I Said I Would, and I Did...


Hey Ladies!

I so enjoy the "Someday I will..." threads, I thought it might be fun to mention not just what we hope to do but what we have already done. I'll go first :D

I said I would...

1. Get in shape (obvious one!)
2. Drive cross country
3. Sell a script.

And I did!
Great idea! I love it! And congrats on your script!

I said I would...

1. Ride a century bike ride
2. Climb a fourteen thousand foot peak
3. Get my daughter interested in fitness
Fun thread:

I said I would and I did...

1. Do 10 pullups consecutively (did it 4 times and the other day when I was trying I could hardly do 5 - I swear....the wind has to be blowing the right way in order for me to get that many out)

2. Have 6 children (told my dh I wanted 6 when he proposed, but said it kind of as a joke - have you ever heard of speaking things into existence :eek: :eek: :eek: )

3. Ride an elephant. Funny.....For years....for some odd reason...I've said that one day I want to ride an elephant. I was watching some old home movies that my parents took and low and behold when I was about 2 years old there was footage of ME RIDING AN ELEPHANT. Must have been at a zoo somewhere. I never remembered doing it. Now....I'd like to ride one and REMEMBER IT....preferably in Africa as I'd love to do some mission work in that country one day.

Congratulations, Sparrow!

I said I would...

1. leave my birthplace because of its too restrictive and nosy culture
2. finish grad school
3. get strong -- in every way imaginable

ooo lets see, the last year:

I said I would and I did:

1. Make it through grad school
2. be not as hard on myself
3. plan my wedding (almost done!)

that is a great idea! it makes you think about your goals and realize what you can accomplish. I think this year, I'm going to write my goals down and have it by my computer, so I see them often. :) -Tina
I said I would....

1. become a personal trainer (I did this year)
2. do a triathlon (I did last year)
3. lose weight and stay slim (years ago, but trying to lose weight seems to be never-ending:eek: :) )
--graduate from nursing school (I was the 2nd oldest in my class)
--quit smoking. 10 years smoke free now!
--move away from my hometown (the only one in my family to do that and my momma was very upset)

I said I would and I did...

1. Lose 150lbs
2. Share with and teach others how I did it
3. Have a big family
4. Raise my kids in a happy home

I said I would & I did

lose 150 lbs (^5 Rose!)
get my masters in social work
get back into better than prePG shape

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

. . . quit smoking (3 packs a day for nearly twenty years)

. . . lose 130 pounds

. . . get a degree before I was 40 (got two degrees, before I was 35!)

Wow! These posts are very impressive. Let's see...

1. Quit smoking (9 years this weekend).
2. Find Mr. Right and NOT compromise.
3. Ask for a raise and promotion (hardest thing I've EVER done. Should find out the results this week).

And I did!!

Great idea for a post! I actually feel better about myself now.

1. Have 3 kids
2. Become fluent in German
3. Become a teacher
4. Do a split
5. Do straight-legged push-ups
1. Stop Christmas shopping and decorating at all (At 46)
2. Jump out of a perfectly good plane. (At 47)
3. Get scuba certified. (At 39)

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