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  1. F

    The Power of 10 Does anyone have any opions on this bo...

    I was looking at this book as I have a friend who is very into it. I wondered if anyone on this board had read or applied this type of training. I guess my biggest question is do you really build strength, endurance and definition in the muscles only working them once a week? Personally I...
  2. F

    Orbitrek or Treadmill??

    I am in a quandry on which of these to purchase. I have some birthday money and want to get either of these but I can't decide. I have been enjoying running and walking on the treadmills at the gym top add more cardio to my routine. I belong the two gyms I teach at, so I don't pay for both...
  3. F

    I just found out I am pregnant w/ #4!

    4 Is a great number! Congratulations ! You will really enjoy having 4. I have two boys and two girls(15,12,7 & 5) and feel very blessed. It may be hard at first, but just trust you'll get through it. My two youngest, my girls are 17 months apart. It was tough when they were...
  4. F

    favorite jeans

    Question for those of you who like lucky and seven jeans. Where do you buy these brands? I have heard them mentioned as favorites several times. I am in the mood and have some birthday money to try some new jeans. Where should I go shopping? Happy New Year to all...
  5. F

    Stretch Max/ or Total Body Stretching?

    Thanks for the input ladies!! I appreciate you taking the time. Happy Holidays, Rose :) :)
  6. F

    Freestyle rotations

    RE: Question for freestylers Thanks so much Carole. I'll let you know how it works out. Happy Holidays, Rose:-)
  7. F

    Freestyle rotations

    Question for freestylers To all you freestylers out there, First of all I m so enjoying all the great info on this thread!! My question here though is, will I still see results using no weight at all on my lower body. I had posted a while back how my legs were beginning to bulk up from...
  8. F

    Stretch Max/ or Total Body Stretching?

    Hello all, I am looking for opions here. If you could get just one which would you get? Total Body Stretching or Stretch Max? Thanks, Rose:)
  9. F

    I Said I Would, and I Did...

    I said I would and I did... 1. Lose 150lbs 2. Share with and teach others how I did it 3. Have a big family 4. Raise my kids in a happy home Rose;-)
  10. F

    Dear Carole

    Well said Christy!! Carole is a class act. She has been so helpful to this newbie!! Rose:) :)
  11. F

    Freestyle rotations

    Carole Thanks this looks great!! I see you seem to incorporate alot of walking lunges. I have just started doing these & love them! They just feel so good you can really feel them working. I am currently running three miles when I run. (2-3X wk.) How in the world do you do 10-15...
  12. F

    I ran my first 5k EVER!!! :)

    Great Job!! Christina, Congratulations ! Such a quick time for not even training. I'll bet you feel on top of the world. You are truly an inspiration! Rose:) :)
  13. F

    Freestyle rotations

    Sounds great count me in! I am just getting started myself and would love to hear what others have been doing. Carol I look forward to hearing what you are doing!! I am so enjoying including running into my routine as well. I think one big mistake I was making after reading the...
  14. F

    Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who sugges...

    It's great! I am really enjoying it. It makes a lot of sense & is full of great information.Thanks so much to you ladies who mentioned it. I have gleaned so much from reading all the wisdom here. Also I have applied some of the things that were mentioned might help diminish a bit of bulky...
  15. F

    Small frame debulk legs walking or run for cardio??

    Hello to all I posted about my quandry a bit ago and everyone here was so helpful!! I love this site! I have another question for everyone though. I have taken some advice and it might be working only time will tell. I realized I gain muscle quite quickly and also have low body fat...
  16. F

    Lean, Long & Strong Book

    I literally just bought this book & have it in front of me now. I hate to buy books when you can just borrow them from the library and glean what you need. This one is worth it though it seems to me. Lots of great pictures. Very readable. I won't be doing only 12 minutes a day since I teach...
  17. F

    Which picture?

    Another vote for #2. He's a beautiful boy!!! Rose:-) :)
  18. F

    Help !! I am working out lots, but gaining weight !!

    Thanks !! So should I do more cardio & what is freestyle weight training? Thanks ladies thanks to you maybe I can figure this out!! Keep the great advice coming. Rose
  19. F

    Help !! I am working out lots, but gaining weight !!

    whoops! Make that 3-8lb. dumbells in my pre. post nt:7
  20. F

    Help !! I am working out lots, but gaining weight !!

    Thanks so much for all the replies!!! To answer a few questions. I am starting just now to eat more as I am defenitley feeling hungrier. That has just been within say this week and last though. The amount of the increase I would say is only about 150-300cal.(I'm guessing). I am just always...