s&h series


Active Member
I have noticed in a lot of the postings that many people who use the S&H series say it really shocks their metabolism. I have a lot of Cathe videos, but not this series. When I do any of the strength tapes, I don't use the heavy weights that Cathe does, but use enough weight so that I am really challenged everytime. To get the most out of the S&H, do you need to increase your weight substantially, or will it just come naturally from doing a S&H rotation? I also have chronic problems with my neck and shoulders, so am careful not to overdo those muscles using heavy weights. Have tried it before and injured myself so I had to take 2 weeks off to recover! Plus I have found that when I put too much weight on my barbell, I feel a lot of stress in my elbows. I think that might have something to do with my form, as my upper body does not allow me much flexibility. For example, I cannot lay on the floor to do sit ups with my hands behind my head and have my elbows touching the floor without forcing them down.

I have learned so much from reading everyone's questions and answers. Thanks to everyone who contributes!

One thing about Cathe's strength tapes and she stresses this over and over. You judge for yourself what weight you want to use. Use what's right for YOU. I don't use the same amount of weight that Cathe uses all the time.
With S/H, it's slow enough you can see what works for you. If using a barbell, put the amount of weight on it that you can handle. Cathe shows modifications for some moves that may give people problems. I love S/H and what it's done for my strenth gains. I'm putting it aside for a couple of weeks to try my other Cathe tapes to see just how much. I can see it's added more definition to my muscles now I need to confuse them more.
I highly recommend S/H.

You'd be surprised but you may actually lower your weights for the S&H series. Cathe mentions this in the beginning of the tapes. When you do the slow reps and take out the momentum, it makes the moves harder to perform. I only workout with 3, 5, 8 and 10 lbs and I get a great workout. Usually, I workout at about half the weight Cathe does.

I love this series. I love the routine and the workout wear and how it's chaptered and how there's no interruptions in between exercises. You basically work with what weight you can handle. If 5 lbs is all you can lift then that's where you are at. Funny, some people at other boards complained "Why call it slow and heavy when you can't lift heavy?" That was hilarious! "OK buddy YOU try lifting heavy for the sake of terminology" is what I say.
I've gone light w/ S&H & been happy with the results. My husband observed me doing some real delt work & remarked that it should be called "slow & light". Good form & taking the momentum out of the movement is amazingly effective.
Thanks for the input. I've just order the series and am looking forward to it! And I do realize that I don't have to lift as heavy as Cathe, thank goodness!


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