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  1. P

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hops Abs?

    Has anyone tried the workout Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T? It is on the website and looks like fun.
  2. P

    Time break downs on the covers for Chapters

    Colleen, I responded to a similar question in the Rotations forum. I too am short on time and want to know how long each Chapter is (from the Chapters menu) so I can put together a workout for the time I have. One way that I figured out the length of time for each chapter on the DVD's was...
  3. P

    Low Impact Step Time Lengths

    Hi, one way that I figured out the length of time for each chapter on the DVD's was to play the DVD on my PC. The DVD software that came with my PC has controls on the bottom of the screen where you can see a chapter and an hour/minute timer. You can use the controls to step from chapter to...
  4. P

    Help me with workout schedule

    I also have the Kick Max DVD. Someone please help me with a schedule.
  5. P

    Help me with workout schedule

    I have Cathe's 5 new DVD's and Muscle Max. I have approx 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening to work out. For maximum fat burn what would be good cardio/weight combo and schedule with these DVD's? I don't have time to do a whole DVD at once and I have been trying to figure...
  6. P

    Anyone not get doms from B&G

    Yes, it does help to know what other people do, thank you!
  7. P

    Anyone not get doms from B&G

    Thank you Monica. I have doing B&G with heavier and heavier weights. I wonder if I should back off since I have muscular legs and carry most of my weight on the bottom. I was hoping to tone my backside and thighs. Cathe uses about 30ls for squats and so do I, but I wonder if it is too much. I...
  8. P

    Anyone not get doms from B&G

    I am new to these acronyms, what are doms? If they mean butt cramps and soreness, then yes I get them every time from doing B&G and I have done it at least a dozen times.
  9. P

    For Step segments-someone working out facing the back

    I sometimes get confused when trying some of the more advanced step workouts. It would be helpful if you had someone who was facing the back in the workout. Then we could follow easier instead of trying to figure out the reverse of the move.
  10. P

    More Kickboxing, Drills, and Hi Lo

    I agree. That would be great. I love Kickboxing and to throw in some of the drills would mix it up. It also does not require equipment which is good when you are traveling and when I workout at lunchtime.
  11. P

    December Rotation Request

    I also support your request for a time-saving (30 minute would be nice) rotation schedule for the month of December. I agree that especially during the Holidays, the workout ends up at the bottom of a to-do list. BTW Happy Holidays!
  12. P

    Please create 30 min workouts for lunchtimes

    That is great! I try to rotate days with cardio, total body weights , cardio, total body weights.... I have read the suggestions for a total body resistance band workout. That would be wonderful! We have been very good at lunchtime about working out 4 - 5 days a week. I also include...
  13. P

    Please create 30 min workouts for lunchtimes

    I love your videos. I bring a portable DVD player to work with me and I have approx. 30 minutes to do a workout at lunch (we have an old locker room I use). I would love some shorter pre-mixes. What I do now is to use the Chapter menu and pick and choose but that takes extra time to stop and...
  14. P

    Please create more time saving workouts for lunchtime workouts

    Thank you I will post it there.
  15. P

    Please create more time saving workouts for lunchtime workouts

    I love your videos. I bring a portable DVD player to work with me and I have approx. 30 minutes to do a workout at lunch (we have an old locker room I use). I would love some shorter pre-mixes. What I do now is to use the Chapter menu and pick and choose but that takes extra time to stop and...
  16. P

    Please give me a 6 day rotation schedule for new videos

    Please give me a rotation schedule for the new videos. I have time to work out during the week for 30 minutes and on Saturdays for 60 minutes. I am having trouble figuring out what videos to do when. It would be nice to have a schedule to follow for 1 - 2 weeks to keep repeating. I also...