. I find myself getting very emotional lately--crying at the slightest thing. I have been watching episodes of "A BAby Story" on Lifetime TV and that sets me off everytime! I go into my baby's room everyday and just sit there and imagine what life is going to be like in just a few short weeks. I am excited and very nervous as well. I keep having dreams that I bring the baby home and do everything wrong. I hope natural instincts kick in! We are in the process of trying to come up with some names--much harder than we ever thought it would be. I bought a book "15,000 Baby Names" figuring that I should be able to find something but now I wish I had gotten the one titled "35,000 Baby Names" ! My father keeps calling with his suggestions, none of which I have cared for unfortunately.

At this point, I am having to deal with mild swelling which can be a pain. My fingers and ankles start to look like little sausages on some days--so attractive! I am trying to keep up with my workouts but am finding myself just not motivated. I didn't do any formal exercise for the past 2 weeks due to a hectic life getting ready for the holidays and hosting a big Christmas party on the 20th. I worked out yesterday and am trying to get myself to do something today. I will give myself a kick in the butt and do something I am sure.

Well, that is about it for now. Glad to hear things are going well with you. Good luck to you and let's hope that baby flips around!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-03 AT 02:12AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Kaz & Beets,
This is such an exciting time, isn't it? Kaz, we're due just around the same time - I have 3 weeks left to go as well (due January 23). I'm glad you're over your bout of gastro-enteritis and you're feeling well again. And Beets, I hope your swelling doesn't become too uncomfortable.
As far as labour goes, your analogy of squeezing a watermelon through a nostril is a good one. As painful as it is, the rewards are fabulous and so worth it - they must be as this baby is our fourth!
I haven't done much in the way of fitness since the end of October, when I came down with a terrible case of the flu, then pneumonia; all of which put me out of commission for several weeks. That took away all of my strength I had gained, and I just haven't got back into it. I've gained only 25 lbs so far (as opposed to 45 lbs each earlier pregnancy) so I'm not too concerned, although I have ALOT of firming up to do!
The naming part can be a challenge, I think, trying to come up with something you both like. We made the mistake of telling my parents about one of the names we were thinking of and got such a negative reaction it was incredible! My stepmom actually said she wouldn't call the baby by that name! We've got a few to choose from now and will decide once he's born.
The kids, DH and I are also very excited about meeting our new little guy! Keep us posted!

Take care,
I wish I was as close to being done as you all are! I am only at week 16 and have 6 months to go. June seems like a lifetime away. The good news is my all-day sickness FINALLY went away (for the most part). I wasn't able to exercise at all during the first trimester due to the extreme nausea and fatigue, but was able to get back into it at about the 12th week. I am mostly doing all-weight Firm tapes with Leslie Sansone walking in between. I can lift pretty much the same for upper body, but I get too out of breath if I try to use any weight for squats, lunges, dips and leg presses. I was out for a walk a couple days ago and decided to try jogging (I jogged regularly before getting pregnant) but it was too much for me unfortunately. I've gained 10 lbs so far, but I realized the other day that I'm at the weight now that I started out at with my first pregnancy, so that made me feel a little better. My goal is to NOT put on 45 lbs. like I did last time! Try to stay comfortable and good luck to you all in the coming weeks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-03 AT 12:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everyone! Don't feel bad JB's Mommy- I am behind YOU at about 12 weeks along. I'm due July 20! First trimester is about over (OB/GYN saw me on Dec 30 and said I was through it as of the next day- New Year's Eve). I never got nauseated even once- nor did I get I came through lucky I guess. I have mild pain just about every evening, like a uterine stretching pain. Doc says it's just from that- my stretching uterus. Anyone else have this? I've already had TWO sonograms- YAY! The first as you may remember was at 7.6 weeks- because I had been spotting, but everything was perfectly fine. The second was on Dec 30 because the doppler thing couldn't pick up a heartbeat. Doc said 12 weeks is about the earliest those things can work, but to ease my mind he had me get a quick sono downstairs and WOW the little one is now about 2 inches long, heart beating good and strong, still good placement, etc, and they gave me another picture!
We announced the pregnancy (our first) at Christmas, much to the delight and surprise of many family members. It's been fun so far.
Hello all you moms to be,
I am a mother of six and would like to reassure you that it is all worth it. And birth does not have to be terrifying and painful like what you see portrayed on television. If you would like to read some stories of women who have given birth unassisted--no doctor or midwife--here is a website:
I am not saying giving birth unassisted is for every woman. Is is not. But it is a choice you can make if you choose.
If you read the stories of these women giving birth at home with only those she wants with her, without being told what to do and when to do it, you will see how truly amazing and wonderful the whole birth process really is. You will also realize you can give birth without someone telling you how. Our bodies are made to give birth. You will birth your babies even if the doctor or midwife is not there.
Also, reading their stories will give you a much better idea of the natural process of birth. You will know what to expect and be prepared. What if you don't make it to the hospital or the midwife doesn't get there in time? Every women should be prepared to give birth alone because it can happen no matter how well you plan things.
Reading the stories at this site will empower you. They will make you realize you are the expert in your birth. You are the one who is giving birth. Not the doctor and not the midwife. These stories will give you faith in your body to bring your child into this world with or without assistance.
Sorry to carry on so. Just wanted to share what I have found in reading the stories at this site. Hope they empower each of you.
Heather- I just wanted to let you know I checked out that website, and WOW! I really enjoyed it! It is SO refreshing to hear something positive and inspiring about the birthing process. This site and its many articles truly helped alleviate some of the traditional and common fears and concerns that I ( and probably most women) harbored! Thanks for mentioning it!
Lisa, I am so glad to hear someone found the sight helpful. Since no one had posted after I did, I thought you all probably thought I was nuts or something for even mentioning giving birth unassisted. I love to read birth stories--but not ones from hospital births--too stressful for me.
In the process of trying to conceive our 7th child. If God is willing we would like to have an unassisted birth. Sounds so terrific to get to stay home and have my family with me when I give birth.
And the birth process is so awesome when allowed to happen on its own without interference.
Happy Birthing,
HI everyone. I enjoyed your posts. I am behind most of you at just starting week 20. I had my first sonogram last week. It was incredible to see! I didn't think I wanted to know the sex, but when I SAW my baby, I caved and asked. My husband wanted to know the whole time. They tell us it looks like a little girl! She kept moving her arms and legs during the sonogram. So naturally, I told my husband she is doing her Cathe aerobics just like mommy!

I am also torn on names. Here is my dilemma. My mom has already passed away (~10 yrs). But she had told me that if I ever wanted to name a girl after her, to use her baptism name, Andrea, not her birth certificate name, Audrey. While I think Andrea is a nice name, I am not 100% in love with it. I worry that if I don't use it, I will feel guilty. Others have suggested I use it as a middle name, but I assure you my last name is long and chock full of vowels! I think I need a nice simple middle name.

Otherwise, I am pretty much fine. Oh, well, horribly emotional, but if that is my biggest problem, then I can't complain!

Best labor wishes to all! Gina
Hi Gina,
How exciting to find out you're having a little girl! I know how you feel about not wanting to know but wanting to know all the same.
Regarding your mom - maybe you could find a name that uses some/most of the letters of her name or change some of the letters around so it sounds better to you. Or maybe have 2 middle names, with hers being the 2nd? Go with what you feel is right. I know I want to give our son (due in a week and a half :)) my dad's name as his middle name, but DH is unsure (long story).
Take care!

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