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  1. Z

    Does anyone here own an elliptical machine??

    I had one but sold it because after awhile it started hurting my knees.
  2. Z

    When is being "friendly" ,TOOO!!!! "friendly"?

    RE: When is being "I turned to face him immediately and grabbed his groin area with every bit of strength in me and told him next time I would wear his balls as earrings and make a coin purse out of his foreskin if he ever did this to me again!" That is brilliant!!!!! LMHO!!!!!!:o }(
  3. Z

    so what's the worst body part to work out?

    Legs!!!!!!! Love doing upper, but it's a chore to do the lower half!~~~ I'm forcing myself to do lower first...otherwise, I conveniently "forget" hehehehe}(
  4. Z

    P90X DVD's

    Thanks for the response! Is the intensity the same as Cathe?
  5. Z

    P90X DVD's

    I have read in this forum that many members also use p90x dvd's to supplement Cathe's workouts. Which DVD's do you prefer out of the series? If I were to order 2, which do you suggest are worthwhile?
  6. Z

    Stability Ball workout

    Thanks so much for the feedback!!!!! :D I'm going shopping this weekend!!!!!! :7
  7. Z

    Stability Ball workout

    Can anyone suggest a challenging stability ball DVD????
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    Pyramid Upper- I tried something new and boy am I sore...

    It's not too bad, Shelbygirl. I put the weights right next to the bench (low weight to high weight) and they are easy to grab lying down. I don't get up in between sets because I don't want to get lightheaded. It works out really well. Let me know what you think!
  9. Z

    Pyramid Upper- I tried something new and boy am I sore...

    Has anyone ever tried the pyramid upper DVD while on a decline bench for flys and chest. My GOD!!!!! If you get a chance, try it and let me know what you think!!!! This may sound silly, amped it up a bit and I hope it will help in keeping my "perky" as I get older! ;) I have...
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    Stability Ball Workout Videos

    Good Afternoon! Does anyone have a suggestion for a challenging DVD to buy that has a full body workout on the stability ball? Looking to mix up my routine a bit.
  11. Z

    Monday 25

    How do you like the p90X core workout? I was thinking about getting the dvd. Is it worth it?
  12. Z

    Alternatives to lunges????

    Hi Everybody! Any suggestions to an alternatiive to the lunge that will target the quads and glutes as well? I injured myself 3 years ago (slid down a flight of stairs on my tailbone) and had serious injury to my hip and tailbone. Everything is fine now but everytime I do a lunge...
  13. Z

    Its hi everyone from 38degrees Sydney Australia

    I can't tell you how much I miss it there! I lived in Newcastle for a year-got my Master's at the uni as a full degree candidate. What a life. Spiders and all! Fair dinkum!
  14. Z

    How do you get up early??

    Set the alarm, turn on all the lights and get to work. I never could do it either but this works for me now. Can't do aerobics early in the morning, but weight training is fine for me. Just roll out of bed and get busy! I start at 5AM (Monday-Friday)
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    Go BoSox

    I second that-I'm from RI originally. That's my team!
  16. Z

    If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results

    RE: If you have to do strength training and aerobics back to back, of which do you find the best results?(I've heard many different things on this-has Cathe provided feedback on this yet?) Sorry, the forum won't let me edit so you can see the question. So, here it is: If you have...
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    ab hits 2

    Sounds good to me!
  18. Z

    light head

    Hi Lynnie, That used to happen to me frequently because I didn't eat before the workout. Sometimes a small glass of orange juice gave me a little boost before the workout and it is natural and not too caloric! Try for me! Zandy:7
  19. Z

    Stability Ball & Medicine Ball

    Hi Cathe, It would be great to have a workout that is an hour in length using only the stability ball and a medicine ball. It would also be helpful if you incorporated a workout designed for the frequent traveler. :D