Do you admire your muscles in the mirror????

Yeah I think I do. I weight train at the gym so I'm always looking at the mirrors to make sure I'm using proper form, & sometimes I do a double take & think, "is that really me? I look pretty good!" :)
> Yep, just my triceps!
> kim

My tri's look really good when I don't use a mirrow but when I check 'em out in the mirror they don't look as cut! :-( BLAH! LOL
I can't say that I have ripping muscles to admire in the mirror (yet?). But since I've been working out hard with weights for the past three months, I've recently noticed two or three lines on my sides -- kind of in the upper ab region. They're horizontal and slope downward. Are they lats?? I think I might have lats!!! Either that, or unexpected rolls of fat. Please advise! :)
Wish I had a big mirror to do my weightlifting in front of. I too think it helps you do the exercises in the correct form.

Oh, and Wendy you know you have muscles girl!:p

Yes I do (what muscle I do have!) My youngest son wants to be a bodybuilder when he grows up!! He wants me to teach him how to lift correctly (which I am doing but not over 3# dumbbells) BTW he is 7.

Not only yes, but HELL yeah!! Especially since I have lost 64# in the last year (probably more if I wasn't weight lifting while losing) and building mus-kuls. I love how cut my shoulders and upper back are getting! I just wish that I had a mirror positioned such that I didn't have to crane my neck to see them!

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