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  1. S

    Some Unfortunate News!

    I'm sorry to hear this hope you feel better soon...
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    Psalm Of Cathe

    Well it's my right to be offended. You wouldn't be doing it if someone was Islamic or part of another religion. Don't tell me to lighten up either thank you! Besides, it does say in the Bible that you do NOT change verses. This is highly offensive and disrespectful. >Putting a humorous...
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    Psalm Of Cathe

    Personally, I find this post offensive. It may be ment in good fun but come on. Taking a Bible verse and changing it like this is wrong >La Cathe is My Instructor >I shall not cringe. >She maketh me to perform the plyojacks: >She leadeth me beside the barbell. >She restoreth the fire in...
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    Question about bracelet

    Hi Toni - Cathe calls it her "This is my "opposite lead" reminder band." Here's an old thread that talks about it:
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    We would love your reviews!

    Question is....will all reviews be accepted? There's no such thing as a "perfect" workout and I find that constructive reviews are very helpful when deciding whether or not to purchase a workout. Will all reviews, both positive and negative, be allowed?
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    We would love your reviews!

    Question is....will all reviews be accepted? There's no such thing as a "perfect" workout and I find that constructive reviews are very helpful when deciding whether or not to purchase a workout. Will all reviews, both positive and negative, be allowed?
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    Question about copyright

    Instead of donating it, sell your VHS copy of Rhythmic Step on Ebay. The money you make selling it on Ebay can go to the purchase of Rhythmic Step on DVD. >Hi Cathe, > >I was wondering how you would feel about me burning a copy of >my Rhythmic Step VHS to DVD and then donating mine to...
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    Can we get a hint to the announcement(s)?

    I didn't notice if anyone mentioned this or not but I have a feeling it has something to do with FitTV....
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    August Rotation Posted...Look Out....

    Thanks but I'll be skipping this one. Looks too insane for me...:P
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    August 05' Rotation: Boot Camp

    Thanks but I'll be skipping this one. Looks too insane for me...:P
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    Attn: Donna (dss62467)-or anyone, about Exposed

    Can you post a link for Exposed?
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    Possible DVD pirating

    Hey SNM - If this is a real DVd and not pirated, can we buy it from you? It looks good!
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    Why on earth do ppl pay more on ebay

    There are many people that buy off ebay because they do not want to deal with SNM. So it's really just personal preference.
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    Rotation Help!!

    I need help creating a rotation and I'm having trouble deciding how to pair up my DVD's. I have the following Cathe DVD's IS Series Body Blast KPC and SS/PP MIS Pure Strength Power Hour + CTX My goals are to burn lots of fat and gain strength and firm up my body. I'm an Apple shape...
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    Rotation Help!

    I need help creating a rotation and I'm having trouble deciding how to pair up my DVD's. I have the following Cathe DVD's IS Series Body Blast KPC and SS/PP MIS Pure Strength Power Hour + CTX My goals are to burn lots of fat and gain strength and firm up my body. I'm an Apple shape...
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    Cathe Step advice

    I'm interested in purchasing either IMAX & C&W, SJP & SB or CK & CM. I would like to know which one is easier to learn? Thanks!
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    Barbell question

    Thanks Cathe! I'll look into it. I know in several of your videos you use the Troy lite. Is that the barbell you typically use or do you use other ones? Thanks!
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    Barbell and dumbell question

    Thanks! Hi Debbie - Thanks for responding. I clicked send before I realized my mistake...oops :) You make a lot of sense. I've seen plate mates but didn't realize you can attach them to dumbbells. Where did you buy them? Also - as far as a barbell goes - what kind do you use? I am...
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    Barbell and dumbell question

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-02 AT 03:32PM (Est)[p]Do you get more benefit from the type of dumbbells Cathe uses over the ones you add plates to? I was wondering too if it's easier doing excercises from reg. dumbbells instead of constantly having to change plates. Thanks! Oppps....typo from...
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    Barbell question

    I'm looking for a decient barbell - something that will last. I'm a little wary on buying a hollow barbell because I've had friends say they aren't as durable as solid steel ones. Any suggestions?