I also had my daughter!!!


Hi everyone,
I don't know how many of you remember but I posted back in January that I was told my daughter may have down syndrome or Turners. She was diagnosed with a cystic hygroma at my nine week ultrasound. Well, I'm happy to announce that Kendall Gabriella was born three weeks early because my amnotic fluid was low. I had her on July 8th at 3:03pm after being induced early that morning. My doctor broke my water at 9:25am and I had her that afternoon she weighed 6lbs 4ozs. Labor was very hard but it's amazing how you forget about the pain once you see your baby. She's a little over two weeks old and she's changing everyday right before my eyes. I want to thank you all for your kind words when I posted back in January your post really helped me alot.

I love being a mother already!!! she's so sweet, and wakes up maybe twice during the night so far, that is. Thanks again.

Congratulations Shanda! What wonderful news! I knew we were due around the same time! I know what you mean about changing every day- Alyssa is already getting chubbier cheeks and hands in just a few days. And I swear she smiles at me about 20 times a day :)
Best wishes to you and Kendall Gabriella~

Congratulations Shanda and Kendall!

I LOVE her name! So wonderful to hear your news. I have not posted in eons (oh the challenges I face in motherhood!!) but I do remember you and your experience. Blessings to both and give her hugs and kisses from the forum!

RE: Congratulations Shanda and Kendall!

Congratulations on your little girl. I am very happy for you :) What a pretty name!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. It sounds like everything turned out well--no complications. Our fourth child, a little boy, is Downs, and he is an utter delight. He had a number of health issues during his first year, but now he is doing well. We are now expecting number 5 and decided not to have any testing this time. We will love him no matter what, but of course our hope is that he is a healthy baby and has no complications.

Get plenty of rest and keep on enjoying your little blessing!

due 9-8-03
Congratulations Shanda!!! I do remember your posts about your ordeal and so glad everything went well!

God is gooooood!!!!

I was wondering how you were doing. I remember your post very well. Now, tell me something...what do the doctors say now????? Hmmmm, what if you had done what they recommended? :( :( :( You wouldn't have the joy that you now have!!!:D :D :D :D

Congratulations. Make sure you post a photo or two of you and your baby!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon ;-)
Congratulations Shanda! So glad to hear your precious daughter has arrived and is doing well. It is amazing how fast you forget the pain of labor after you see your baby. God bless you and little Kendall!


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