Food combining..... what people don't know


Active Member
This is regarding gaining weight. I have spent two hours on the internet reading about "Foods that should never be combined - that actually make you gain weight" and "everyone is actually eating them"..... I am dying to know what these combinations are..... but I certainly don 't want to buy a book to find out! I hate those gimicks! Anyone know what this is about or have any insight? The only thing that comes to my mind is I have heard it said over and over that fruit should be eaten alone.... any ideas? Thanks!
The only combos I know that do that are fat and sugar. If you eat a high glycemic sugar with fat (and no protein), your body is put in a state to store the fat. Since "everyone" seems to eat sugar and fat together, it's a common combo.
The only thing that I know for sure about combining foods is that if you eat carbs you should eat protein also so that you don't have dips/crashes in blood sugar levels. I haven't ever heard anything about certain combinations making you gain weight, but what Kathryn sad makes sense when you think about. The most delicious pastries and deserts are fat/sugar combos with high caloric densities.

Funny you should bring this up, as this is the way I eat on an everyday basis...Some pointers.

*Fruit should be eaten by themselves, and there are some fruits that shouldn't be combined with others...

-Melons-ALWAYS eat them by themselves...
-Sweet fruits (banana, dates, prunes, raisins, plantains, ALL dried fruit, etc) should be eaten alone...
-Other fruits are ok to combine
-Fruit is a good "cleanser", so I eat mine first thing in the morning...

*Starches and proteins should never be eaten together, with a few exceptions...

-If you have rice and any type of meat, add some legumes (beans) to make the starch a complete protein (ie. peanut butter on whole grain toast is a complete protein)...

*Veggies mix with everything but fruits...

*Timetables between meals

-2 hours after eating fruit
-3 hours after eating starches
-4 hours after eating proteins

*My typical eating day

-I eat fruit first thing in the morning (an hour preworkout)
-I have a protein shake after my workout (about 2 hours after fruit)
-I have a protein lunch (so I don't have to wait 4 hours after shake...I'm still eating the same combos)
-Carb dinner

Feel free to post again with any other questions!

MJ in MN

By the way, if you're reading this and understanding it, figure out when I can have wine?? In the morning!! With my fruit! I don't, but wouldn't that be NAUGHTY??
Is there a reason or any scientific evidence that proves these combinations make you gain weight? I am not smarting off, I am just curious.

I didn't start this to lose weight, I did it for better digestion...And I've got to say, it's worked...I no longer have "slumps" in my energy level, don't have tummy problems after eating...

One other thing, not ALL people that food combine take out dairy, I did...

MJ in MN
Okay-all of this sounds a little strange. I have to say I really get tired of all of these new rules about food. I really think that moderation and eating healthy is the only rule to follow. I would go absolutely nuts if I followed all of those food combining rules. Just my opinion, and hope I haven't offened anyone.

I have to agree that food combining would drive me nuts. I'm doing Weight Watchers because it works for me . . .

That's actually one of the things that got my interest... I have really bad stomach problems and I have learned to deal w/it over the years! One thing I learned is that during preparing a stir-fry... DON'T overcook the veggies!!! This causes gas.... aslo combining fruits with veggies promotes gas. Most of the time I am bloated with gas and I actually think that a lot of this comes from the Whey protein supplementation. Anyway.... I do get tired of being gassy and bloated all the time!
Trust me sister!!!!.... I get tired of it too! It's like anything! First, eggs are good - then they're bad!! Then, wheat is good, then it's bad and everyone is allergic!! Then, one gallon of water... then it will "overload your kidneys"... all the different diet theories and such.... why can't people just eat sensibly and quit being so ridiculous! I like to think of all the people back in the Bible or several years back... their diets consisted of plenty of carbohydrates (breads/grains) fresh fruits, lots of good fats... solid proteins..... etc. Why should anything have changed!!! They were all healthy back then.. in fact, I don't recall anyone in the Bible dying from obesity or whatever. It all gets so complex.... who wants to deal with it!

Although - nowadays... things are quite different than they were back then! All the "over processed" factors and such. But, as long as one makes good food choices, in the long-run, they'll be doing better and living longer... and that's really what it comes down to! Living long enough to see our kids grow, etc. etc. and still be in good enough shape to play when we are older - right?! :)
Food combining TOTALLY drives me nuts... that why I just eat a well rounded diet! I do combine fruits with dairy, and I also combine carbs/protein and fats all day long.... sometimes I like to alternate my meals though... like:

Bkfst: oatmeal and protein shake (carb & protein)
Snack: protein shake OR soynuts (protein only)
Lunch: Chicken and salad with Olive oil and vinegar(protein & fat)
Snack: Apple (carb)
Dinner: Chicken with stir-fry veggies and olive oil (fat & protein)
Before Bed: Protein drink with splenda/protein/water

I like to mix things up sometimes... that's why I won't diet... I like to much variety and I can't stand the thought of having to deprive myself from things!
Very interesting.... I agree with a lot of what you are saying but I don't implement it.. I am starting to get into the "eat fruit alone" thing. AFtet my morning workouts, I will make a solid fruit smoothie (strawberrys/blueberries/water/splenda & flax meal) and drink it 30 minutes before I eat breakfast (then I'll have oats and a protein shake) or good cereal with protein. I am also starting to drink apple cider vinegar 2x a day before meals and before bed.... anyway, thanks for the info!
True, there isn't any evidence that supports this theory...Some people choose to eat meat and potatos, others choose to be veggies (in different levels, of course) and some people choose to eat healthy (on different levels again)...This is something that works for me, and many others...It's not an off the wall idea at all...Some people can't follow a lifestyle like this...Others, like myself, find it very easy to adapt to!!

Is this one of those topics where we should agree to disagree?? <GRINS>??

MJ in MN
I agree that the topic of food is always changing. The new thing that I have been reading about is to stay away from whole grains because they are full of mold. The mold and fungus builds up in the body and can eventually turn into cancer. Now I think twice about eating whole grains. I used to eat them all the time. But, this is another topic where one must agree to disagree!

Sara B
Is your protein shake dairy, or legume (soy or pea) based?? If not, then you aren't properly combining...
MJ in MN
This is where Mary Lou Henner and Suzanne Sommers made all their big bucks when the TV jobs dried up - they wrote all these books about food combining. I say just join Weight Watchers, do it the sensible PROVEN way and learn to eat smart for the rest of your life. It doesn't have to be so complicated!!!!
Just Do It! :)
This concept isn't new at all. Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss was written in 1939 and is full food combining do's and don'ts. I read this book in the 70's and could not imagine eating like that. I still can't.
Sometimes I have a hard enough time making sure I have a protein with every meal...this would be waaay too complicated for me! LOL :p

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