Barbell and dumbell question


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-02 AT 03:32PM (Est)[/font][p]Do you get more benefit from the type of dumbbells Cathe uses over the ones you add plates to? I was wondering too if it's easier doing excercises from reg. dumbbells instead of constantly having to change plates.


Oppps....typo from orginal message. :)
Hi SJ!

I am assuming you mean dumbbells and not barbells. Just wondering since your subject title included "barbell" question. As far as dumbells, I also use plate mates sometimes just to add a bit of weight, which I think it a great option. I do think that it is much better, if you can afford it, to have an array of different weights just to make your workout go faster rather then changing the weight plates all the time. Does this make sense??? Let me know if I understood your question.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I agree, it is easier just to grab a pair of dumbells than changing the plates on the barbell. In the begining, that's the main reason I just used dumbells (and money too). After a while, I realized that I need a barbell for my leg work. For a long time after acquiring a barbell, I used it exclusively in my leg workout... not changing the plates. Now I use it for upper body work too -- I found Slip Lock collars that just slips right into it. It's so much easier changing plates now that I use it whenever Cathe uses a barbell.


Hi Debbie -

Thanks for responding. I clicked send before I realized my mistake...oops :) You make a lot of sense. I've seen plate mates but didn't realize you can attach them to dumbbells. Where did you buy them? Also - as far as a barbell goes - what kind do you use? I am looking into purchasing one but with all the different kinds out there - it kinda makes your head spin.

Thanks again!

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