Low Impact Step Time Lengths



On the Basic Step dvd that came with my step, the amount of time for each segment is given in parenthesis on the back case cover. Low Impact Step just arrived the other day. Yeah! Does anyone know how I can find out how long the warm-up, combos, cardio blasts, and stretches are? I'd like to combine parts of the Basic Step dvd with parts of the Low Impact dvd. So, the length of time would be helpful. I could sit down with a stop watch and view the entire dvd and jot down the times. My dvd player doesn't have a timer. But, I'd rather ask if it's posted somewhere (tried searching) or if someone knows before going down that road.

Thanks for any information. I've been reading a lot of posts and am in awe of everyone's workout schedule!
Hi, one way that I figured out the length of time for each chapter on the DVD's was to play the DVD on my PC. The DVD software that came with my PC has controls on the bottom of the screen where you can see a chapter and an hour/minute timer. You can use the controls to step from chapter to chapter and watch the timer change. What the DVD player software considers a chapter is a small portion (or segment) of what Cathe has as a "chapter" on her "chapter" menu. (approx. 3 -4 chapters = a Cathe chapter). It is not hard to figure out as long as you step through sequentially. I would then subtract the total time from the start time of the previous chapter, etc. I wrote all of this down and then totaled up time for each Cathe chapter and saved inside of the DVD case for each workout. Hope this helps.
Hi...I am also new to Cathe and these forums, and although I do have this workout, I do not know the times, but if I were you I would post this question on the open discussion. (Just because you will get more answers) I hope this will help!!

That's a clever solution! Unfortunately, I chose not to get the dvd option for my computer. At the time, I didn't think it would be needed. Shoot! I'm surprised I even got the cd burner option. I'm so behind the times. LOL I'll keep your idea in mind when I get around to getting a new computer which should be in a year.


Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'll cozy up on my bed and get the stop watch ready. There's nothing good on tv tonight anyways.

It's nice to see someone else new to these forums and Cathe. When I first started reading these forums, all the acronyms had me dizzy! I asked my dh what DOMS meant. I thought it meant Delayed Oxygen Muscle Syndrome! LOL I can now appreciate how my gf felt when she first frequented a homeschooling message board. After I emailed her a huge list of acronyms, her email response was written entirely in acronyms. Unlike me, she's a fast learner.
Okay I am right there with you I have no idea what most people are saying, I just try to figure it out with the rest of the sentence, to be perfectly honest I am not even sure what in the heck dh means???? How dumb is that?? Anyway it is very cool to read all the post, it seems as though people have formed some great relationships through the Cathe forum, but it is kind of difficult being a new comer. Anyway great talking to you. Good luck with the timing!

Have a great night,

Collage Video has time graphs of all the workouts they carry. It would show you the times for the warm-up, cardio, and stretch. It won't break out the time for the interval blasts though.


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