Moment of Truth Oct 5/05

Ditto Jane!
The bicep/shoulder workout was a piece of cake compared to todays workout. Triceps I went lower on all the weights than Cathe. The last few exercises, I was doing 1/2 her weight!!!!!
My arms/chest have been shaky & exhausted all day.
I did do the first two sets of pushups on my toes too and then the rest on my knees.
KILLER workout and we have to do it again in a couple days! ack!!
Hey Candice... I talked to you a week or so ago by PM.... I do this about once a month but actually managed not to do it this month around PMS time with my journaling. I think I told you about that. I know you said you can't afford counseling but Candice, I believe you may need to find some way to get some good counseling, perhaps through your county facilty where it is either free or on a sliding fee scale. If you are bingeing and purging, you need professional assistance. This is not said in any way to criticize or make you feel worse, I say it out of concern for you. What you describe Candice lies out of the realm of what you can get here. I honestly believe that. I am not a medical professional nor do I work in a clinical environment but I am a medical transcriptionist with a lot of years of experience and I can tell when a problem need a professional opinion as I believe yours does. You have triggers that you are reacting to and you need help to help you identify those triggers and deal with them in a way that is not harmful to yourself. This is not unlike drug or alcohol abuse, you are only substituting food and the type of bingeing you are describing will definitely have detrimental effects to your body. Candice, please seek help and soon. We are here to support you any time you need it but we honestly can't turn this around for you Candice. Please take my advice. We'll listen any time hon.
Hey Jane,

I just finished it is 4:53. I had to answer the phone twice and took a break. But that isn't too much time. Yes chest and tri's got me worse than BSB. I had to do all of my pushups on my knees. I get the first 16 and then I can't complete all the sets. I think sometimes I could force one or two more out. I give up! I don't think I will do coremax today cause of cleaning I need to do and take my dd to dance class. She has two classes now, so I have to wait hour and half for her. I will do two core segments tomorrow with my bike.

Thanks for getting me on CT. I'm glad I felt good enough to do it.

Hi Candice,

I have to agree with Jane, you need more advice then we can give you.Sure we can tell you to occupy yourself, somehow but that isn't going to work.I think the problem is probably something underneath that we cannot help you with.And you know what? It is probably something that you don't even know yourself.
No one is going to look down on you here, I fully beleive that you are not doing this intentional and I can totally understand why you would be a bit sheepish about it.Because you know its not right but you do it anyway.
Other then this, you seem to have it together extremely well.But you may want to get control of this before 2-3 times a month, turns into 1-2 a week.
Let us know how you make out.And don't worry.No one is judging you!
Thanks everyone for you advice!! I was actually afraid that I would hear that I need professional help. The truth is, I am not quite ready to admit it to someone! I am not playing games, but I have actually tried to talk to people, but they have always laughed at me and joked, saying things like, "Gee, I wish I was as fat as you"!! The reason is, is that everyone I try and tell that I have a "weight/self-concious issue" they are always larger than me and so they won't even listen to me. I guess, over the years, this is why I have just learned to keep my problem to myself - because nobody understands or wants to listen. However, professional hlep would certainly be different .... I am definitly going to start journaling. I am close to PMS right now and so I will begin journaling tonight. I had a craving last night... but I managed to suffice it with a few peices of turkey dipped in sugar free syrup, DIRECTLY before my dinner. I actually managed to do good - I surprised myself. Thanks again ladies!
Hi Candice and welcome to our check in.
First off I believe no one here will ever criticize you. Second, be grateful that you see the problem. That is half the battle. Third, it is an addiction especially if you are doing it to "escape" from stress or anything else. But I believe you can help yourself to control this.

I see you wrote you used to abuse drugs and alcohol. Are you in recovery? Do you still drink or use drugs at all? I only ask because I used to abuse drugs and alcohol and am now in recovery so I can COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND what you are telling us.

