Time break downs on the covers for Chapters


Cathe, the only thing that I need from you on your workouts, is a "on the back cover" time break down of the Chaptered workouts.

I noticed that the new series doesn't have a running time of the regular workout on the back cover either, which all the other ones I own do. (Blast, Intensity,& Gym Styles)

Ok I',m lazy but running times for the short "secret" workouts would help me so much.

I have such little time (Mom, wife, worker bee, etc.) that I have to go with what works in my time slot and by looking at the time on the back cover I can manage my day. For example 60min, 70 min or 90 min workout. But sometimes, I would love to do just a short upper or lower body weight workout and maybe go for a run or walk for cardio but I don't because I don't know how long the Chaptered workouts are.

I'd need days to sit and watch all of my workouts and time them and then I'd use up my time for working out.

It'd be so cool to do mish moshes someday.

Ok, I wasn't good in math in school either.:-(

Anyway, thanks for listening.


I responded to a similar question in the Rotations forum. I too am short on time and want to know how long each Chapter is (from the Chapters menu) so I can put together a workout for the time I have.
One way that I figured out the length of time for each chapter on the DVD's was to play the DVD on my PC. The DVD software that came with my PC has controls on the bottom of the screen where you can see a chapter and an hour/minute timer. You can use the controls to step from chapter to chapter and watch the timer change. What the DVD player software considers a chapter is a small portion (or segment) of what Cathe has as a "chapter" on her "chapter" menu. (approx. 3 -4 chapters = a Cathe chapter). It is not hard to figure out as long as you step through sequentially. I would then subtract the total time from the start time of the previous chapter, etc. I wrote all of this down and then totaled up time for each Cathe chapter and saved inside of the DVD case for each workout. Hope this helps.

Wow Paula you are amazing.

I think I can follow how to do it. I'll try it. (When I have the time but at least I can slowly start doing it on my computer. That has to be faster than watching the whole thing on my DVD.)

I hate to think of all those wasted workouts that I never do that Cathe has worked so hard on.

Cathe I realized I said Chapters and I meant Pre Mixes.

A time break down on the covers of the Pre Mixes would be fabulous.

You can find the breakdowns for all the premixes in the latest Cathe workouts here:

But it only lists out the exercises, not the times for each...

I think your idea for printing breakdowns/times for the premixes (as well as the chapters :)) is a great idea! Maybe if it's too much printing it could be done as a card inserted in the DVD case.

Dawn P.
Here is a link for "how to program your DVD" which is off the bottom of the home page. It has a limited number of workouts but you can click on any of the DVD's listed there and get a chapter by chapter breakdown and the time for each chapter. I'm not sure why there aren't more DVD's listed with this feature or if there are, where they are at.

http://www.cathe.com/Program_Your _DVD_Player.htm
Thanks Jane. I'm going to print this info so I don't lose it. Maybe in the Spring I can get this done.
I hate to waste all those wonderful workouts!

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