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  1. V

    Are you a suspicious person by nature?

    I'm probably too trusting, but I'm trying to at least have a bit of healthy suspicion about people. Today, the Direct TV guy was at our house and I was here alone, so I decided to have a pair of scissors beside me on the couch, just in case. :) About that drama today: Even after she admitted...
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    Calling all Seattlers...and anyone else:)

    Hi Carrie, I lived in Seattle for about 10 years before moving to Texas to be closer to family. While I LOVED many things about the Seattle area -- the mountains and water, the laid-back people, the lifelong friends I made, even the rain! loved the rain -- there were also drawbacks. The main...
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    Fitness models

    I agree 100 percent. The other night, I flipped through a Shape magazine to see if I could identify these new muscles that had formed on the sides of my stomach. (They're obliques. Duh!) :) Anyway, I found an article on getting great abs, but the woman (girl) who was doing the exercises had no...
  4. V

    Do you admire your muscles in the mirror????

    I can't say that I have ripping muscles to admire in the mirror (yet?). But since I've been working out hard with weights for the past three months, I've recently noticed two or three lines on my sides -- kind of in the upper ab region. They're horizontal and slope downward. Are they lats?? I...
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    Know any couples who lived together after breaking up?

    Hi there, I'm working on a story for People magazine (my name is Darla Atlas -- some of you know me on here!) and thought the wonderful Catheites might be able to help. The story is based on the upcoming Jennifer Aniston movie The Break-Up, in which her character and Vince Vaughan split up...
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    The Comeback Kid Update 4/21/06

    HOORAY! I can only imagine how great you must feel now that this huge burden has been lifted. I'm thrilled for you! I'm also thrilled for us, because we'll be reaping the benefits with your new and sure-to-be-fabulous workouts. :) Congrats!!! Darla
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    Update - 4-13-06

    Hi Cathe, Just wanted to echo all the other well-wishers and to thank you for being so open with us about the injury. It must be SUCH a relief to finally know what the problem was! Hooray!! Have a wonderful Easter with your family, Darla :-)
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    Huge article in Dallas Paper

    Thank you guys for the wonderful feedback!! I'm thrilled to hear that you like it -- I was more concerned about the reaction from fellow Catheites than I was the general public, I have to admit. :) By the way, my neighbor, a high-school football coach, saw the story and stopped by today to...
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    six feet under season finale

    I cried pretty much through the entire finale (my husband began to wonder if I was OK :)), but the last scenes showing how people died really did me in. I was just so happy to see that Claire died in 2085. She had 80 good years left. :) I think that was the best finale to a series EVER. It...
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    Cathe article in today's Dallas Morning News

    Thanks for the very kind feedback, you guys! :) Darla
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    Cathe article in today's Dallas Morning News

    Hi everybody! As requested by some people on the road trip, I'm posting my story here so that whoever wants to read it will be able to. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see all the photos that ran with it. (But fortunately, you won't be able to see the picture of a sweaty me. :) ) Anyway...
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    Desperate for help .....

    Hi there, I don't know if this advice will help, but I figured I should add my two cents just in case. I suffered from anorexia many years ago, back when I was in high school. What I remember most is the feeling that you expressed when you said you want to stop working out, but "my mind will...
  13. V

    List of Road Trip Attendees

    Yep, I'm taking the classes -- hopefully all four of them! (But that's assuming I get some crazy burst of energy that I don't possess in my normal life.) :-) I've been a Cathe devotee for a couple of years, so I sort of know what I'm getting into. Sort of. Anyway, I can't wait for this trip...
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    List of Road Trip Attendees

    Hi! I'm Darla and will be flying in from Dallas. I'm going to be doing a first-person piece about the road trip for The Dallas Morning News, so if any of you care to be quoted, hunt me down! I'll be the redhead with the notebook. :-)
  15. V

    Favorite Step Moves!

    I was also going to vote for plie jacks -- only because of the music that goes with them during Interval 9 in Imax 2. (You know, that pepped-up Pina Colada song.) While I pretty much detest the same move in Imax 3, that triumphant music in 2 gets me going every time. I feel like I'm charging in...