And that's what you are doing with the food. Using it to escape from something that is bothering you or trying to fill a "void" you're feeling for some reason. Sometimes there is no reason for feeling like that. We just do. Especially if we have addictive personalities.
Maybe the next time you feel like binging, post it here. Or email one of us. Once we share something with someone, about how we're feeling it starts to lose its' power over us. I know this for a fact. I have done it many times myself and it works. So please give it a try.

You can even post your own thread in the open discussion! Just say you need help and you WILL get more than you bargained for. That's what this forum does. ALL the women in this whole forum are wonderful, inspirational, motivational, caring people. The best I have ever met. And I think if you do that, and let us help you, maybe you can get thru it the next time you feel like binging. And then maybe again the next time until you start feeling better and can stop yourself. And if you do "binge", then you tell us and you try again. That's how we do it. Everyday girls in here try not to eat junk or sweets or something, and sometimes they do. So we remember that tomorrow is a brand new day and we try again. So please know that we are here for you and you can get thru this.

I do think you might benefit from some counseling or outside help.And if you can't afford it, maybe there is a support group in your area that can help you.

I know this is long. Sorry. You can IM or email me anytime. Hope to hear from you soon.
Take care,
Hey kali,

What's been up with you today? Have you started your new job yet? I haven't read all of the posts so I don't know if you have told that. By the way how is your son doing? I bet he is adorable.

What workout have you done?

Hey Kim!

I start tomorrow at 9:30! I can't wait. I did GS/C&Tri's and Coremax2 this morning. Tomorrow I'm doing my brand new SB! Can't wait. I'm soooo sick of the Fittv version!
Both my sons are great. Thank you. We went to the pumpkin patch today. It was a really nice time.
How are you doing?
Hey kali,

I doing good, just a little nausea today but got better as the day went on. I was going to put off GSCT, but I joined Jane in doing it. I am leaving coremax for tomorrow which will be 2 segments and the bike. Yes, I only have the fittv version of step blast, and don't think I ever did all of that.

What type of job did you get? I probably missed it on one of the posts. I guess you won't be on the forum during the day as much. Join the crowd, I don't get off till 2:45.

I hope you enjoy your job.

Thanks Kimmy! I was nautious yesterday when I started Imax1, and I felt horrible thru the whole thing! So that's probably best if you leave Coremax for tomorrow. Plus you'll get a double whammy! LOL!}(

I'm starting as a cashier/sales floor. I think I'm going to start in the Bath section. If I do both, I can get more hours. Plus I'd like to learn as much as I can about the whole place. That's just how I am. They may want to put me in the office too, which would be 9:30-2:30, but then I won't get as many hours. And right now I need to start making and saving money. The people there are sooooo nice. So I'm really looking forward to it. A little nervous, but who wouldn't be after being off for 6 years?LOL!
Yes I guess it will cut into my time on the forum. :-( But I'll still keep up with my buddies! No worries about that. ;)

Hey Wendy!! What's happening Girlfriend?
Hi Charlotte! And Lori! And Becky! And Jane! And Terri! And Jessica! And Missy !! Is that everyone????

I'm off to a women's meeting at a good friend of mine's house. She's recently divorced and our situations are so so similiar so I'm looking forward to chatting with her. I'll be back when I get home!

What is everyone doing tomorrow for their step workout?
I haven't decided yet and was hoping some one would inspire me with their choice!!:p

I think I may do the step portion only of SJP. I remember I really liked that workout. I love those power jigs for some odd reason.:p

I haven't looked but I believe there should be a premix of step only on that DVD. Those Body Blast DVDs have tons of premixes!!

Hello to everybody!!! Kim great job on the GS C&T today. It was fun doing it and knowing you were doing it with me.:)

Good night everybody. DH has to get up at 3:20 a.m. in the morning and I can't go back to sleep once an alarm has gone off, so I need to get in the bed ASAP!!


