Moment of Truth Oct 5/05


MY day was pretty good. I felt sick this morning until around 2:00. I felt better after that. I did manage to get GSCT in and have to tack on core segment tomorrow.

Hope you've had a good day!:)

Wendy- Your a coffee freak? I didn't know that.As long as I have my morning one then I am A O.K:) But if I don't...look out...its a freak show.My crackers were good.I feel a bit better now that I have gotten that into my system.
Its gonna be a quiet night around here so ya know what that means! Make money while Im sleeping:) Starting to sound like a hooker, don't ya think?
Oh Wendy, I count my pushups yesterday and I did over 30 on my toes.You are a BABY! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Should put you in Joeys crib and buy Joey a big boys bed!
Hey Ladies,
I am very drained from deposition today and workouts. I was gone most of the day. Anyway wanted to say hi and hope everyone has a nice evening.

Wendy-Thabks for the kind words about my son. My mouth is much better THANKS!

Wendy- Oh no...DH as left the house and now your swinging that way? Im way to expensive for you.You would have to pay for my air fare and better just stick with whats around town! HAHAHA
Hello Kali and Wendy! Thanks for your check-in with me Kali! I have not abused drugs or alcohol for several years now, but you brought something very important to my attention..... I tend to of forgotten that I have an "addictive personality".... remembering this is good.... so thanks! I have done well this week. I moved away from home sweet home almost one year ago after 27 years of living by family and friends. My husband and I and our children took a big step and decided to move far away and start our lives over in a new area... where we knew NOBODY! That was almost one year ago. We lived in the new area for 7 months, and then relocated again. We have lived in the "new area" for 6 weeks and have managed to move two times w/in 6 weeks! We moved into the 1st house 6 weeks ago and discovered drug activity in the neighborhood. So, we just began moving again this last Saturday and have one week to do it all AND only have the evenings after work!

Additionally, since I moved far away from my parents, I discovered that my husband had a secret drug problem and in fact, he was caught by an employer and so he had to come clean to me! So needless to say, I have encountered so much change and stress in the last year it's not even funny! Currently, I am in a new job also, and just trying so dang hard to keep up with the kids and all that stuff they are doing at school! Things seem very unmanageable right now and I don't have any friends over here yet. Anyway, I said all that to say that because of all the change... the stress has been so intense, hence my wanting to binge so badly. The last three nights have been bad for me... but thanks to the good Lord, I have managed to overcome it. I decided this week that I am going to allow myself during the day to eat more (being that it will be healthy) so that come night time, I won't feel "deprived" and binge. I think it has helped. I even made myself panacakes for breakfast yesteray (which, I always save for the weekend)... and am allowing myself bigger portions at lunch time... Iand even at breakfast. Maybe this will be a good alternative for me, as I am sort of experimenting with this "concept" right now .

I am also due for a mother nature right now and my appetite has increased! Anyway, I've said too much... better go. Thanks for you support and encouragement.. I do think it has certainly helped talking to you guys while I am going through it.. accountability is a good thing!

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