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  1. K

    s&h series

    I love this series. I love the routine and the workout wear and how it's chaptered and how there's no interruptions in between exercises. You basically work with what weight you can handle. If 5 lbs is all you can lift then that's where you are at. Funny, some people at other boards complained...
  2. K

    music in Powerhour

    RE: Hi Rachel! Isn't the batwing the anterior delt? Like the nice line on Jennifer Lopez? Her shoulders are nice!
  3. K

    Muscle Endurance Tapes

    bump...rotation please?
  4. K

    Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!

    I remember when I first bought my Cathe's...had Power Max and Body Max as my first choices. I could not do BM bec of that heel then a hop and a jack and A steps. I can do those now but my count is still a beat behind! I loved Power Max instantly. Now I do Body Max more and just love how it just...
  5. K

    Please consider a CTX Upper Body tape as well.

    RE: CTX Upper Body tape This would be wonderful! Either on disc or on one video!!!
  6. K

    Help me slim my waist!!

    Hi, Another apple here! I hate cardio but have found that doing more more more cardio and eating clean works real well ... all I do for weights now is an easy split routine with just 2 sets per exercise so that I'm done in about 30 minutes and can still keep my cardios. I know muscle helps in...
  7. K

    CTX modifying/space limitations

    S&H is wonderful. It really is. I have very little space and try to modify for Cardio kicks and Circuit Max and Power circuit. I love Power circuit ... couldnt believe it's only half an hour and I'm so tired already! The only thing is it is frustrating when they go into scoots and grapes and...
  8. K

    Body Max Circit Segment =BRUTALITY!!

    It is tough...i get nauseated.
  9. K

    Need to lose 20 lbs and get arm muscles, which DVDS?

    Hi, I need to lose fat (about 15 -20 lbs of it...most of it around my belly) and it would be pure gravy if I could get nice arm muscles while I'm trying to lose the weight. Im 5'4" and 138 lbs, medium build and have about 3 months of split routines ( 3 day split ... the weight I lift...
  10. K

    Former high impacter seeks defined legs

    Hi, Does this mean you modify most of Cathe's stuff? Do you still get your HR up with low impact?