Oh and Becky.... I made a pumpkin pie smoothie today, 1 cup frozen pureed pumpkin, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1 cup skim milk and splenda, cinnamon, and nutmeg to taste!! YUM!!!!!!:9 :9
Uh, Im so blah!:-( I am so glad I have a relaxing job most times, and tonight being one of them:)
I got home from my run and got ready for work.I didn't eat much dinner b/c it was to salty! ick! So I brought so tuna and crackers to work with me so I think I am gonna eat those soon with some diet pepsi.
I think I drove my co-worker away to:) Which is a good thing.He is always in the same mood which is a good mood but he teases me like a teenager and I don't have the energy or response to deal with that tonight.Just leave me alone:eek: :) If I don't really talk to him then he will carry on about his business.For the most part though he drives me nuts and I am stuck with him!He is just so nosey, I swear he knows things before they happen.He is like old lady! Ive vented about this before so I will stop now...NO I WON'T.Hs is just one of those people who thinks you have to do it "his" way.At work, no talking on the phone, no running into town, no visitors, he doesn't know how to use a computer so no computer.And it was such a nice treat to work with someone different this weekend.Someone who did all of the above things and didn't need me to talk to him all day long. And he talks about everyone.Im sure he talks about me to but could careless.
O.k, I am done now.He is a nice guy but I would enjoy my job alot more if I wasn't working with a nosey old lady, who could make up stories just as fast as he blinks.
Sleep Tight Jane,

Your smoothie sounds heavenly! I baked & froze more apples today, so tomorrows an apple smoothie day for sure! I need to try the pumpkin one next.:9

I had thought about a premix too....of SJP step only and step only from stepblast. Both are a lot of fun.

DH was just giving me a hard time, saying we are awful, acting so old cuz we don't stay up until 11 anymore. lol So I told him you were going to bed NOW! He just laughed and shook his head and said "shoooo eeeeeee"! ha Maybe he won't complain so much anymore. But sheesh.....he gets up at 6:30 for work but I am up with dd at 5! The bus picks her up just after 6am!! I CAN'T stay up every night until 11:00!!:eek:

I'll watch LOST and head to bed........
Sweet dreams!
I am so tired now. DD has her friends over and this one guy has got me cracking up to the point of exhaustion. So I am checking out the post and my eyes are tired and I see the post about Death Tradition. I thought it said, "Death Rotation"> LOL! OMG! I need to go to bed soon. I just finished 500 crunches, don't think I am getting to 1000 tonight. However did 3 sets of 15 leg curls with a 35# plate and 2 sets of 6 squats at 95#. Walking lunges of 300 with 15# db's earlier in the day so I am tired. Good night

Tuna and crackers sounds yummy Lori! :)

Terri, how's your mouth feeling? How's your son's job hunt going? I'm sure he'll find something soon. He sounds like good catch! :)

Kali, best of luck at your job tomorrow!!!:7

Hello Candice and welcome! I didn't read your initial post yet but I will. Just wanted to say hi anyway. :)

Jane, you are the smoothie queen! Everytime I turn around you have invented a new one & they all sound yummy! :9

I just finished up a bowl of cereal...once again I am in a mad dash for the last of the day's cals! lol

I put Joey down for a nap a while ago...he has been fussin' got quiet recently though so I am hoping that is good news. I'll have to wake him around 9ish to eat again, but a small nap is better than no nap! He'll go down for the night much easier if he gets his nap(s) in b/c then he's not cranky...

DH is bowling. He is subbing tonight. I would have preferred he hang around at home tonight w/us but I had no REAL reason to ask him to stay so I didn't say anything...

OH MY! I have only had TWO cups of coffee today! HOLY WOW! That is IN-FREAKIN'-CREDIBLE, ladies!!! I have been jonsin' for a cup for HOURS now and keep getting side-tracked before I have a chance to make it! I'm goin' now! Gotta have it! :9

I'll be back!;)
Hey girls,

How is everyone tonight? Well I just got home from dd's jazz class. I am so glad I did GSCT this afternoon,cause there was no chance in heck that I would of done it tonight!

Just wanted to say Hi candice and welcome!:7

Is anyone out there?

Hey Kim.

I'm hanging around for a few more minutes before I have to wake Joey up for a bottle.

How was your day?

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