We're having a girl!!!


We had our ultrasound on Friday. Everything looks great, all the parts are where they are supposed to be! I had a feeling this was a girl, but I was doubting myself after looking at the Chinese Gender Chart. It is easier for me now that I've actually seen her to concentrate on having a healthy pregnancy and not worry so much about the weight gain. Not that I didn't know there was a baby in there before, but it is easier to focus on what's really important now. JB is going to be a great big brother!

Amy! Congratulations! I knew your ultrasound was soon, and was looking forward to your report! How wonderful- little girls for us both! Though you're due a full month earlier than me...
Congratulations! And yes, I agree it is more fun now that I can say SHE is moving, or SHE is sitting low, or SHE wants french fries today!
(BTW, how much weight have you gained? I'm a little over the mark at 18 lbs at 20 weeks- it should be 10-15.)
I'm adding my congratulations! Girls I the cutest - but as a female, I am biased:+ ! Take care of yourself.

Thanks, guys!

Lisa: I have gained about 25 lbs so far, with 15 weeks still to go! This weight gain is consistant with my last pregnancy, where I gained about 45 total. I am exercising more intensely and watching my calories more closely this time, but I guess my body's just going to do what it wants anyway! The thing that bums me out is my 10 year high school reunion is this summer (don't know when yet). As someone who struggled with weight all through high school, I definitely don't want to show up carrying 30 extra lbs. around. After my son was born, I got into the best shape of my life. I know I will get there again, and THAT'S how I want them to see me, but I won't have time to get to that point before the reunion. :-( I need to stop being so vain!
Congratulations on your little girl. They are great : )
Baby #4 - due April 23rd.
It's a boy!!!

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