Moment of Truth Oct 5/05

I'm back from food shopping. I saved 25% on my order between coupons and sales! WOO HOO! :7 This week is triple coupon week at my store. It doesn't happen often but when it does, I LOVE IT! I saved like $30.00!!! Sorry girls...I'm livin' on a tight budget so stuff like this excites me! :p

I also just finished eating lunch...GOOD food...a turkey sandwich on wheat bread and a 1/2 cup of l/f cottage cheese. :9

I bought a couple of cans of beans...white beans and red beans because I hear they are good for you...problem is, I don't know what to do with them!!! LOL Any idea? My MIL makes beans and pasta...I guess I can go that route...but other than that I am lost! :p

Okay, well, I'm gonna jerk around on here for a bit and let some of my lunch digest and then I'm gonna try to get in a cardio w/o before Joey wakes up! Wish me luck!:+

Lori~Don't worry...Joey is going to learn early that the only people he's allowed to stick his tongue out to are his dad and YOU!:7

Our lunches were almost the same. I had chicken breast (from a rotisserie chicken) and l/f cottage cheese w/tomatoes from our garden, and an apple.
Breakfast was a whole wheat tortilla with natural peanut butter spread on it and a banana. I'll have a smoothie here in a little bit. I ate an early breakfast today, so I'm already starting to feel a little hungry.:p

Go to and you will find all kinds of uses for your beans. I love them and always keep them in the pantry.

I get excited when I save a lot at the grocery store too and wish we had triple coupons this week too!!!! My store only does that once or twice a year! Then I clip coupons and organise my list like a crazy person and see how much I can save!!! So you aren't the only one!:D
Well I just have 15 more walking lunges to do. My legs are very tight right now and can you hear me breathing hard? LOL! The gnats are just horrendous and I had to come in to relieve myself from them. I am doing 300 walking lunges with weights instead of 400 because they are just sooooo bad out there...going up my nose, in my eyes. So instead I am going to add on some leg curls to make up for it. Well I need to go get a towel or a bucket. I am dripping with sweat. It is kind of humid here for this time of the year. Gosh, doesn't feel like October...more like August.


You were outside and came INSIDE "to relieve" yourself????????
LOL LOL LOL:eek: :p :7

Sorry. Couldn't pass it up!!!;)

You know, I was afraid someone would think that, and it just had to be you, huh? LOL! (shaking head) I am telling you though, those bugs are just evil out there today.

LOL Charlotte. Well you know if I didn't say anything, Lori or Wendy would!!!

Is it hot there today??
It's in the 80's here today (ohio). You are in Virginia, right?

I guess the cooler air is coming in tonight and I don't want it !!!
Charlotte- You do walking lunges outside? Thats what i should do! I can only imagine my neighbours.We don't have much property so I would just lunge down the street and up the other side.

No sleep.I tried but failed:-( Just like highschool biology class!

Wendy- You made me laugh.Not to many people make me laugh out loud on the forum but that was one of them.I won't tell you what Charlotte makes me do.:)

Just sipping on some coffee and gonna go for a run.
Oh, I know either one of them can't wait to say something! Lori is especially full of it..aren't you Lori???

Yes, it is a bit toasty for October. Say, in the mid 80's in Virginia. And yes, the cooler air is coming. They say on friday morning, it will be 33 degrees! Can you imagine such a huge drop???? Whatever shall her do??? LOL! Time to cover the flowers.


I don't care about the neighbors noticing. I am thinking it will make them feel lazy and I hope so! I did my lateral raises outside while taking dogs out to poop. This past summer, I did walking lunges on the roof while I was up there cleaning the roof top! LOL!

So what do I make you do? Pee? Gag? Scream? Fall over?

Oh..can't tell! My secret:) You make me giggle like a school girl..hehehehehe:)
Are you trying to kill yourself? Lunges on the roof? Was this before or after the weed wore off? You thought you were a bird, didn't you?
Well if I did lunges I would probably make the neighbours feel worse then they already do about themselves.On both sides of me they are 300+ lbs, it wasn't bad enough that I spent ever afternoon this summer outside in a bikini.I feel bad for them but Im sure, like you said, with a bit of exercise and healthy eating, their weight could be controlled more.
Tell me the secret!

Weed? Now look, I know I got a biker look going in one of my pics, but ain't smoking or snorting. No, my neighbor thinks he is a bird. Has some kind of flying machine. Forget what it is called. He is actually afraid to get on the roof and remarked about seeing me on my roof, but he will fly up in the sky in that machine of his...go figure! Yeah, the roof top thing was dumb, but only did it a few times...enough to still kill me though...SO DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!

LOL about the neighbors! OMG! That big? Well that is almost average for today's standards. Everytime I watch Biggest Loser I just shake my head. How can someone get themselves so large? Good they are all doing something about it, but why did they let themselves go to that point...DUMB! Oh, I love to wear a bikini and show off. As if you didn't know.

Oh I know about you and your bikini!;) I don't knoe if I would ever be brave enough to post a pic of myself in a bikini though...Im not that hot yet:)
They are THAT big.One girl was really big when she moved here.Like so big that you couldn't tell she was 9 monthes preggo.And she as even gotten bigger since then.At my last job, my bosses daugther was friends with my neighbour, and she said that he self estemm is so low.Her Dh doesn't even sleep with her anymore b/c she has put on more weight and they have only been married for 2 yrs.But appaertly she eat ALOT of take out and she doesn't move outside of her house.Her parents came to visit this summer and I was surprised to see how small they were.Then my other neighbour is sweet but also a big girl.DH feels really bad for her b/c she lives alone and when the snow comes she tries shovelling it and it takes her forever.So he will go over with his snowblower and get rid of it for her.
I do feel bad for them b/c I hate it when I am carrying around 5 lbs.There must be alot of emotional eating going on. if I did walking lunges on my front lawn they would think I am cracked, which Im sure I am!
Must go for a run!
Hi Ladies.

