Question about bracelet


I know this might be a weird question, but after viewing some of your older workout videos and owning your new ones, I have noticed that you always wear some type of bracelet on your left wrist. In your older videos it is a white one and in the newer ones it is black. I noticed Jai wearing a black one on the same wrist as you in Low Max. I was just wondering what it is for. Sorry if this is personal but I just keep seeing it and I was just curious. Thanks. I so love your workout by the way and my husband comes home from Iraq on the 26th (after being deployed for 11 months)and he will finally get to know who you are. I told him that I started working out to your videos a few months ago and I always talk about you and the forum and he has no idea who you are. Well he'll get to see you most mornings when he is on leave and I am working out to you!!! Thanks for putting out such great workouts and keep up the good work!


Thank you for that response. I guess that makes sense why she would wear the bracelet for that reason. Thanks again.

Though in that thread you'll see she says she doesn't need it anymore, and wears it mostly as a good luck charm.
Hi Toni! I see that you already got your answer but I wanted to add that I am so happy to hear that your hubby will be reunited with you in just two days. I know the last 11 months were very difficult for you but hopefully the workouts relieved some of your stress. Please tell your hubby I said "welcome home" and that I thank him for all he has done and risked for us".

Take Care!

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