CTX modifying/space limitations


Hi all, I'm seriously considering buying Cathe's CTX series. I've read that there is LOTS of high impact on these videos. Is the high impact easily modified to low? Also, my workout space is only 6' by 8'. Do the moves require alot of space? I'm trying to decide between CTX and the PS/SH DVD's. I've just started to workout with Cathe and have some of her older step videos to learn her choreography. I also have her Power Hour + DVD. I don't know what to get next.

Yikes. This is such a hard decision! I modify most of Cathe's stuff down to lower impact, and am able to do so with most of the stuff in CTX. She has quite a few ricochets in there, but I think she actually teaches a lower impact move before going on to these (same applies to other very high impact moves). It is kind of difficult to reach the intensity that Cathe does, because I don't like to do so many power 7's and 15's, and modifying those down isn't as easy. As for space, I have to modify somewhat-there are several double grapevines and other such lengthy moves which I just change to single grapevines. I use an 8X10 greatmats floor, and wish it were bigger--but that's true for every video I own...
Because I like less impact and more complex (Christi), I don't reach for my CTX DVD's for cardio much. But I do love them for the weight work and abs. They are worth it for these alone.

I LOVE my PS and S&H DVD's. If you don't need new cardio, I would go for these. If you are looking for real strength gains, I would go for these (CTX is more endurance--very tough, but I'm seeing more muscle form PS and S&H) They are chaptered beautifully.
After writing that all out, I guess my vote would be for PS and S&H.
Now here come the CTX fans to steer you the other way! ;-)
S&H is wonderful. It really is. I have very little space and try to modify for Cardio kicks and Circuit Max and Power circuit. I love Power circuit ... couldnt believe it's only half an hour and I'm so tired already! The only thing is it is frustrating when they go into scoots and grapes and kick front kick side tap down grape back side kick knee up and knee exit backs. If I had a family room instead of my unit I'd be scooting all over the place, they look like they're having fun!!! Get LL though!!! It is totally masochistic!

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