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  1. D

    Stressed out about Eating!

    I totally agree with Chrissy.... if you can't stick w/it for your life, you're wasting your time and will just live a vicious cycle! Diets do not work! Well, they do.... for a short time... but as soon as you begin eating again, you'll gain pounds. It is so much easier to just eat a well...
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    Stressed out about Eating!

    I totally agree with Chrissy.... if you can't stick w/it for your life, you're wasting your time and will just live a vicious cycle! Diets do not work! Well, they do.... for a short time... but as soon as you begin eating again, you'll gain pounds. It is so much easier to just eat a well...
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    Stressed out about Eating!

    GREAT DIPS..... hmm.... some of them that I TREMDNDOUSLY enjoy that are even healthy are: Hummus (tastes just like bean dip)!!! Tofu Pate (for veggie dip) I eat these things and totally feel like I am being bad! I love to spead hummus in whole wheat tortillas and heat them up! They taste...
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    ? about which step height is best....

    Bump...... I have the same problem and am curious to see some replies on this one. I seem to be able to tone up certain areas.. yet when I am standing up and have a pair of shorts on, I can look down at my legs and see a few "waves" on my inner thighs! AND it drives me crazy because my diet is...
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    meal sampler menu

    I am wondering if Cathe herself can post a SAMPLE "reasonable" daily menu plan for all of us Catheites who follow her rotation. The menu isn't meant for someone to follow everyday, but just a general "daily" allowance that you think is reasonable and adequate when doing your monthly rotations -...
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    Best rotation strategy for weight loss?

    I am bumping to see Cathe's response also......
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    Food combining..... what people don't know

    Very interesting.... I agree with a lot of what you are saying but I don't implement it.. I am starting to get into the "eat fruit alone" thing. AFtet my morning workouts, I will make a solid fruit smoothie (strawberrys/blueberries/water/splenda & flax meal) and drink it 30 minutes before I eat...
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    Food combining..... what people don't know

    Food combining TOTALLY drives me nuts... that why I just eat a well rounded diet! I do combine fruits with dairy, and I also combine carbs/protein and fats all day long.... sometimes I like to alternate my meals though... like: Bkfst: oatmeal and protein shake (carb & protein) Snack...
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    Food combining..... what people don't know

    Trust me sister!!!!.... I get tired of it too! It's like anything! First, eggs are good - then they're bad!! Then, wheat is good, then it's bad and everyone is allergic!! Then, one gallon of water... then it will "overload your kidneys"... all the different diet theories and such.... why...
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    Food combining..... what people don't know

    That's actually one of the things that got my interest... I have really bad stomach problems and I have learned to deal w/it over the years! One thing I learned is that during preparing a stir-fry... DON'T overcook the veggies!!! This causes gas.... aslo combining fruits with veggies promotes...
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    I declare it a bad eating day...

    You wouldn't believe what I did yesterday! AFter eating pop-tarts and panacakes, I had some donuts and pie... then, right before bed, opened up a can of Betty Crocker's chocolate frosting and put 1/2 the container on a chocolate muffin and scarfed it down with a diet pop! I should be fasting...
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    Food combining..... what people don't know

    This is regarding gaining weight. I have spent two hours on the internet reading about "Foods that should never be combined - that actually make you gain weight" and "everyone is actually eating them"..... I am dying to know what these combinations are..... but I certainly don 't want to buy a...
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    I declare it a bad eating day...

    Hi, hippahips! I just got done looking at your fitness photo's. By the way - you look fabulous! I am writing you because my physique is similar to yours. You look very tone and appear to have some of the same features as I do (back & shoulders being one of them)so I am curious...... what is...
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    Rhonda in Your Videos - What Works Best for Her Body?

    RE: Rhonda in Your Videos - What Works Best for Her Bod... I can't believe that she eats that many calories per day and looks so perfect! WOW, that absolutely blows me away! I don't follow any certain "diet" (zone/low carb/etc) but I eat 5-6 small meals a day in moderation and even supplement...
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    Cathe - weird things happening....HELP!

    Bump... can't wait to see Cathe's reviews on this one! I go through the same thing! I go toggle back and forth wondering if I am eating enough! I have intense workout routines and don't count calories, but probably don't eat more than 1200-1300 cal a day. I HAVE experimented with eating...
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    Moment of Truth Oct 5/05

    Hello Kali and Wendy! Thanks for your check-in with me Kali! I have not abused drugs or alcohol for several years now, but you brought something very important to my attention..... I tend to of forgotten that I have an "addictive personality".... remembering this is good.... so thanks! I have...
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    Moment of Truth Oct 5/05

    Thanks everyone for you advice!! I was actually afraid that I would hear that I need professional help. The truth is, I am not quite ready to admit it to someone! I am not playing games, but I have actually tried to talk to people, but they have always laughed at me and joked, saying things...
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    Moment of Truth Oct 5/05

    Hi, there! This is my first time in this particular forum "Moment of Truth". I wanted to post a basic message but couldn't figure out how to, without actually "Replying" to someone. I am at work and so I have to make this quick. I just need someone to vent to. I have a little secret problem...
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    Freestyle training

    Wow.... thanks for the info! I learned something new today :-) This sounds really interesting. You know what's funny..... for about a month now, I have been doing lower weights/higher reps on the legs and working them at least 5x per week..... not going over 10lb dumbells (this is going down...
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    Freestyle training

    Anyone know about this concept? I want to incorporate this into my workouts (specifically lower body - I build too much muscle in my legs and now they are a little larger than I'd like)....... I LOVE lifting and I always to the exact amount that Cathe does, but my husband has told me that my...