Back for a real quick check in!

Got in Step Works combos 1 & 2 for 30 mins of cardio and a 425 calorie burn! }(

I feel good again finally! YIPPEE!:)

Okay, time to wake up the lazy boy and feed him then it's time to feed momma as she's STARVING right about now!!!! }( :9 }(

Hey girls,

How is everyone doing? I have skimmed over the posts but need to read them later. I just got home from work, and haven't felt too good today.:-( It started about 7:00 this morning when I felt nausea and had cold sweats. I felt this a week ago and this last friday. It happens every 3 or 4 days. Does anyone have an idea of what this sounds like? So I'm debating of working out today, even though I am feeling better now. I just have to clean up with my dd friend is coming over with her tomorrow. You know how that is, you just want things squeaky clean! I don't want to have to catch up everything tomorrow.

I survived not eating the bake apples today,Yeah!!:7 The only sugar I had was from drinking some Juicy Juice because I thought the sugar would make me feel better. I drank water all day long, and thought the juice would pick me up. I don't think that was so bad.

Hello,Jane,lori,kali,wendy,charlotte,becky,nancy, hope I didn't forget anyone.

Hi, there! This is my first time in this particular forum "Moment of Truth". I wanted to post a basic message but couldn't figure out how to, without actually "Replying" to someone. I am at work and so I have to make this quick. I just need someone to vent to. I have a little secret problem that I hold inside and I don't feel that I can talk to anyone about it because it is so embarassing and I don't even like admitting it to myself. I think I might have a problem and I have even considered finding a support group. I began working out about 5 years ago. I am a wife and a mother of two and over the years have come to LOVE fitness like crazy! I also, have developed good nutrition habits and am trained to eat about 5-6 meals a day.... so that I don't get hungry~ In fact, my meals are so well balanced with fruits/veggies/fats/wheats/grains/beans/dairy... I don't lack anything in my diet. I work out hard and eat right! I don't count calories, but have pretty much memorized good nutrition and portions! Also, I give myself a cheat day... or, if I have eaten more through that week, then I will limit myself to only "one cheat meal" on the weekend. Here's the problem..........

Now and then (2-4 times a month) I just completely lose control and binge like you've never seen! Most of it is stress related, but I will literally stand there in the kitchen and just stuff my face to the point that I am bending over at the kitchen counter because my stomach hurts and I can't stand up straight. I then, will STILL continue to eat until I am so miserable I have to lay in bed and crawl into fetal position. When I eat like this, I can look down at my stomach, and there is so much food in there that my stomach will be full/tight and lopsided. Rugularly, I am about 110 lbs and range up to 125 aroun the holiday months at the max. So, I guess I am not that big. However, I amaze myself how much I can eat! The thing is, it's not that I am hungry.. it's almost an addiction (like when I used to abuse drugs or alcohol)... I do it primarily to deal with stress and I lose control. AFter these binges, I lay down for an hour and then I make myself throw up. I am very embarassed about this because I feel all alone and am afraid to talk to people about it. Is this more common with people than I realize?

Well, I was just hoping that perhaps this forum could be a "support group" for me. The weekends are the toughest for me.... After a stressful week at work, I go home on Friday night and that is usually when I lose it. Sometimes I want to just hide in a room and eat where nobody can see me because I will eat so much that it's embarassing! I feel out of control in this area of my life.... especially after it happens, I hate myself for a few days and feel guilty! It's seems like I have gotten so used to eating healthy, that I don't know how to have a "cheat meal" and leave it at that.... instead I always figure "well, I blew it - so I may as well just eat till' I can't eat no more", then I throw it up. Even at dinner time... every night I prepare two different meals... one for the family and one for myself! Now and then, if I give in and have just a few bites of the "familys' dinner" I can't just stop there, something just goes crazy in my brain and I lose control of myself.. then I will scour the kitchen and eat till' I can't eat anymore! It seems that I am fine when I follow my regular eating routine, but I don't know how to control myself if I go off it for a meal... or a nibble... does this make sense? I feel like nobody would understand or relate.

I hope you ladies can try to understand and not critisize me because this is the first time I have told anyone. I have admitted it to my hubby a few times, but he just gets angry... and so I don't talk about it. I can't afford counseling or anything like that... any suggestions? My first thought is always things like, "on Friday nights, make it a point to get OUT of the house".... things like that just don't work because Friday night is our family movie night! Even keeping tons of healthy stuff around.... nothing suffices when I get this "out of control" feeling. Any advice ladies? Thanks for listening.
Hi Gals,
And welcome candice.I am on my way to work but when I get there I will read your mighty long post!:)
Charlotte- I just laugh at you thats all.No secret.Got you going though!
I just got back from my run , long enough to get into the shower.I probably went to long b/c my legs got tired near the end. Oh well, Its all about pushing yourself, isn't it? And it is a run I have done a million times...o.k well...1/2 a million.
I will check in when I get to work,
Okay Kim... it's about 4:40 and I'm through, you should be about through.... I'm onto a CoreMax segment now. GS C&T showed me just how pitiful my upper body has gotten!!! I didn't have as much trouble with BSS yesterday has I did with C&T today. My chest is my weakness point though, I did do the first 16 on my toes but the rest of those things were on my knees!!

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